View Full Version : Ice ridding

01-08-2005, 06:01 PM
whats the best way to tell if the ice is thick enough??? Whats the best thig to do if u fall in?

01-08-2005, 06:08 PM
If you get on it and it doesn't break, it's thick enough. "here's your sign"
If I fell in, I'd try and swim. "here's another" lmao

Seroiusly, send your buddy, or sister out first to see if it's ok, and if you are taking a wheeler out put some extra air in the tires it will float, might not hold you up though, good luck. :naughty:

01-08-2005, 06:17 PM
yea well earlier i was ridding and i looked at my tracks and they all slush and water

01-08-2005, 06:38 PM
you mean RIDING not RIDDING, or "as to RID yourself of something" Im going to RID myself of illiterate post reading.................

01-08-2005, 06:41 PM
:beer LMFAO @ Matt

01-08-2005, 09:50 PM
i didnt know this was a spelling test lol same difference

01-08-2005, 10:28 PM
if theres 6 inches you will be safe. stay away from weeds that are sticking through the ice u may fall through there. if you fall through hope it floats and get a rope and get it out fast. up here in north dakota theres a good 18 inches of ice, good enough for the pickups.

01-09-2005, 01:48 AM
I go on when there is a foot of Ice if there are cow or moose tracks on the ice it probably means you can go on it. Run a fast ski-doo over it first-then if you start to break through just rocket out.

01-09-2005, 09:39 PM
lol i had to do that today lol

01-10-2005, 09:58 AM
Well.. from a canadian's point of view.

1st- Look for existing tracks.. if the tracks only go 1/2 way.. someone fell thru.. don't go.

2nd- If no tracks are visible, consider how deep it could be, a small waterway usually will be no more than knee deep.. tho this makes for a hell of a case of frostbite, it won't kill you or your trike.. if you feel lucky try it !

3rd- If it's a lake.. and the edge is wet, don't go, a few days of -10 or lower usually does the trick.. if you can find something fairly heavy to throw on the ice from a distance ( a log or rock that's not frozen to the ground !! ) " test the waters " ..LOL.

4th- when in doubt, go fast. Get some good momentum and keep moving.

01-10-2005, 09:07 PM
well tuesday and wensday is to be a mix of rain and snow but the days after are sapoosed to be in the single digits. Will the rain and snow mix efect the ice??

Dan Tenn
01-11-2005, 10:39 AM
If its a lake, or river can be an issue. Lakes tend to have a uniform (same thickness) ice sheet, but rivers differ alot depending on current changes. Lakes that have springs can have thin ice also.

Remember: There is no such thing as "safe ice"

01-11-2005, 01:13 PM
I talk to the ice fishers. They always know how thick the ice is because they are always drilling through it. I like to see at least 8 inches. Last week a guy died out their on our lake. We had 5 inches of ice but in one spot of the lake we have a spring. It looks good from the top but it's softer then the rest. You know bailing and swimming and all that stuff is great but when you go under and smack your head and get knocked out you better hope that a rescue crew is close. This guy was under the water for 45min until they got him out. Most of the time you don't casually fall through, there usually is an accident involved. Someone dies in the area every year from falling through. We have a Lake every 5 miles so with that much water and our crappy up and down winter weather it's no wonder why.

01-11-2005, 03:00 PM
I talk to the ice fishers. They always know how thick the ice is because they are always drilling through it. I like to see at least 8 inches. Last week a guy died out their on our lake. We had 5 inches of ice but in one spot of the lake we have a spring. It looks good from the top but it's softer then the rest. You know bailing and swimming and all that stuff is great but when you go under and smack your head and get knocked out you better hope that a rescue crew is close. This guy was under the water for 45min until they got him out. Most of the time you don't casually fall through, there usually is an accident involved. Someone dies in the area every year from falling through. We have a Lake every 5 miles so with that much water and our crappy up and down winter weather it's no wonder why.

We also had 5 inches about 2 weeks ago and lost a guy who fell through. This guy was a old time fisherman who always went ice fishing in not so great conditions. I like to see the fishing shantys out there before I try to ride on it. Now we have about an inch of ice and 4 inches of snow covering it so it looks like we won't be doing any ice racing unless it melts and refreezes. It may happen, weather is calling for highs of 45 to 50 with rain for the next day or so then artic temps for about a week. My bike has been ready for about a month now with no ice to ride. :mad:

01-11-2005, 03:38 PM
We also had 5 inches about 2 weeks ago and lost a guy who fell through. This guy was a old time fisherman who always went ice fishing in not so great conditions. I like to see the fishing shantys out there before I try to ride on it. Now we have about an inch of ice and 4 inches of snow covering it so it looks like we won't be doing any ice racing unless it melts and refreezes. It may happen, weather is calling for highs of 45 to 50 with rain for the next day or so then artic temps for about a week. My bike has been ready for about a month now with no ice to ride. :mad:
Sounds like we have the same weather patterns. We got a flood watch Wednesday and then a high of 4 on Friday with wind chills of -30. I just hope it stays cold for a little bit.

01-11-2005, 04:10 PM
Sounds like we have the same weather patterns. We got a flood watch Wednesday and then a high of 4 on Friday with wind chills of -30. I just hope it stays cold for a little bit.

Yea, I get the same weather patterns you get usually except for the lake affect. Im just across the lake from you in grand rapids area. We have about 4 to 6 inches of snow now and if it will melt before the freeze we will be tearing up some ice. I'm praying for rain and warm temps.

01-11-2005, 05:14 PM
same here in fond du lac WI