View Full Version : look at this auction, truck loads of trikes

01-05-2005, 09:54 AM
heres the link... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4516388916

here is a email i got from him....

I asked:
"What bikes and how many does this invatory consist of? Thanks MAtt"
He replied:
mostly 200x and 350x. i can guarantee a 99% complete 350x out of this lot. i dont have rear plastic. there are some tecate 3 stuff and tri z stuff but it is mostly sport honda. if you are a serious bidder, call me at 6103957074 and ask for pat. i'll be more than happy to tell you what i have sitting in my garage. i have 6 truckloads so far and 4-5 more to pick up. if im not home, leave name and number where i can reach you at. thanks

01-05-2005, 10:39 AM
I'm sure he 'had time' to sell most of the good needed parts off of those machines........ :rolleyes:

01-05-2005, 10:59 AM
i live close enough.. but i thk u get alot of junk w it!!

01-05-2005, 02:39 PM
Is this the guy in Allentown PA? (Can't get ebay link at work)

If so, I already talked to him about seperating into seperate lots by machine if someone doesn't bid on the whole lot.


01-05-2005, 02:55 PM
Its all of the remaining stock of East Coast ATV's trike inventory. They started out as just any ordinary ATV salvage yard - but Dave and the crew up there have more recently started to take themselves as a "professional" race shop. I have bought a few parts from them in the past (my almost new '82 R motor, Warrior rear shock for the Tri-Z among other things), especially from when they ran the shop out of a house outside of Quakertown - but in the past couple of years since they moved, their attitude sucks twords you if you rode anything but a pure race 250R or Banshee and their prices were so high as to be rediculas, especially now with the availability of parts from the internet and with me having to pay sales tax in Pa. if I bought from them.

01-05-2005, 04:18 PM
Yeah I talked to them on the phone looking for some 84 R parts once and they were about the most unprofessional acting people that I had talked to about an ATC part. I guess if i would have been looking for a quad part it would have been different.

01-05-2005, 09:01 PM
ZERO feedback. No pics. Hmmmmm.................I'd stay far away from that one.

01-07-2005, 11:58 PM
I live local so I took a ride up this evening to check out this dude's stuff. Mostly all 350X parts motors and tons of frames. No rare stuff, zero cosmetics, really nothing good. Believe me, if it was a good deal I would have taken it all home with me. As for East Coast ATV, the owner was cool back in the day when he was still a "little guy". He was real big on Quadracer stuff in the mid to late 90s, helped my buddy out a few times with good deals on nice parts. But once he got big, forget it. He would buy pristine trikes and quads (250Rs, 350Xs,Tri-Zs, Pilots, Odysseys to name a few), and tear them apart into bits and pieces. Very sad. I guess dave wasn't arouynd as much, his henchmen ran the place and they just didn't care. They screwed me a few times up there (once it took 5 1/2 weeks for them to bore a 200X cylinder for me), they sold us some worthless junk parts, and their attitudes were absolutely ignorant. I have seen some of the guys out at the riding areas. Good riders but a real bunch of showoffs. Anyway, I don't think the guy selling the parts has anything to do with East Coast, he was just in the right place at the right time. Not many desirable parts at all in the lot, virtually no body parts at all. It's very, very sad, though, to see how many bikes were raped and destroyed by East Coast, just so one guy could get up the money to build a racing team. :beer :beer :beer

01-08-2005, 12:22 AM
That seriously bites.

01-08-2005, 07:12 PM
ZERO feedback. No pics. Hmmmmm.................I'd stay far away from that one.
i would have to aggree