View Full Version : Protecting your trike from theft

01-01-2005, 01:21 AM
What Have you done to keep your ATC/ATV from becoming a dusty police report?
Within the past year there have been around a dozen ATV thefts in my area (that I know of). So that was more than enough reason to up the security around my house and my garage. My trikes are protected with the usual sprocket locks and cable locked together, but for added peace of mind I installed wireless motion sensors. These things are great, you just put a couple AA batteries in the sensor, mount it where you need it, then plug the base unit(alarm) into the wall outlet and your done. There pretty cheap too. I got mine at Lowes so there pretty easy to find and definitely worth the money.The ones I bought don't have a light attached to them (I don't want the thief to know that he's busted). But, just incase I'm not at home when a thief comes I want to try to scare him away. So, The latest thing I've done is bought an alarm system for my 200x. It's very small, a little bigger than a pack of cigarettes, and man is it loud and its totally waterproof too. It should do the trick. imagine the expression on the crooks face when he sets off an alarm attached to a three wheeler. :eek: He he :D I still have to install it but it's going be really easy to do. 2 wires and a LED light. It's on my list for tomorrow.

I was just wondering what others have done as far as extra precautions. These are mine, and I left out the rottweiler and ak47 :naughty:

Here's a good read on protecting you investment. I got the armed guard alarm featured in this article

The motion sensors are alot like this...

01-01-2005, 01:24 AM
personal alarm with a string attached to the pull trigger to the door, and a 12 guage shotgun... bring it on


01-01-2005, 01:31 AM
lol mines in the garage in pieces right now..i dont think anyone wants it ..and if they still did theyd have to move my dads goldwing gl 1000 out of the way..its an 800 pound bike..lol..and if that dont stop them the beagle and german shepard barking will wake me up to get the 12 gauge or the british 303 in action..theres also the ocasional need for the russian 7.62 full metal jacket hehe..7 miles before it starts droppin..man thats a sniper! lol..course id prolly scare the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro out of them first with a pack of fire crackers and if im close enough..theres always the 9 mill firestar..thanks dad trailprotrailpro prison weapon is now my trespaser shooter! lol

01-01-2005, 01:41 AM
I got mine in my Shed. I ts locked but not hard to get into. I'm thinking of moving ot to a more secure Garage that gas video suvallance. Other than that I''m gona get insured 4 theft and suff. Mine is too triked out not to get noticed. Other than that I got 2 dogs and 8 guns. :w00t:

01-01-2005, 01:53 AM
mine have brinks locks all around with brinks braided steel look cables that are chain cutter proof and i have brinks industrial padlocks that are chain cutter proff and takes 8 bullets to get threw (thats wat the lab at my dads work told him) so iam going to wake up before they leave, and the cables tied around the main column holdin up the house in the garage, so nothns leavin (i hope *knock on wood*)

01-01-2005, 01:59 AM
personal alarm with a string attached to the pull trigger to the door, and a 12 guage shotgun... bring it on


lol, thats funny man, me too im about the shottguns

01-01-2005, 02:04 AM
A week or so ago my garage was broken into but the thieves were scared off by something, probably a neighbors dog. Anyway, they tried getting in through a small window. They pried it open and never tried to close it, I found glove prints in the dust on the ledge but could clearly see they didn't make it in. I had 3 complete 250r motors, my westcoast and some new plastic still in the boxes sitting under this window, along with all the bikes that are in there. As a temporary fix I blocked the windows and booby trapped all the windows on the inside, razor blade style. If they try to get in again they will definatly be making a trip to the emergency room. My window ledge is high enuff to where they would have to grab the ledge to pull themselves in head first. Razor blades mounted in the underside of the ledge is sure to spoil their attempt. I am going to install silent motion detectors on the inside of the garage and lighted detectors on the outside. If they make it inside a light and buzzer will go off inside my house and they will have no clue. I have since moved all the good parts to my basement.

If you watch ebay, where these guys are parting out a complete machine look and see if they sell the frames to. I think most of the stolen bikes are being parted out then they just scrap the frames. We all know these bikes are worth alot more in pieces than they are as a whole and I'm sure the thieves know this to.

01-01-2005, 02:13 AM
i have none, cept a big dog ....my bikes sit outside of my house....but then again i live on a 2k acre potatoe farm.......in the middle of no wear so im not too worried....but when i move to the city at the end of january, im lockin all the bikes up in the garage,motion sensors, pad locks along the bottem of the big over head door, bars on the window....no way in hell are they gettin in my garage...lol

01-01-2005, 02:14 AM
im in a pretty tight knit neighborhood and whispering wakes up the neighbors, everyone knows everyone.. i have motion lights all over the house with 250 watt floods in them.. if i heard the totally obnoxious annoying alarm going off.. my god i feel bad for them.


01-01-2005, 02:54 PM
Unplug your coil, CDI, or take the spark plug wire off. I know they could still roll it away, but at least they can't hop on it and drive it away.

01-01-2005, 03:40 PM
Mine's locked in a shed, but it wouldn't be hard to break into. The hinges are only nailed on and they should be bolted on, of course.
Got a Master lock, an expensive one, and a hasp that covers up the screws that attach the hasp to the door, so it can't be simply removed. It could be pried off, though, without too much effort.
Also got one yappy little dog that starts barking even if someone walking down the street passes gas.
Neighbours are always home and their house is about 15' away from the shed.
And just in case, I have three 12-gauges, one 30-30, one .300 Savage, a single shot .22, a semi-auto .22, a .410, a British Enfield .303, and uh, more but I can't remember right now.

01-01-2005, 04:42 PM
Security is important, more important is keeping yer arse out of the sling. Death traps (shotgun/string) will send YOU to the pokey. Stick to locks, alarms, dogs, all followed up with a guage in your hands.

01-01-2005, 04:57 PM
Not much. Got a sprocket lock and it's in a locked garage but it still wouldn't be too hard for a determined thief to get it. I've got a dog that NEVER barks but he's big enough to look intimidating. My neighbors dogs bark at the drop of a pin though and my garage is on their side of the house so that helps. Living next to a busy street helps too. Getting to it would be easy but getting to it without being seen would be nearly impossible.

The houses where I work have options for a third car garage that's a sideturn. That would be perfect for trike storage. You could put heavy padlocks on the garage door so even if they got in they wouldn't be able to get the trikes out.

01-01-2005, 05:42 PM
the string attaches to the door, which attaches to the pull pin of the personal alarm, if you open the door anymore than enough to get your arm in there, itll go off.. if you odnt know about it.. itll go off.. if you dont know where to grab for it, itll go off.. the shotgun is more for intimidation.. and theres state troopers and baltimore county detectives that live all in this development.. somone would be RETARDED to come in here.. altho ive had a few incidents, not with atv's but more boats.


01-01-2005, 07:41 PM
Mine are in my garage. Only one way out. When im out of town, I park the big ole expedition sideways in front of the door. No way possible for anyone to get to them. I also lock the garage door.

01-01-2005, 07:57 PM
the easiest thing is sprocket locks/cable locks and the old petty kill switch trick. Personally, My garage is attatched to the house, no windows ATD system and NOTHING moves outside without waking our Boxer up. Reminds me of a time when these kids got stuck in thier car out on the state land next door, the dog woke me up and me and my Glock 26 went to investigate. Needless to say, I gave the kids a ride home that night, but we laughed about them facing down a boxer dog and a boxer shorted, Glock wielding, groggy new dad that night! (this happened in '00)

01-01-2005, 08:55 PM
Mine are in my garage. Only one way out. When im out of town, I park the big ole expedition sideways in front of the door. No way possible for anyone to get to them. I also lock the garage door.

same, I use my toyota 4runner parked in front of my garage too

01-01-2005, 09:06 PM
my trikes are in a locked garage with a garage door that you cant break into very easily

01-02-2005, 12:05 AM
I just have my wheelers and motorcycle in my shed with the keys in them, with a regular lock on the door.

01-02-2005, 12:43 AM
What can I say, I am my own security... after all, I am Badpig! :D

01-02-2005, 12:45 AM
nothing crazy. sitting in my garage with a padlock on it. Anyone could break into that lol. But in the summer theres a quite agreesive pitbull on patrol. He sits inside in the winter, i couldnt get into the garage myself if i wanted to there so much damn snow blocking it

88 Turbo Coupe
01-02-2005, 07:47 AM
My rides are in the basement. You have to open the Bilcos, put the ramp over the stairs and ridem up. I don't even lock the doors. Ever try pushing a atc up 12 steps? I'm always loaded. I never shot and killed anyone before but I guess theres a first time for anything. Come on down!!

01-02-2005, 09:45 AM
Yeah with a tiger 500 I can understand why. Remember, all states are different, but all require you fear for the safety of your life or someone else's life for you to use deadly force. Some states require you flee if you can! And yes, that even applies in your own home. Most states require you see a weapon. And remember this; you can only be held accountable to what a "reasonable person" would do given the situation and, most importantly, what you perceived.

As always, check your local laws before letting the air out of the dirtbag trying to steal your stuff. :p

88 Turbo Coupe
01-02-2005, 09:58 AM
If your in the house, YOUR DEAD. Sorry. BTW, Thanks for the tip.

01-04-2005, 02:46 PM
Thanks for the tip on the sprocket lock idea. I went out and got one today. I know they could still lift it up and carry it away, but I guess it makes it a lot harder than just rolling it away.

01-04-2005, 03:56 PM
A lock will only stop an honest person, not too use old cliques but it's very true.

Mine sits under my carport behind a few garbage cans.

Marlin 30-30

Win. .32 special

BSA 30-06


30-40 krag

Rem. 12 gauge

Win. 20 gauge

Savage .410

German shepard "Max"

Mini-pincher "Menudo" (He's big in the heart, his ego is amazing)

nate b
01-04-2005, 06:54 PM
like the razor blades under the windowsill, I'm gonna work on that.
other than that I've got a pair of loaded .45's under my pillow, and numerous others stashed around the house for the attack, and a wood chipper to turn the body into dog food for my 2 dobermans. my wife thinks I'm paranoid, I like to call it better safe than sorry!

01-04-2005, 07:29 PM
A week or so ago my garage was broken into but the thieves were scared off by something, probably a neighbors dog. Anyway, they tried getting in through a small window. They pried it open and never tried to close it, I found glove prints in the dust on the ledge but could clearly see they didn't make it in. I had 3 complete 250r motors, my westcoast and some new plastic still in the boxes sitting under this window, along with all the bikes that are in there. As a temporary fix I blocked the windows and booby trapped all the windows on the inside, razor blade style. If they try to get in again they will definatly be making a trip to the emergency room. My window ledge is high enuff to where they would have to grab the ledge to pull themselves in head first. Razor blades mounted in the underside of the ledge is sure to spoil their attempt.

If someone gets cut by those blades REGARDLESS of the reason they did- you're looking at a major lawsuit on your hand. You can't booby trap your house, and I'm surprised no one else has pointed out this is illegal. In the end, it may be cheaper to let them steal your trike.

Anyway, I'd suggest removing them. Chances are the perp won't be back to your house again after having failed the first time.

like the razor blades under the windowsill, I'm gonna work on that.
other than that I've got a pair of loaded .45's under my pillow, and numerous others stashed around the house for the attack, and a wood chipper to turn the body into dog food for my 2 dobermans. my wife thinks I'm paranoid, I like to call it better safe than sorry!

Then again, there I go believing that everything I read on the internet is true. Perhaps I took these posts "too literal". People, don't literally do this.



wheelie king
01-04-2005, 08:16 PM
As a Law Enforcement Officer, I can tell you that in FL, you can do anything you want to the INSIDE of your house. If you wanna do the razorblade trick, more power to you! I , however, do not recommend this practice. You will not be criminally liable, but you open yourself up to civil liability. Just like if you shoot an intruder, you can be the target of a wrongful death/dismemberment/ disability lawsuit.

I personally secure my toys in a windowless garage. I also have a dog that takes no crap from anyone, and it is pretty well known that a cop (me) lives in my house. The navy blue unmarked Crown Victoria Police Interceptor with limo tinted windows and 8 antennas is also a dead giveaway :D

01-04-2005, 08:29 PM
Once, my neighbor got this weird feeling people were looking at his toys, because a black car kept coming down the road at 10pm, so he got the notion to lock up all his stuff. he did, and they broke in nearly a month later. they didnt touch any of the trikes! WHY?? you ask. WELL, he had an electric wire running around the handle bars!! HAHAH, tht musta scared them...i touched it once when he was showin me his setup-didnt hurt severly, but was SUPER ANNOYING when, u tried to hold on to the bare metal (he didnt have any grips on it at the time)

01-04-2005, 08:47 PM
Once, my neighbor got this weird feeling people were looking at his toys, because a black car kept coming down the road at 10pm, so he got the notion to lock up all his stuff. he did, and they broke in nearly a month later. they didnt touch any of the trikes! WHY?? you ask. WELL, he had an electric wire running around the handle bars!! HAHAH, tht musta scared them...i touched it once when he was showin me his setup-didnt hurt severly, but was SUPER ANNOYING when, u tried to hold on to the bare metal (he didnt have any grips on it at the time)

That sounds expensive! Was it on all the time?


01-04-2005, 10:53 PM
Yeah, I agree with wheelie king. As a cop in the peoples republic of California, where I'm suprised you can still fly the American Flag, you are open to civil liability for ANYTHING you do. There is no requirement to take someone to civil court.

Here is the kicker: The crook who goes to jail for attempted burglary on your house goes to county jail for 6-8 months. During his stay, he uses the jail law library, which is the most often updated law library in your county, guaranteed (as required because of the ACLU). In fact, most counties update the jail law library before the court law library because they are afraid of being sued.

The crook then calenders himself for court, which the taxpayers pay for, gets court appointed legal runners (secretaries) which are also paid for by the taxpayers, and takes you to civil court. You get to pay upwards of $10,000 in legal fees if you plan on getting an attorney, in order to prove that you did nothing wrong. That's right, $10,000 to PROVE YOU ARE INNOCENT! :confused:

Yet another reason we should have open season on lawyers! :naughty: