View Full Version : Cool Heads Do they work???

12-24-2004, 12:57 AM
Thinking of putting one on my list. Is it worth it ? Will it make my cyl. run c
cooler? Or do they just look cool ?

Mr. Sandman
12-24-2004, 01:44 AM
Just my opinion but, they look cooler than they work. You'd have to use a temperature gauge to see how much, if any, they cool better than the stock head, and the difference would be minimal. Worth the cost, for the look, yes, too cool better to make a difference in engine life or performance, no, but you might see a gain (depending on dome size) if it increases the compression.

12-24-2004, 01:25 PM
i say they make a difference, they look cool and wat a good freind of mine who owns a banshee with a cool head and has one of those temp. gauges in his fender that it runs like 5 degrees lower then be4 but i dont know iam buying a 85 R and thats the first thing iam doing

12-24-2004, 02:13 PM
I have one on my Banshee. The only advantage performance-wise is the higher compression domes. The domes can be switched out, but I never do. I could have just shaved the stock head for higher compression and saved some money. Personally, I don't think it cools any more than stock. Then again, I have never had an overheating problem with stock heads or with the cool head. The cool head just might run cooler under higher compression, but again, I do not know for sure.

The other advantage, is it looks fancy.

So, if you are looking for performance, I recommend just shaving the stock head for higher compression. If it works- great. If it overheats because of higher compression, then try the coolhead.

If you just need a cool looking piece of billet on your motor, get the cool head!



12-24-2004, 05:10 PM
Sounds good . The only person I know with Cool Haeds has a Banshee as well. Does anyone have one on a 250r motor?
A black one would not hurt the looks of my bike.lol

12-24-2004, 09:05 PM
I ran one on my TRX, I started out with a shaved head and should have stuck with it. As philmoore said I could have saved some money. The head mod is a must though. 2-strokes LOVE compression.

12-24-2004, 09:12 PM
Im at 198lbs or close last I checked I have a milled head that runs 205 but i dont use it .

12-25-2004, 01:44 AM
I had one on my R, and the only thing cool about them are the looks and ability to change out domes to suit your riding needs for the day. I never noticed any changes in temperature with mine. All my riding was done on the sand dunes, between 70 and 100 degrees.

Troll 2
12-25-2004, 03:04 AM
I never thought the 85/86 R's had a problem with temp. Our's runs fine stock. It's one reason we traded a 350x for it. Now those run Hot.......... :cry: