View Full Version : Does anyone here have this DG exhaust on their 185s/200s???

12-23-2004, 09:37 PM

How do you like it? How was the fit and quality? How loud? Most importantly, do you have any pics of it installed?

12-23-2004, 09:48 PM
Almost forgot: Does it mount inside the frame like stock, or outside like Cobra?

84honda 200X
12-23-2004, 10:39 PM
Its pretty loud and it mounts inside the frame like a stock muffler. But it should give you a very noticeable power increase.

12-24-2004, 04:44 PM
Thank you, Anyone else?

12-28-2004, 03:43 PM
Well, I went ahead and ordered it from www.Denniskirk.com. It should be here tommorrow. I'll let you guys know what I think.

Blown 331
12-28-2004, 03:53 PM
My brother has it on his 200S. He said it added a little bit of power. Normally that's hard to believe from a DG system but the head pipe is a lot bigger than stock.

12-28-2004, 03:56 PM
i had a cobra on my trick 185s and it mounted in frame but that thing was LOUD BRRRRRRP!!!!!. the only thing is dont get mud on that black cause then trailprotrailpro paint gets stained

12-28-2004, 07:59 PM
i was gonna get that one..or the jardine stalker system

12-30-2004, 08:34 AM
Well, it came last night. The quality looks to be good so far. I can see the paint lasting about five minutes though. I will install it some time this week.

12-30-2004, 02:21 PM
Those will fit a 200E right?

12-30-2004, 07:13 PM
OK. Here is what happened. The bracket on the muffler was welded in the wrong spot. I had to bend the bracket and rig it up a little. I had to drill the threads out of the mounting hole on the frame and use a longer bolt. I also had to put it BEHIND (looking from the back of the bike) the cross brace instead of the front (again, looking from the back) like its supposed too. It's on there really solid though.

2nd thing: The header was not bent exactly right. I had to put a ding in it where the top rear motor mount bolt is with a ball peen hammer. It's still resting on it and could probably use another whack. I don't think putting a ding in it affects performance one bit, because the header pipe is MUCH bigger than stock. Then I had to bend the end of the pipe that hooks to the muffler up a little.

Yeap, I was right about the paint. It instantly started frying when I started it.

I really like the sound. It might be too loud for some, but I usually run it out in the middle of no-where. I don't think the trees will mind.

I took it for a very short ride. I live in the city, so I can't run it for more than 2 minutes here. It sure did seem to have a NOTICABLE improvement in take off. I could only run through first and second gear though, I have a small yard and have already had a talking too by the cops about ripping up and down the street on it. I'll take it out to the country next Monday or Tuesday and let you guys know.

All and all, I guess it's not that bad for a $100.00 exhaust.

12-30-2004, 07:17 PM
BTW: I'm running a #100 main jet (95 was stock) and the needle clip in the third groove (2nd groove was stock) and the pilot screw out an extra 1/2 turn. This seems to be about the right calibration for this pipe, but I'm going take a wide open run and double check.

12-30-2004, 07:19 PM
Those will fit a 200E right?

I'm not sure. You can just go to www.denniskirk.com and look up exhaust systems by year and make.

12-30-2004, 09:23 PM
So, how about some pictures? Why did you decide to go with DG as opposed to the Cobra system?

Can you get us an approximate diameter increasein the head pipe. I know the stock one is rather small.

Oh, you're going to run out of stuff to do that little 185 if you keep this pace! Have you serviced the clutch yet?


12-30-2004, 09:28 PM
Ok. I'll get some pics up soon. I'd do it right now, but it's dark out.

I'd say it's at least 3/8" bigger, maybe 1/2". It looks HUGE next to the stock pipe.

Nope, haven't messed with the clutch yet.

12-30-2004, 09:43 PM
Thanks for going out in the cold then! I'm curious to see these pictures.


12-31-2004, 07:43 PM
he must have died in the cold...


wheelie king
12-31-2004, 07:49 PM
All together now... chant it with me...."We want pics- We want pics- We want pics!"

I'd like to see the "ding" you had to put in it....I am not crazy about the sound of that.

12-31-2004, 08:21 PM
OK guys, the pics will come this weekend. I PROMISE!!!! By the time I got home from work tonight, it was already dark out. I'll take pics of the ding too.

12-31-2004, 08:26 PM
All together now... chant it with me...."We want pics- We want pics- We want pics!"

I'd like to see the "ding" you had to put in it....I am not crazy about the sound of that.

His mustang may have a "ding" or two in it's headers as to make it easier to work on. This is actually common practice with V8 headers.


12-31-2004, 08:28 PM
Nope, no dings in the Mustang headers. They are direct fit 1 5/8" equal length shorties.

12-31-2004, 09:20 PM
i have the DG exhaust on my 200s, i found a place that had it for $79 brand new, and mine fit perfectly. i could notice it took off faster and had more top end speed. and it sounds great, and at first i thought it was pretty loud, but after hearing the 400ex's and 450r's around here with around $500 exhausts on them it doesn't seem that loud anymore.

01-01-2005, 02:23 PM
The pictures as promised:

01-01-2005, 02:25 PM
Rest of pics.

01-02-2005, 02:22 PM
Hmmmm.......Everyone was bugging me for the pics. No comments now???

01-02-2005, 07:09 PM
thats a nice litlle 185.

How is that??

wheelie king
01-02-2005, 08:16 PM
I dig the pics. Thanks. I think my 200 needs that!

01-02-2005, 08:43 PM
thats a nice litlle 185.

How is that??

Thanks for the compliments. A new seat will be the next thing I do. That seat has about had it. It wasn't that nice when I bought it. It was actually quit ugly and beat up. I just bought new stuff for it one part at a time here and there. A simple paint job does wonders too.

01-02-2005, 08:50 PM
soooo dose it add any noticebil power?

01-02-2005, 09:18 PM
soooo dose it add any noticebil power?

I think so. Read the post a few ones back for the details. I'm itching to take it for a longer ride, so I might pack it up and go tommorrow or the next day. (I work week ends and get Monday, Tuesday off)

01-02-2005, 10:04 PM
glad to see this thread now I know I cant get that for my suspension 185, Im going with the stock 200x exhaust, a few places say it fits, even one of the old school build ups in the mag on one uses it

01-08-2005, 11:25 PM

Took it out for a longggggg ride tonight. It feels faster. Not a big huge difference, but it is noticable. All and all, I'm happy with it.

Oh yeah, also, I noticed something else. It's really not that much louder than a stock muffler, until you get on it. Then ,it's pretty loud.