View Full Version : First Big Snow!!!

12-23-2004, 12:33 PM
well we got our first big snow last night...9 inches of it! and i dont have a sled or my trike goin so im screwed! lol..im usin this time to restore my trike a little...i got the new cdi box and coil on (thanks jeswinehart) and i fixed my brakes! now i got brakes! i also bought new top end bolts and new carb float screws...i cleaned off my engine with gas and a wire brush..i can actually see the engine now! its amazing wat gas and a wire brush do...all im waiting on is a pullstarter and a piston kit which im gettin from that place online called www.justatv.com they got everything! i hope u guys have some fun while the snows here cause i prolly wont be untill after january...x-mas is the 25th..i get paid the 27 and my bday is the 30th...so ill have some money to buy some things and get er goin before long!!

12-23-2004, 12:36 PM
We got 18 inches last night her in central Ohio and are under a level 3 snow emergency. Had my 350x out for a little but could'nt move to well, snow too deep. I'll try to get it out later and have some fun. Sorry yours is down.

12-23-2004, 12:47 PM
yea i heard about the southern people and the north eastern poeple...somewhere here in indiana got 29 inches and about 30 miles north of us got 18 inches..it was awesome tho..me and my bro had his quad in the back of his truck goin to walmart...well its a 500 pound kawasaki lakota sport 300..(just cause it says sport dont mean it aint heavy) and about 200 pounds of tires and rims in there also..his truck is a 91 isuzu pickup..a little 4 banger its got 15 inch wide tires in back and 14 in front..that didnt matter to much..we were slidin all over the road with only 2 inches!! imagine how he felt goin to work this mornin! lol...we pulled in walmart parking lot sideways!!! ..lol it was fun

12-23-2004, 12:55 PM
I could'nt even make it out of my driveway this mornin to go to work, so I'm stuck at home. My boss just called and said don't even bother trying to come in, nobody there anyways. Now I just need to figure how to get my wife home, she is at my parents. Told here not to try, she would not make it down our road.

12-23-2004, 12:55 PM
Here in Ontario I just got 2 feet, maybe a little less, but it all came in one night. Woke up this morning and all I saw was nothing but white on my window. To bad my R isnt going, need a total new engine better get going on getting her going, I cant wait...

12-23-2004, 01:00 PM
You guys in Canada are used to this stuff. I think I seen maybe 15' of snow total last year. Better get your 250r going, us 3wheel enthusiasts live for this. "Git r done"

12-23-2004, 01:01 PM
yea itll be hard to keep anything on there road just about anywhere this time of year..man..i thouhgt i was the only one with a non running trike! lol..i feel sorry for all of you like me..but hey you got out of work..i gotta go monday to get my schedule and paycheck..i hope we dont get more snow...im cashin it when i get it and sendin a money order to that justatv place for a new piston kit...then i hope i can find someone on the boards for a pull starter pulley or assembly for somewhat of a cheap price and ill be rollin again

12-23-2004, 01:02 PM
Good luck, hope ya get it finished so you can get out in this stuff.

12-23-2004, 01:07 PM
yea thanks man i hope i get it done too..if i dont find a pullstarter ill put my housing back over the flywheel and then just have my bro pull me! lol..his quad is broke to..his chain keeps comin off and snappin his tranny case..i tell him to tighten it and he dont listen..his problem spendin 30 bucks for a new tranny case each time it happens (this is the 4th)

12-23-2004, 01:17 PM
This sucks it is December 23 and we are yet to have any snow here in northest PA!!! It blows cause i didnt know everything that I do now, about playing in the snow, compaired to last year. Its gonna be a WET Christmas. :(

12-23-2004, 01:23 PM
You guys in Canada are used to this stuff. I think I seen maybe 15' of snow total last year. Better get your 250r going, us 3wheel enthusiasts live for this. "Git r done"

lol so true I love the snow. I also work at my local snowboard hill and they drive a Big Red. The guy has been using everyday for 12 years. Had no problems with it. I told him about R and he said I should drive it to work one day. Then I told him about it needing alot, and said "work 24/7, then bring it"

He said watch the roads though, R has alot of power he told me, Like I already didnt know that lol.
My first paycheck goes all the R then the engine will be going :w00t:
I cant wait to show him. Never heard about the "Get R done" saying, ill have to start using that. :TrikesOwn

12-23-2004, 01:23 PM
sorry about your luck. I'll hex some over your way. meka leka hi meka hiney ho

12-23-2004, 01:26 PM
Never heard about the "Get R done" saying, ill have to start using that.
WHAT? You've never heard of larry the cable guy?

12-23-2004, 02:17 PM
i agree with seadoo ..UVE NEVER HEARD OF LARRY THE CABLE GUY!!!! ah.. i see..(no offense) hes canadian guys..lol jk man..larry is a U.S. thing i guess

12-23-2004, 02:48 PM
Here in Ontario I just got 2 feet, maybe a little less, but it all came in one night. Woke up this morning and all I saw was nothing but white on my window. To bad my R isnt going, need a total new engine better get going on getting her going, I cant wait...

yea Josh, I got bout 16 inchs over night, i been out plowing snow since 7:30 this morning, and still gotta do more

the warrior does really really well with mudlites on it


12-23-2004, 03:44 PM
Same here curtis, been with my uncle blowing snow. Merry Christmas everyone!
And merry christmas to your trikes as well!

12-23-2004, 04:09 PM
i got some snow..not much lol but i cant go out becuse im sick :(:(:( it ticks me off lol, fresh layer of snow with my 200 just sitting there begging for dohnuts and i cant :( anyways hope you guys have fun hehehe i remember when i used to live in ontario right by the lakes in the winter there was soooooo much freakin snow that they piled it in the middle of main street and most people used sleds to get to work when they just got a big dump of snow :p

12-23-2004, 11:53 PM
i agree with seadoo ..UVE NEVER HEARD OF LARRY THE CABLE GUY!!!! ah.. i see..(no offense) hes canadian guys..lol jk man..larry is a U.S. thing i guess

ive heard of "get her done" but not "get R done" thats what I meant, and I am Canadian(Canadians know waht im talking about) All about the beer and hockey lol

12-24-2004, 02:30 AM
i know your Canadian..lol ...yea wayne gretsky fans..blah blah..lol jk

12-24-2004, 11:29 AM
Wayne is my hero lol

12-24-2004, 12:02 PM
well wayne is the only guy canadians have!! lol..us americans got superman batman ..lol jk..tiger woods! im sort of a golf fan but the cardinals can go all the way every year..im not really a baseball fan tho..im a football fan!!! the eagles are doin good but id still like the buccaneers!

12-24-2004, 01:15 PM
here in N.B canada we have no snow!haha...green christmas along with triking and no sleds! :eek: :Bounce

12-24-2004, 02:50 PM
yea yea..i just wished my 185 was runnin..i cant wait to do some donuts!!! me and my bro in his isuzu truck were out in the school parking lot today :) doin some donuts..a little 4 banger 5 speed ..weeeaa awweeaa lol its a pos truck( runnin on 3 cylinders) its great tho