View Full Version : what are the odds,both my big reds foul plugs

12-17-2004, 05:24 PM
I have two 84 200es BR.I cant get them to run right,they foul out the plugs (dry black carbon)I cleaned the air filters and the boxes ,i rebuilt the carbs. checked the valves ,moved the slider pin up one notch,still running rich (thats the black soot on the plugs i was told it was running rich) is this true ,i turned the air fuel mix. screw out 1 7/8 like the book said ,then i turned it out another 360 degrees and it still sooty but not as bad,what is it that i am doing wrong,need help please

12-17-2004, 07:51 PM
i just went thru a 200es top end wise. in putting it all back together i was i tooth off on the timing. i had oilish smelling white smoke coming out the tail pipe. man ,,, i thought for sure i had a oil ring not seating for sure.
i was tickled to death to find that i was just off on the timing.

so anyways ,,, go thru the timing proceedure ,,, i hope that is all it is for you !


12-18-2004, 01:43 PM
That sounds like the exact problem I had. I have a 200es and it turned plugs black in minute, and would no longer un after 10. The problem was weak spark, so it wouldnt spark every time it should, letting gas build up and run rich. The reason it was weak spark for me was the spark plug cable was old and the wrong type. I changedit and it ran perfect.

Hope this helps.