View Full Version : YTM 175 Question

12-12-2004, 03:37 PM
A guy has one for sale and here is an email between him and I:

Q:I was wondering if you have done any work on the wheeler. When you tinkered with it in August what'd you do? How'd it run? Any other info about the ytm would be appreciated. thanks H Smith"

A;That's a really good question. I bought this machine because it looked great and had great potential. I have had to go through this ritual to start it: make sure the gas is filled, replace the spark plug and give it a shot of starting fluid. It usually takes a couple of times doing this. Am I missing some adjustment? Don't know, I'm not a mechanic. The last time I used it, I ran it trail riding up north for about an hour. It's far too peppy for the kind of riding I like.

What do you guys make of this? It's in good shape cosmetically, so what do you think it's worth in this condition?

12-12-2004, 04:45 PM
Offer him $400...see if he'll take it. :D

12-12-2004, 05:13 PM
so you think it's worth $400, even with the odd starting problem?

12-12-2004, 05:28 PM
i paid 100 bux for my ytm 225 off ebay, and its been running strong since i got it.. granted it was missing a seat, and the tank plastic, but all in all it has been a good bike.. oh and missing the exhuast, id offer him 200 bux and see what happens, tell him the stator is going to run you 100+ for it, and if it doesnt have spark, thats USUALLY the culprit. err getting the posts mixed up.. if its hard to start its probably low on compression, or the choke cable is broke.. just a suggestion.


12-12-2004, 07:28 PM
Maybe I'm just thinking as if I was going to buy it. I used to have one and it was a pretty fast trike. To me it would be worth $400, but if you could get it for less...hell yeah! Funny thing is I just got given one of these same trike's by my friend. I was supposed to pick it up from his house today but he was off Christmas shopping. Oh well, my other friend work's with him so he is gonna bring it to work in his truck one day this week and put it in my other friend's truck and he will bring it to me. Good luck man, let us know if you get it.

12-12-2004, 08:18 PM
yeah, it seems like an alright deal, but does any one have any more insight on what the guy said he had to do to start it?

12-12-2004, 08:25 PM
sounds like it is running lean, or low on compression, if you get the chance look at the spark plug just too see what colour it is, also if your going to look at it , see if you can borrow a compression tester from someone and test it too see what the comp is it should be between 120-140, if its lower than 100 it needs a re-build..

12-13-2004, 08:56 AM
I really would like some more opinions on the problem and the value of this ytm. I just can't decide to buy it or not. What's the worst diagnosis of this problem, and how much would it cost to have someone fix. I am not very mechanically inclined.

12-13-2004, 09:15 AM
Here's what the guy says about the plug:

It seems to me they're black but not filthy or caked. I'd remember them being really ugly.

What are your thoughts?

12-13-2004, 02:17 PM
sounds like its low on compression if thats what the plug looked like, worst case you need to bore it, but you could probably get a set of piston rings for it and hone it out, it shouldnt cost more than a few hunderd dollers for someone to fix i think.......but the best way to find out on repaires is just call your local bike shop or where ever your gona take it, and have them give you a quote......as for the worth, if its in good cosmtic shape, prolly bout 400$ i think

12-13-2004, 02:20 PM
or im sure somone on the board can do it for you, i use a sunnen hone to do all my boring, i know its a hone, but if you leave it on there long enough, itll bore out.. kinda a ghetto way to do it, but it does work..


12-13-2004, 04:56 PM
thanks a lot it was on ebay and sold for 300, someone just beat me out on it

12-16-2004, 12:06 AM
My trimoto 125 did a similar deal where if i shot gas in the carb it would run for an hour or two but if i stalled it forget riding for awhile it needed rings just make sure the oil line stays on mine came off and now the rings are junk