View Full Version : Dirt Wheels mag talks about my 70

12-08-2004, 02:11 AM
This is from the Jan issue of Dirt Wheels magazine.


Honda ATC90? What ****** idiot works at Dirt Wheels and doesn't know the difference between a 70 and a 90. I guess the 3"x4" "ATC 70" decal on the right rear fender didn't give it away. According to that idiot you can't ride or have fun on a 70. Oh well atleast it made it in the mag.

Edit: don't bypass the word filter!

12-08-2004, 03:05 AM
Dirt Wheels is the National Enquirer of the ATV world! Don't believe anything they say about a product as the deciding factor is money from advertisers!

12-08-2004, 03:25 AM
WHAT ARE THEY THINKING???...last time i rode my 70 i had a blast...infact, everytime i ride it I come off smiling....

12-08-2004, 03:39 AM
So what's the editors e-mail address? We'll set the moron straight. :mad:

12-08-2004, 08:58 AM
When i saw that it made me want to tell them that they were wrong :mad:

wheelie king
12-08-2004, 09:20 AM
matter of fact, I wish I still had my atc70. Just like my jeep cj- I really regret the day I sold it.

Go ahead and let the morons from Dirt Wheels rag get their kicks on something "newer" so they can "actually ride and have fun"-as they put it. Leave the vintage bikes that started the atv craze to us. WE can actually appreciate them. :w00t:

12-08-2004, 09:37 AM
What I think what they might have meant is that if you spend a load of a cash on that restored, classic ATC70 you wouldn't want to get out and actually ride it because of the wear and tear that everyday riding would inflict upon it. The ride would be less fun if you were worried about your investment. I know, personally, I wouldn't be so worried about scratching the paint on a new ATV as I would that restored classic.

If they do mean that they are not fun and people can't ride them and never could, they nead to take a step back and reflect upon the fact that if it wasn't for 3-wheelers, they wouldn't have a magazine.

At the very least some of the editors from the 80s should go bust some heads at that magazine for not knowing the difference in an ATC70 & an ATC90! :beer Is "Wolfman" still available??? :naughty:

12-08-2004, 10:15 AM
Dirt Wheels is the National Enquirer of the ATV world! Don't believe anything they say about a product as the deciding factor is money from advertisers!

Exactly! Their reviews are nothing but reformatted press releases from the manufacturers. Sometimes I wonder if they actually ride the vehicles at all. And, have you noticed that almost every shootout ends with "... it depends if you like red or blue..." rather than actually making a decision?

Billy Golightly
12-08-2004, 11:57 AM
Man Tri-Z_Jim showed that to me in chat the other night, I got super pissed. I'm not sure which is worse now, Super hunky talking trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro or Dirtwheels :rolleyes: I dont want them to print the Trikefest picture I sent them now, assholes anyways.

12-08-2004, 12:26 PM
[QUOTE=Jeb]What I think what they might have meant is that if you spend a load of a cash on that restored, classic ATC70 you wouldn't want to get out and actually ride it because of the wear and tear that everyday riding would inflict upon it. The ride would be less fun if you were worried about your investment. I know, personally, I wouldn't be so worried about scratching the paint on a new ATV as I would that restored classic.

I totally agree Jeb, that is exactly the way I took it. I think these guys are getting bent all out of shape for nothing, they missed the point the editor was trying to relay.

12-08-2004, 12:26 PM
I agree with Jeb. I obviously dont know what is in the entire article, but I kind of take their caption as having a different meaning that I would tend to agree with. I take it as saying that this is a fully restored collector piece that is too nice to turn over to the kids to tear up, and if you are looking for something for the kids, you are better off to buy something modern and replaceable. That one belongs in a glass case somewhere. You could have TriZ Jim's machines in that picture, and say the exact same thing, and you would find him driving a Blaster. If you dont buy a classic car to drive to work in the winter, why you buy a restored cream puff to thrash in everyday riding?

wheelie king
12-08-2004, 12:36 PM
I guess we are so used to people attacking us and our preference of 3 wheelers, that we might be on the slightly defensive side. :D

I can definitely see the angle that Jeb pointed out, and I HOPE that is what DW meant. I still think their rag is crappy, though.

Billy Golightly
12-08-2004, 02:02 PM
Either way who ever made the caption didn't know the difference between a 70 and a 90, and that kind of leads me to believe they are as equally ignorant in the "Fun Factor" on one as well.

12-08-2004, 02:28 PM
just somthing to think about.. im not defending dirt wheels, hell i dont even know what the hell that is.. im not much on magazines.. but heres the point..

It seems like if anyone dogs a 3 wheeler, everyone goes freggin **edited**.. now i grew up riding 3 wheelers, i was never much on dirt bikes or 4 wheelers.. so they feel very natrual to me.. but i dont go around saying, oh your a **edited** idiot for saying 3 wheelers are dangerous.. well they ARE dangerous.. just like any atv.. And if you look on it as society as a whole, thats how its going to be seen.. I was in a simalar debate on a pwc forum, where they were talking about unsafe riding, when the people taht were complaining were the ones that were into freestyle or surf jumping.. one thing i have realized is every sport is EXTREMLY hypocritical..

Fact of the matter is, we all know that 3 wheelers are fun, and a blast to ride.. but they ARE infact dangerous.. not as dangerous as a dirtbike, but it is a fact that 4 wheelers ARE more stable.. which is what the majority of society believes.. just like society would rather have a sitdown jetski rather than a stand up jetski.

Just my .02


12-08-2004, 02:31 PM
I agree w the post about positive evaulations for product that give them money for advertising.. i have seen that many times since getting the mag since the 1980's..

Billy Golightly
12-08-2004, 02:36 PM
Quickonstep the problem is that they *dont* or wont, realise that the quads are just as dangerous, and then they buy into the propaganda that trikes are more dangerous and single them out. These people have clout and pull in the industry, and everytime someone talks trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro it chips away at ANY chance we have for what few aftermarket companies there are remaining to keep poviding parts and support. It use to be that we were not a big enough voice to make any difference, BUT that is changing and I think it is almost getting to the point where we can

12-08-2004, 02:44 PM
Many are missing the point. DW is stupid.

The 1973 restored atc 70 was parked in front of a OHV's Grass-roots booth with nothing for sale, DUNERS. It was an obvious display piece. It had no price tag, nor price attached to it in any way. It also has a monster factory decal on the right rear fender that is almost in the picture, ATC 70! The motor also says what it is. Honda only made the 73' atc 70 with flames and its so painfully obvious a 70 it hurts just to read the caption.

In addition, there comment about "able to ride....fun to ride" is just plain wrong. Anyone with half a brain knows that the atc 70 paved the way for all atv's of today. It wasn't the first, but it was the first atv marketed towards young riders and recreational riders. Lets face it gang, the Honda atc 70 was it! And for a Mag. like DW to make such a false and incorrect statement is plain wrong. And the editor to let it slip by, well wrong also.

I too thought of the other senerio. But no, to many mistakes. Then I thought, maybe just maybe it was a joke. Not funny.

Face it, they are just stupid. And thats being nice.

12-08-2004, 02:47 PM
well they ARE dangerous.. Fact of the matter is, we all know that 3 wheelers are fun, and a blast to ride.. but they ARE infact dangerous..


What does this thread or anything said here have to do with "unsafe" or "danger". No offense, but even DW didn't go there. Directly. And nor did anyone on this thread.

12-08-2004, 02:47 PM
well sure, i agree with that.. but, that is mostly due to dealers.. no one can deny that.. i think that it should be MANDITORY to have a riders safty course done before somone can go buy one.. period. They dont make you do that, but if you go rent a jetski persay... you have to take a course before you can go operate one. Why isnt it that way? because just like you said, they think the quads are safer..

A little story

When i lived in maine, at 14, i was out riding on my fathers fourtrax.. it was a great bike.. but, on this day, i WISH i was on a 3 wheeler.. i was coming down a hill, into a revine.. that was oh about 300 ft down.. not straight down, but fairly steep.. well i had went down this hill MANY times.. well there was a storm a few days before and some trees had downed themselves across the trail, i was riding over them as i normally would.. well i came up to one and before i knew it, i was thrown over the handlebars, landing on another tree, the bike came down on top of me, and rolled the rest of the way into the revine.. i laid there for 2 hours before somone came through and saw me.. end result? fractured spine and a broken rib.. the spine was fractured so bad and in so many places that i had to lay in bed for about a year..

The reason i say i wish i was on a 3 wheeler is simply this.. if the front tire would have caught where the front tires of the quad caught, i wouldnt have went over, i would have simply stopped, but the quad having both front tires down at the tree, and just enough momentum to bring the bike over, wouldnt have happened on a 3 wheeler, yea i might have gotten thrown on a 3 wheeler, but the bike would have went to eaither side..

Btw i was only moving at about 5/10 mph TOPS....

No one or no group is going to convince the industry that quads are just as dangerous or more dangerous than 3 wheelers, due to liberal right wing groups. And it seems with that "super hunky" cat in control of one of the biggest powersport magazines, i dont see any change in the near future..

It sucks, but thats how it goes :(


12-08-2004, 02:50 PM
stonehenge, its what dw was inferring, they dont have to come right out and say it.. but im sure you can read between the lines on that one.

12-08-2004, 02:53 PM
Can we stay on topic.

DW is stupid.


12-08-2004, 02:57 PM
Q, I kinda thought that also. But try not to read "into" it or come up with what you think they said. Just read it. Plain and simple.

Its a lame, incorrect, stupid caption. On a really cool restored Honda atc 70!


12-08-2004, 04:14 PM
did you see in the letters where the person sent a picture of a z-400 3 wheeler. they said its a little crude and ragged. but they gave the picture a c+

12-08-2004, 06:13 PM
Oh to heck with "Super Chunky" and Dirt Wheels. They are the same sheeple that buy into the "3 wheelers are dangerous" crap. Whatever, anything with a motor is inherently "dangerous". Me personally, I hate dirt bikes!! Had them and just never had the fun with one that I had with a 3 wheeler or quad. As far as "Super Chunky" saying about the "ATV leg break", well that demonstrates rider stupidity. Why would you put your foot down right in the path of the rear wheels? Can you say DUHHHHH?
I just think that the liberal dweebs at the Bennett law firm depend on stupid and uneducated jury members to feel sorry for the dumbasses that ihurt themselves doing something ignorant, like driving a 3 wheeler drunk without a helmet, or spilling hot coffee on your lap! They are dependant on idiots that cannot ever exercise common sense and personal responsibility. People like this always will ruin fun things for those of us that are responsible and possess common sense. I have to say that anyone that feels their 3 wheeler is dangerous, then they should get rid of it before they hurt themselves. The last thing we need is more idiots riding 3 wheelers for the "danger or Daring" factor! :mad: