View Full Version : 185s rear shock??

12-07-2004, 11:36 AM
anyone know how to get a rear shock on a 185s? I saw a bike on ebay with one, but all the guy would tell me was it was a kit he ordered. He didn't tell me where he got it from and he will not answer my emails.

12-07-2004, 11:47 AM
To the best of my knowledge, there were kits made a long time ago that would convert a hardtail bike into a rear or full suspension (depending on year) bike. I am sure that the new kits are long gone but there might be one in a junk yard somewhere that could be harvested. Likley to be very rare to say the least..

wheelie king
12-07-2004, 01:04 PM
new to the site. Great forum!
I have looked for a rear susp. kit for my atc185 on several occasions with no luck. Just the myth from some guys that those kits were out there....once upon a time. If you ever find a kit or anything like that, pm or email me PLEASE. My back hurts :)

12-07-2004, 01:24 PM
new to the site. Great forum!
If you ever find a kit or anything like that, pm or email me PLEASE.

Here is a link to the 185 on ebay with a rear shock

185s with rear shock (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4508494323&rd=1)

12-07-2004, 02:07 PM
Man that was my dream trike as a kid.I'd like to see more of the susp- set up also.

12-07-2004, 03:31 PM
anyone know how to get a rear shock on a 185s? I saw a bike on ebay with one, but all the guy would tell me was it was a kit he ordered. He didn't tell me where he got it from and he will not answer my emails.

footer, hey I'm from Gonzales! We're almost neighbors. Welcome to the board. I've been posting here for a few weeks now after recently aquiring a 200s.

As for no rear suspension, I'm learning to deal with it. For instance, at high speeds sit as far back on the seat as possible as this keeps your weight transfered to the rear wheels ensuring they will maintain traction.

I'd love to post a long lists of reasons why I feel a hardtail is better than a rear suspension, but I don't have such a list. I'd love to suspend the rear of my 200s, but I think I'm going to leave it alone.

Afterall, you can spend $2000 and get not only a rear suspension, but the rest of the 400ex attached to it. That thought has been crossing my mind lately.

Good luck on your quest. Actually, make something happen. I'd like to stop by and check it out if you do.


12-07-2004, 03:56 PM
hey, contact the guy that won the auction, see if he will take some pictures for you/us. someone here maybe able to recreate the kit.

12-07-2004, 04:34 PM
hey, contact the guy that won the auction, see if he will take some pictures for you/us. someone here maybe able to recreate the kit.

I must still be asleep. That's a GREAT idea, 4cylinders. After contact, if he does agree to take pictures then we could up load them.

I might even be interested in recreating the kit this summer.


12-07-2004, 05:08 PM
That would be great. I would love to see a suspened 185/200. If yall were closer then I would even like to get in on the fun, and I have an old junk frame that could be cut up as a test frame to figure it out, without wasting a good trike frame.

12-07-2004, 05:16 PM
Just some food for thought that comes up the in 3 to 4 conversion discussions:
What is a 185s/200s worth?
What will this kit and conversion cost?
What will it be worth when you are finished?
How well does this kit suspension perform compared to a 200X?
What does a 200X cost?

Seems to me youd be a lot further ahead both financially and functionally to sell your 185s, add a few dollars and buy a 200X.

12-07-2004, 05:18 PM
i got some pics but i think there the same as the ones on ebay..like the ones that he put up there i copied and saved to the comp..ive also got some others from a different 185 suspended flat trakker ill post a link www.rexkarz.com/atc/185 ...if u type it in it will show some pics..im not sure if the link worked

12-07-2004, 05:19 PM
hey rex dont get mad at me for showin trailprotrailpro pics if u read this :) just thought it would be nice for people to see some other ideas

12-07-2004, 06:11 PM
Just some food for thought that comes up the in 3 to 4 conversion discussions:
What is a 185s/200s worth?
What will this kit and conversion cost?
What will it be worth when you are finished?
How well does this kit suspension perform compared to a 200X?
What does a 200X cost?

You bring up a very good point. Truth is it probably would be cheaper and easier to buy another trike, but I like a challenge. To be quite honest I get bored and try to supply myself with projects. Mans need to constanly alter things that work fine the way they are........or something like that. LOL

12-07-2004, 06:36 PM
another god pint to what time said but it knida goes against his..what if your not making any money ..or your out of a job and u have none..u sell trailprotrailpro trike but still cant find a 200x or anything with rear suspension for the money u have..thats my prob cause i basically make nothin at kfc ...im pretty sure it wasnt a conversion kit also..maybe a reproduced frame but from the pics u can see it would probly be easy to make ...cut the bottom end of your frame off add some bolt holes for the swinger and put a metal pipe between your old frame that u cut off..and then re-atatch with the bolts and boom got trailprotrailpro self a suspended frame..also add a shock in there..lol

12-07-2004, 06:43 PM
I think one of the companies that made suspension kits for the hard tails was Pro-Tec. I think Nicholson also made entire frames with rear suspension for the 185s trikes.

12-07-2004, 07:47 PM
yes nicolson made the complete frame i havnt heard about Pro-Tec tho..kinda sounds like a computer company

12-07-2004, 08:25 PM
Well, this brings up another point;

What would it take to transfer all of the 185/200s stuff to a 200x frame?

Will the plastics bolt on? What about the front end? It seems like the seat and the rear fender are one piece on the 200x? I don't know.

Anyone care to elaborate?


Oh, and I like this quote "Mans need to constanly alter things that work fine".

12-07-2004, 08:42 PM
lol nice quote..my 185s 83' plastics are one piece...wouldnt take to long to change over..i had to chainge everything from my original frame to the 82 185s frame i have now..took less than an hour...i mean forks axle engine..all of it..if you know what trailprotrailpro doin it doesnt take long

12-07-2004, 09:00 PM
Cool, it's good to hear that it's not a labor intensive project.

What's different on the x frame? Would all of our stuff bolt on one? I know a buddy of mine (mwill15) has an X frame, swing arm, & axle that he said i could have.

Thanks guys,

12-07-2004, 09:09 PM
trailprotrailpro lucky..free frame swinger and axle?? im not sure how much would bolt on..gas tank-no uh plastics-maybe sprocket-no engine-yes forks-yes but would be a bit wierd lookin on an x frame thats all i can think off...and the foot brake-no

wheelie king
12-07-2004, 09:13 PM

If you get any intimate pictures of that rear suspension setup please post or send them to me. I agree that the challenge of fabrtication is WAY more satisfying than swapping bikes all together. I'm with ya! :Bounce
--we might be onto something here......


12-07-2004, 09:18 PM
did u see the link i posted? with the 185s flat tracker with suspension..well the shock wasnt there it was a metal bar the guy before him bolted on in place of the shock for some unknown reason

wheelie king
12-07-2004, 09:52 PM
yes, I must have missed it at first but I just saw it. Thanks. Looks relatively simple if I could actually touch it and get the #s on those angles. Warm up that mig welder.....

12-07-2004, 09:58 PM
A 185s motor bolts directly into a x frame. Knew a guy who had one; was a very nice machine. Awsome in the woods. Was basicaly an x with an auto clutch. Plastics aren't the same though.

12-07-2004, 10:00 PM
yea the frame doesnt look to hard...hehe die grinder and mig welder baby yeah!!! lol..all i need is the angles also

Studytime II
12-08-2004, 02:02 PM
This may be a stretch, but is the drive sprocket on the 200x axle the same distance from the rear axle carrier as the 200s?

I'm asking this in reference to bolting up a 200x axle on a 200s frame. If the sprockets line up, then I'd like to use this axle as it will make a disc brake conversion for the rear very easy.

You guys ever see how cheaply you can get hydraulic rear brake set-ups on ebay for? Search for some motorcycle rear brakes. There will be tons of results from the Ninja 250 to a 600cc f4i, to 'busa brakes.

Anyone know about the axle width?


12-08-2004, 02:18 PM
It's easy to find those suspension kits. Theres probably thousands of them left out there...

There called 83-85 ATC200X rolling chassis. :)

Studytime II
12-08-2004, 02:21 PM
It's easy to find those suspension kits. Theres probably thousands of them left out there...

There called 83-85 ATC200X rolling chassis. :) Wont the 185 motor basically drop right in?

Yes sir, but this won't complete the project as you need the x tank, plastics, etc. The engine does bolt on though.

If you have a nice S this may not be the best option, perhaps a kit/custom rear suspension would be the way to go.

Thanks, and keep the opinions/info coming.

12-08-2004, 10:14 PM
Here you go guys.I've been contemplating doing this to my 83 185s for nearly
20 years now.Still plan on it one day.This was written by oldfart by the way.
Sorry they're not larger.Not too good on the picture posting. If you wanna read them,Pm me and I'll email the original scans.Maybe somebody can size them and repost.

12-09-2004, 09:11 PM
thats sweet! i gotta use that pretty soon..lol...u think u can email me those originals?? jtetidrick2007@yahoo.com thanks man!

12-10-2004, 01:32 AM
83200e, would you mind emailing them to me also? Im at bethrcno@charter.net

btw, Im working on a suspended 200 frame right now...I tried using a 200x swing arm with the axle carrier from a 200 welded to the rear...wont work, it throws the sprocket WAY out of alignment...so Im gonna cut it off and build my own...using Rex Karz pics and others ive found here and at .org
Why? cuz I want to,I love fitting and welding, and I had a 200 frame that was rotted out just before the carrier....so instead of chunking it..

12-10-2004, 02:33 AM
hey, can I get the email deal too??

12-12-2004, 12:27 PM
Sorry to ignore the emails,been at deer camp -should be back Monday and will send these out then.

12-13-2004, 06:53 PM
sweet i was wonderin where u went! my stator is still out..i need to get my headlight and brackets and a stator assembly still...then i should be set except the pullstarter..lol