View Full Version : 83 250r,,wired vin??

12-05-2004, 06:02 PM
well on my 2 83 250R fames i have the folloing VIN#s JH3TB0601DC212861<the build date for that one is 03/83
the next VIN# JH3TB0601DC204764< the build for that one is 12/83
now i say theses are wierd becuse i was looking at the VIN# on the main page of the site for the beginging VIN#s and they go JH3TB0606DC200001 the 6 in the regular VIN befor the D and mine is a 1 instead, and its a pretty earlie model....sooooo whats going on hear.....im cunfuzzeld, it has the aluminum rivited on tag with the vin on both frames, the motor VIN's are TB06E-2311172, that one i belive go;s with the 12/83 frame and the other TB06E-2204610, i belive is the 2/83 one
im just confused with the frame VIN's i thought 1 would be befor 6 for the building im royal confuesed, someone help me...lol