View Full Version : Howdy...how to cool 200x oil....need pics!

12-05-2004, 03:12 AM
Can anyone povide pics or detailed instructions on how to run an oil cooler on a 200x? 1985 to be exact! Thanks...

12-05-2004, 11:01 AM
Sorry I forgot, Here you go. The one picture with the fittings mounted is of the 185-200 style. The 2nd picture is where you would put it on a 200x. The 3rd picture is is for a 90/110/125m.

You need to drill the outer 2 holes to fit fittings for the oil line that goes to and from the cooler. The fittings with the hoses are in just enough to hold but yet let oil through freely. The center bolt / plug is drilled / tapped in far enough to be able to block off the oil passage. This is done to divert the oil through the outer fittings and to the oil cooler.

#1) Do not drill too deep. If you do drill too deep, you could drill through the cases. This would ruin your side case.
#2) You also need to be 100% sure you drill straight and in the center of the area. This is to be sure you drill into the center of the oil passage for max oil flow.
#3) Be sure to clean all the oil passages very well after drilling and installing the fittings. You do not want metal / dirt flowing through your oil.

I hope this helps.

12-05-2004, 08:41 PM
Here is a scan of a oil cooler set up that i got from someone. It wasn't scanned very well, but might help out some. I should be able to get my hands on this exact picture and rescan it someday.

12-05-2004, 08:49 PM
so you would do that and run it through an oil cooler off a 350x or what? or dose it just go from there to the head? id like to know how the rest of it works, for furter refrance,,,heh

12-08-2004, 12:21 AM
Thanks Howdy and hrc200x. Could get a clear copy of that instruction paper if you get your hands on it again? I think really any oil cooler would work but I am looking for a smaller sized one so as to not add too much oil and make it (possibly) hard on the oil pump. Maybe an xr400 or something.

12-23-2004, 02:35 PM
hcr200x can u get a good scan of the bottom part of that pick. i need like measurements and stuff to find out where to drill the holes.

12-23-2004, 02:41 PM
So on the 110, you drill 1 hole in the clutch cover, and where does the return line hook up to?

12-23-2004, 03:30 PM
No... I'd assume you'd need the 3 holes on that section of flat. The oil pump pumps the oil through there... first hole takes to the cooler.. next one you put the 'hex' in to stop limit straight flow, and the third is where it comes back from the cooler.


12-23-2004, 11:34 PM
I get it now.....very cool. I would do this to my 110, but I don't have it anymore. :cry: Here is a CHROME universal oil cooler if anyone wants to try this.


01-12-2020, 10:40 AM
16 years later lol is there a way you can send me a clear picture of this bud?

01-13-2020, 08:54 AM
I no longer have any pictures. I had a Hard drive go bad that had everything stored on it.

01-13-2020, 01:08 PM
this way...trx450r oil cooler into 200x cases.

Get it got it grainger