View Full Version : good deal on 86 250SX.

01-11-2003, 01:15 PM
Well i just got back form picking up my new trike, a 86 ATC-250SX, plastic is good(a cupel zip tyes but nothing major) good shocks,good seat,has sweet trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro cheng shin mud/snow rear tires,new rear brakes(needs front brakes) I stop at the guys house, we both work at the same farm, and it was buried in 2 feet snow, I cleand it off, looked it over, and I offerd him $250 for it, and he took it!! back in the summer he wanted $500, then he told me he'd take $300 a week ago, so i offerd him $250 cash(maybe i should have offerd him $200) i had a cupel questins though, first, where's the choke lever?? i didnt see one the carb. thanks for any info.

01-11-2003, 06:53 PM
Good Score, I have been looking for another 250sx.

The choke is up next to the kill switch.

01-11-2003, 08:35 PM
Yeah but it's missing the cabel, i'l have to look closer tommrow.

ATC crazy
01-12-2003, 01:33 PM
Good score. Fix it up and keep it as long as possible. I had an '87sx and it was the most rugged ATC Honda ever made. I swear it probably had close to 100,000 miles on her between my older brothers (34 & 32 yrs old.) and me. She's still running like a champ and will pull wheelies in every gear with my fat trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro on it. (260lbs.)

01-13-2003, 02:17 PM
Well I got it running yesterday, turns out someone drilled a hole in the gas cap so it would vent better(we all know about honda gas caps) and it filled the tank with water, so I drained the gas in the tank/carb and put fresh gas and a new plug in it, the kick start only works once and a wile(most of the time it just spin's like something isnt engageing in the lower end)so I used the eletc start, fired right up and runs like a champ! Only thing is when I shut it off, after the motor stops I can hear like nosie that sounds like a "whuuurrrr" and something(clutch?)spins for like 3-5 seconds after the shuts off, im thinking maybe it's the clutch, is this something to worry about?? I found out the motor was rebuilt about a year and half ago to so I know the top end is good(doesnt burn any oil :-D ) thanks for any info on this problem.

01-14-2003, 01:44 AM
I think the wjuuurrr noise has to do with the kicker not engaging all the time. My 250sx does the exact same thing, plus it knocks bad when it is running. It still is strong and I ride it all the time, but I am waiting for it to blow up. When I find a nice 86/87 250sx withing a couple of hours of Seattle I will buy it and replace the one I have.

01-14-2003, 09:26 AM
The wurrrril sound is caused by the one-way clutch going bad. The one-way clutch going bad is the cause of the kick starter not working. The one-way clutches are fairly easy to replace but buying one isn't. They run about $75-$85 from Service Honda.

If you don't fix it you can be in for a world of hurtin. If the motor kicks back while starting or when being shut off the electric starter splines can get trashed. I have seen it many of times. If this happens a $100 ( gaskets, one-way clutch, & beverages ) can end up costing you a new starter ( $200 + NEW ) and a gear ( $$ ?? ) plus the $100.

If you need part numbers and info let me know.

P.S. Nice Find!!

ATC crazy
01-14-2003, 04:53 PM
Yeah, my sx did that too. It was more of an annoyance than anything else though.