View Full Version : 185s carb ? again

11-25-2004, 08:08 PM
ok i got the old beast runnin again..and after i rode for a bit i took the carb out and it was white...so my ? is ..which way do i turn the fuel air mix screw..toward the carb or away...(up or down) to get more gas and less air?..its also burning a little bit of oil on a somewhat new rebuild...especially when cold..could the rings already be bad? ive ridden about 18 hours since rebuild

11-25-2004, 10:38 PM
scans are not the greatest 83185-S ,,, i'm still getting used to this new scanner 452x sent me. hope this helps ,,,

i'd wouldn't think your rings are bad already ,,, maybe cuz it's running hot or something along those lines.
brazil ain't far from rockville is it ??? i know i have been thru there with my brother ( who lives in rockville ).


11-27-2004, 06:49 PM
o no rockville is like 30 minutes away! thanks for the pics but i think thats the wrong screw..i havnt been on for a few days ..thats y it took me so long to reply