View Full Version : 86 200x reving out too kwick

01-10-2003, 01:15 AM
when i'm riding and i give it gas or when shifting gears kinda fast to get up to speed faster it it will rev normaly then out of nowhere the rpm's go up realy fast like the tires were just spinning. is this a sign that my clutch is gone or is it somthing else??? thanx to all who respond.

01-10-2003, 06:17 AM
Well, If it is "like the tires are spinning", then the tires are spinning. Go somewhere where theres alot of traction and test this. If your tires are not actually spinning and the engine is revving up to the moon alot faster then normal, check out your clutch.

01-10-2003, 06:09 PM
Get going in first or second till your at about 5 0r 10Mph on dry hard land. Pull in the clutch click up 2 more gears, get the revs way up and dump the clutch. The engine as you dump the clutch will rev high then bog way down as you are in too high a gear to spin the tires even with a fresh clutch. But if the clutch is bad it will continue to rev high for a bit until the clutch finally grabs and then it will bog down.