View Full Version : K&N filter that fits directly to carb?

11-11-2004, 12:26 AM
Not sure if anyone would know this, but I've been looking for a K&N filter that I can attach directly to my carb, negating the need for the intake hose and airbox (I run it with the lid open anyway). I used to see these a lot back in the day but not anymore. Anyone happen to know the part number for the right size filter to do this so I can just order one instead of matching them up at the shop and paying too much?

Edit: Oops! It's for a 1986 250R with a stock carb. That might help. :D

11-11-2004, 12:41 AM
measure where the boot clamps on to the carb and then go to http://www.rockymountainatv.com type in K&N clamp on

11-11-2004, 12:46 AM
I'm looking on the site now but I don't see the measurements on this page. Am I missing something that's right in my face again? :o

11-11-2004, 02:14 AM
you can go to www.kandn.com and they have a thing to select the year and everything of your vehical....i took the librity of lookin for ya ...your 2 choices are

11-11-2004, 02:39 AM
That's the one that goes inside the airbox (already have one). I don't think the one I need is made specifically for a 250R. I need to just figure out which one is the correct size to not only attach directly to the carb, but also fit in that small space. It's got to be a pretty small filter but I know they make them (or at least used to).

I'll probably just have to measure the carb and then just go to the bike shop and write down the part number for the smallest one that will fit and then see if I can find it online. The shops want around fifty bucks for these things which is just ridiculous.

I was just checking to see if anyone here had already been through this process and might be able to save me some trouble.

11-11-2004, 02:54 AM
You cant go directly off the carb, there is a frame rail right there. You may be able to get a filter small enough, but its gonna be so stubby it wont be worth it. Here's what you do. Get a piece of PVC pipe or metal pipe(preferable same size as carb, or a little bigger) Then get a piece of rubber (big hose) to clamp one end on the PVC pipe and the other end clamp onto the carb. Then, get a k&n universal filter the same size as the PVC pipe, clamp it on, ta-da. All you have to do is make the PVC long enough to clear that damn frame rail right infront of the carb. If you've ever seen those "airbox elimator" kits, they are exactly what I just explained to you. Only difference is the PVC pipe is painted fancy, and the price is jacked sky high for something so simple. ;)

here's what the ESR one looks like; as you can see, exactly as I explained, just cost a helluva lot more!


EDIT ** Forgot to mention, ESR charges $35 for that, so if you'd rather have one just like that, you can buy it from them. But as you can see, it would not cost more then around 5 bucks to make one. (not counting filter cost).

11-11-2004, 01:10 PM
I could swear I've seen them attached right to the carb before. Maybe that piece was painted black or something so it's just not sticking out in my head. Seems like a small, tapered one might work if it angled to the side a little bit but this is probably the better way to go. Thanks for the tip!

11-11-2004, 01:28 PM
what is the diameter of the carb inlet?

11-11-2004, 02:44 PM
I need to measure it still. The intake boot is really stiff so taking it off and on is a major pain in the butt so I kind of dread doing it. That's actually one of the main reasons I want to do this in the first place, besides it just looking better with no airbox. I was thinking I could cover the hole in the airbox and use it to carry a few things when need be as well. Maybe keep my digital camera back there.

11-11-2004, 02:46 PM
Check this link, it has K&N universal filters by measurements.

11-11-2004, 02:57 PM
Whoa, the motherload. Thanks.

11-11-2004, 02:59 PM
I thought that might help, that link is the cone shapes. they also have the round ones as well, but I thought the cone shaped ones might be mopre what you need.

11-11-2004, 05:10 PM
Thats a neat idea about the airbox, good thinking.

Make sure you get a Outerwear for it when you buy the K&N, they have water resistant Outerwears now that repell most of the water from bad weather and puddles that may be otherwise sucked into an unprotected filter.

11-11-2004, 05:14 PM
DAMMIT, I had really wanted to do someithing like the ESR one here for... well... forever but never followed through. Your never going to get one on the carb that will be worth it IMO, too small too tight for space. I think we need to have one welded up @ a muffler shop like the ESR one but with a bracket to hook somewhere @ the subframe for good support! I'd love to switch, but you difinately need to run prefilter covers @ the dunes & I dont' think putting one on under the seat by the carb would be easily done/changed. I also think the ESR one could fall off if you run radicaly much, so we really need one built just for our frame.

Discuss.... :cool:

11-11-2004, 05:15 PM
I agree, I'm a huge fan of the outerwear. I got one on mine and love it.

11-11-2004, 07:28 PM
Your never going to get one on the carb that will be worth it IMO, too small too tight for space.

Discuss.... :cool:

Well I've seen it done before. The local racers used to do it all the time on their R's. Haven't seen one in ages though.

They were pretty small, cone shaped filters with an angled flange so they angled away from that piece of frame that's in the way.

(these aren't the right size but similar shape)



And yeah, I wouldn't even consider doing this without an outerwear sleeve on it.

11-11-2004, 07:46 PM
I'd love to have this filter clamped onto an aloy tube that is securely bolted to the frame, in the place of that old style side rubber to air box.
I think it would work perfect, just need the tube fab'd up & I'd like someone who knows what their doing to make it. Maybe someday, seems more like I keep blow'n this idea off & shouldn't. I'm still run'n a stock airbox with foam filter. :o

11-11-2004, 07:53 PM
I've been tempted to take the boot off and run the bike over to Richards ATV and just bring out all their small filters until I find one that works (if they'd let me). Thing is, if I bought one there I'd pay twice as much for it as I could get it online if I had the part number. I'd feel like a dick if I used their filters to find what I need then order it elsewhere. Rocky Mountain ATV typically has them in the $25 range.

11-11-2004, 08:12 PM
Alright, I seriously think this one MIGHT just barely fit. It would be real close though.



It's got the right size flange (2.25 inches/57mm) just past the flange it's 3.5 inches then it tapers down to only 2 inches wide. It's total length is 4 inches. Would be better if it were three. I'm not sure if the taper is going to be steep enough to clear the frame. These things are pliable though. If it's touching the frame it will just bend around it a little bit. Don't think it would have any affect on it's filtering ability.

11-11-2004, 08:26 PM
These things are pliable though. If it's touching the frame it will just bend around it a little bit. Don't think it would have any affect on it's filtering ability.
Yah, I know... got one on my car & where it hit a frame peice it rubbed a small hole it in. :evil: Would be better to just bend it, or dent it before that happened.

Why aren't you into having the proper ducting fab'd up for the filter to fit where the old airbox is? Would be so easy to change the outerwears then too.

11-11-2004, 08:38 PM
I want to be able to use the airbox as a little trunk. :)

I was just looking at it again, it would definitely hit the frame pretty good right there. I just e-mailed K&N to see if they have a shorter one.

The thing Lots of Nothing posted is probably "the best" way to go about doing it and it doesn't look difficult to do at all. I just can't get the image out of my head of a filter mounted directly to the carb. I like to keep things as simple as possible (plus I always thought it looked kinda cool).

Just investigating at this point. Might as well rule out the possibility of there being a carb that will work without anything else being needed before I start thinking about doing it any other way.

And as usual, that damn boot doesn't want to go back on now. I *hate* that thing. :evil:

11-11-2004, 09:05 PM
spary some lube on the boot to put it back on..or some oil on the inside lip...makes it MUCH eaiser to manuver on..lol

11-11-2004, 09:29 PM
I know. Doesn't help though. It gets pinched on the side that I can't reach. The way it fits in there it's really hard to wiggle it on. When they get old and stiff it just makes it that much more difficult.

When I put the thing back together after years of being broken down, that was the hardest part of the entire process if you can believe that. I was laughing and pissed off about it at the same time. :p

monster 84r
07-14-2005, 02:13 AM
when i got my 84r the dual stage k&n with outerwears was mounted directly to the carb, and the airbox was removed. the lip of the filter fits over the carb intake mouth, with a hose clamp to keep the filter there. i can take pix if * guys wanna see

07-14-2005, 04:03 AM
i need one of those :)

07-14-2005, 04:10 PM
HA 2440 part #

monster 84r
07-14-2005, 08:08 PM
the filter rubs up against the frame a little but i dont care. it looks pretty awesome

Old 179
07-14-2005, 09:54 PM
ha-2440 part # is for the stock air box. (National catalog store's #701b) I have been looking in my pile of mags. @ cat. of 85 @ 86. they show them with hop up kits but no #

07-15-2005, 10:44 PM
Just a warning from my experience...... I removed my airbox on my 86R and put a dinky little Filter off the carb. What I ran into, even after jetting, was the carb couldnt suck enough air at WOT (wide open throttle) and would miss excessively at high speeds. To make a long story short, I ended up building something like the ESR setup and buying another filter to fit that. It works great. Just my 02 cents.

07-15-2005, 11:00 PM
Just a warning from my experience...... I removed my airbox on my 86R and put a dinky little Filter off the carb. What I ran into, even after jetting, was the carb couldnt suck enough air at WOT (wide open throttle) and would miss excessively at high speeds. To make a long story short, I ended up building something like the ESR setup and buying another filter to fit that. It works great. Just my 02 cents.

Was it a K&N? I've heard that with K&N's a couple times now. I'm running a Uni right off the carb with a sleave and I don't have that problem at all. Funny thing is, I've always preffered K&N's. I think they do an equal job of filtering out dirt but air flows through them more freely. I think that might actually be the problem in that configuration though. All that air rushing around inside the filter from the wind.

I actually have an ESR kit but I can't use it unless I cut off one of the airbox mounts which I'm not willing to do. Even then I'm not sure it would really fit well.