View Full Version : tech ?? expansion chanbers

11-10-2004, 10:12 PM
well I now own three different expansion chambers for my tecate, two of which I have had on by bike, a bassani and a DG, the third has been identified as a wheelsmith??. the bassani came with my trike always leaked at the cylinder gasket because it had been abused and is dented.

anyway to get to the point of my thread, I know that size of the expansion chamber as well as length affects where the power band hits at, and thats about it. can someone give me some explanation of this, i.e. fatter=lowend narrower=topend or vice versa. Im not looking for guesses because I can guess myself. Im just trying to start an informative thread.

one other questionwhile I have your attention. why on earth would DG make a pipe for mid to top end power for a tecate, a bike that is known for having no low end and tons of top end already?? heres a pic of my bassaini (greasy, oily) and the wheel smith.

11-11-2004, 12:00 AM
dont know if this would be of any help..... but here you go


11-11-2004, 12:13 AM
There's a saying for 2 stroke pipes that goes "long and thin doesn't win, short and fat is where its at "meaning a long thinner pipe will give more low end, and a shorter fat one will raise the RPM to give more over-rev. However the right port dimensions and pipe disign is critcial for proper performance as in they must compliment eachother.

11-11-2004, 12:34 AM
check www.howstuffworks.com ...

11-11-2004, 12:59 AM
two great sites guys, that is exactly what I was looking for :beer