View Full Version : took 200x engine apart... few questions

11-06-2004, 02:22 PM
I took the topend of my motor apart.
This is like the 2nd or 3rd engine i took apart (the other ones i never put back together..)
Now I have a few questions..

1. I took the rings off the piston and there is some room between the cylinder and the piston .. I am just wondering what the maximum gap should be..

2. The rings didnt look that bad.. but there is a difference between the top and bottom one.. different size.. meaning the top one is worn right? .. also the ring should be "sharp" around the edge right?

3. Where the cam rides on the head .. theres a "line" all the way around .. its like a groove... is this ok for now? I just want to get the engine going for the winter .. then when spring comes around do a total rebuild.

thanks for the help.

11-06-2004, 02:38 PM
they measure the gap by seeing how much space is between the ends of the rings....i believe its somewhere between 18-24 thousandths, but dont quote me as i dont have a manual anymore. and there should be a gap between the cylinder and the piston, but the rings should take up that space (if the piston ran on the cylinder, all H3ll would break lose to make a long story short!)

yes the rings are different...one says T on the ends (dont know which side its on) and one says B (differs from what brand of rings you get....Wiseco says T and B. Sudco just says T)

as for your 3rd question as to the "line" in the head....you would have to be more specific (a picture would help). Someone correct me if i am wrong on any of these things....im not perfect, especially w/o a manual! :)

11-06-2004, 02:39 PM
alright . yeah inthe shed lol ... its cold out too .. damn .. about the labour I think i am gonna just do it myself.. more than likely just get rings and hope that lasts over the winter.. then in the spring dump some real cash into it.

what arent you on msn?