View Full Version : Disgusted in Honda dealer

11-02-2004, 10:56 PM
the other day, my brother needed parts to finish up his 300ex motor rebuild, so i decided to order the u-joint thats went on my 250sx, so i go there and talk to the guy about it(totally clueless as to anything to do with the trike) and i tell him i need a new boot and u-joint and he looks it up on the computer and tells me i need to buy the yokes, housing, u-joint, circlips etc. all together and that would cost $374.26. i asked him wut the hell he was talkin about, so he just left me there and walked away 3 minutes later he comes back and says that the u-joint is "stated" in there and you cant just take it out you have to replace everything, and i told him its laying, seperated from everything else,on my workbench and he old me its impossible, so went home got it showed him and he changed his mind, then he tells me that i shouldnt put any money into my old outdated 3 wheeler , then he goes on about how its not worth replacing anything on that bike, as my brother is orderin parts for a 300ex, that confused me he should be talkin to him, im sorry but to tell me my bikes a POS an i should spend 5-7 grand on somethin my brother has already needed to rebuild, its complete BS i know where im not spendin my money on parts at now, then he toldme how my bikes not even woth $400, hs never seen my bike and i know i can get twice that for it easy, the way these guys treat people isnt he best cosidering ts there job to try and sell stuff to people not discriminate what they ride

mike from long island
11-02-2004, 11:02 PM
sorry you had a bad day with honda, but you need to check your spelling. i had a hard time reading your post. i know everyone makes some spelling mistakes but yours was hard as hell to understand. just a heads up

11-02-2004, 11:21 PM
haha wow that was horrible and a half, ill try to spell better next time, i went through it and tried to fix it.

11-02-2004, 11:23 PM
350xsx that sucks when parts guys are jerks like that...if he was talkin like you said he was i would report him to his suporvisor and say he was a vary vary rued person to deal with ....see if he gets his *** fired :)

11-02-2004, 11:26 PM
he was a vary vary rued person to deal with :)

Are you channeling Elmer Fudd? :D

11-02-2004, 11:28 PM
That blows, you'd think that honda employees would treat you better than that.

11-02-2004, 11:41 PM
Are you channeling Elmer Fudd? :D
uhh....how about yes too keep me from lookin like a idiot... :D

11-03-2004, 12:30 AM
yah i was going to but i had to get back to the farm, next time im in there im gunna say somethin because i ride with 2 of the salesmen that work there ill either say somethin to them because there pretty high ranked or his supervisor or someone, a lot of the people talk down to you there like you dont know nuthin for nuthin, than you have to deal with the workers and people that think there Ricky Carmichal because they race at the local track with a totally stock bike but they have $1000 in riding gear and those stickers that add 5hp each

11-03-2004, 12:37 AM
That blows, you'd think that honda employees would treat you better than that.
the service at our local honda dealer sucks too when me and my dad got our dirt bikes we ended up spending about 7500 on bikes and gear walk in two weeks later to pick up the titles and ORV tags and the guy had to look the deal up in the computer :eek: the guys just arent very nice to deal with anyway. we were there and the guy knew it was the first bike for my dad since his MX days about 20 years earlier and the salesman almost talked down to us about the racing he does :rolleyes:

11-03-2004, 02:58 AM
I still have not been in a good dealership. I ordered the 2 axle nuts that go onto the axle of an 84 250r. The at the counter must have been semi new cause ive never seen him before. he was very cool though probably the best person ive dealt at the dealership. its a shame for someone like that to be working at such an idiot dealership. anyway... he ordered me the 2 nuts, when they came in (which was on time, i was shocked) i went home and tryed them out and they were too big. for some reason there computer system must have been screwed up because according to it they did order me the right part, and they looked right too. so i took them back to get my money back and he was trying to convince that i had an aftermarket axle and it is definetly stock. I did get my money though and have not been back since. I try to stay away from most dealerships, thank god for mail order.

11-03-2004, 03:11 AM
As far as I'm concerend the dealer should be happy you have an old machine and want to buy parts for it. They will make lots more money off of you in the long run selling you parts every month then just selling you a new quad. I know my honda dealer always said he could smell money everytime I walked in the door.

11-03-2004, 03:32 AM
dude....i tell ya.....i got a hot temper just reading about it.....first of all....i would just like you to know(for future reference) that it is perfectly legal to open hand ***** slap a mo fo if he gets shady with you (it is in my state at least) and second of all.....i would have given him a head twister just for trying to hustle you like that......his job is to assist you in whatever it might be.....whether you are looking for a u joint or anal beads that hang from your frickin handle bars.....and he has some set of huge brass nads to be talking down about trikes to a triker.....im tellin you man.....i would have kicked his you know what and when his manager said somethin about it.....i would have told him to go out back finish humpin the intern......i mean....where was he during all of this ya know.....arent they supposed to overview the floor anyways.....blurrrrrgggg....man....im tellin ya.....stuff like this really really tips the scales for me

11-03-2004, 05:49 AM
Im sorry i cannot relate to that although i can understand how frustrating it may be. My honda dealer "hawksbury honda" are absolutely awesome to deal with. I just ring up and get "Dean" on the fone. He is really helpful. I tell him what i want. He orders it. Rings me when its in. I go pick it up. Always is polite, helpful and always says goodluck with the trike mate! Thats how it should be everywhere, nice 'n simple.


11-03-2004, 11:17 AM
I had a dealership tell me "we won't even work on them things" when I was wanting to talk to one of their techs.Which was fine with me cause I do all of my work myself,but it still pissed me off.Old or new,it's still one of their products.

Blown 331
11-03-2004, 11:38 AM
I'm basing this opinion of off what ATV's I already have but I would rather have a 250SX than a 300EX.

11-03-2004, 11:48 AM
Yep.. we got a " Toys for Big Boys " honda dealership here in Moncton NB.

there is this one chick at the parts counter that scares me every time i go there.. i asked for a carb rebuild kit and she looked at me like i had 3 heads. She started quoting me prices for individual parts, needle = 20 $, o-ring = 10 $ etc... i'm like. WHA?

and for most parts i need they want some crazy *** price or it's obsolete, i hate that Kunt.

I should open a trike resto shop and make a living from it...... oh the dreams..

11-03-2004, 03:05 PM
I have to get all my honda parts from a yamaha dealer (so embarrassing because once you mention the word ATC everyone looks at you). ANyway the one day they pushed me too far calling my babies bad names like wasted scrap metal and such. Do they have no heart? So I invited them up to my house one day for a little mud bogin. I went real slow into it with my 350x and they start laughin. I was laughin too cause they were so close to me they were touchin my trike. So I get in there and it was Honda ATC UNLEASHED. They never made fun of my babies again or were delibratly ignorant. :)

11-03-2004, 03:26 PM
yah i jus called the two people today in skool because i got bored as hell so i jus asked to go to the bathroom, they said they woud take care of it, i was about to hit him across is face when i was there and my brother knew it so he was jus like come on lets go and dragged me out lol,my brother was mad at them too because he knows how much better my trikes are than his lol, and they always try to keep there parkin lot spotless there, so my brother powerbraked it across the whole parkin lot i dunno how i forgot to put that in, that was fun as hell watchin the guy come out wavin his arms and crap so we left, i was surprised in his junker motor thats knockin like a SOB, surprised the rod didnt come out the side of the motor

11-03-2004, 09:03 PM
my honda shops are always great for me to deal with RiverSide Honda and Scona Cycle...the guys at river side are real helpful to me with parts for my trikes....all the parts ppl know who i am becuse im the only one who orders parts for trikes LOL as for scona cycle there good there too becuse they specilize in restorin old bikes...they have like a 70 or 72 Yellow ATC 90 sittin up on the rafters...its mint so nice...*starts Drooling..*...it might also help that im so well taken care of at riverside tho becuse i know the big cheese who sponsers alot of racers with them...:)

11-03-2004, 09:30 PM
the honda dealer here is so gay. they wont work on any three wheeler, and they wont work on anything older than 1990.

11-03-2004, 09:36 PM
hes was a dumb ****ing fag!

11-03-2004, 09:37 PM
The dealers around here (all of the ones I have been to) are all good with 3 wheelers. They like the fact that you are maintaining something old (probably b/c you are buying their parts). ;)

11-03-2004, 10:21 PM
350xsx was this bad experience at freehold honda? I know a few of the guys that work there. I've talked trikes with them before and they seamed very interested in them. Last year they had a 350x that looked like it was brand new, 100% stock, even had the rear garnesh and stock tires with no wear.

11-04-2004, 12:43 PM
350xsx was this bad experience at freehold honda? I know a few of the guys that work there. I've talked trikes with them before and they seamed very interested in them. Last year they had a 350x that looked like it was brand new, 100% stock, even had the rear garnesh and stock tires with no wear.

yup it was, yea i never saw this guy before i think he was new, but same i usually ask them for parts for my 350x and there like wow you have one of them? there usually interested but this guy wasnt to good about it. you know Mills and i forget the guys name now but we do know him real good i think his name is Kevin or sdmethin, hes always real good to us.

11-04-2004, 09:47 PM
My dealership is pretty good, they work on trikes quite a bit. Everytime I go in for a stray part or 2 for the 350x they ask me all kinda questions about it. They know they are rare, especially in these parts. They are tough to finda around here. Xs and 250Rs. Anyway one guys a smart *** at times, but I sraighten him out when he pipes up. He gave my wife a hard time onece when I sent her up there. I let him know about it on my next visit.

11-05-2004, 11:43 PM
well i guess i have to see them a lot mre now :mad: i just bought a 83 250R motor ih a DG head:D , it needs to be rebuilt

11-06-2004, 12:08 AM
Yeah bigredhead, I know the girl you mean. But I've never dealt with her so I can't comment.
Next time you're in Toys for Big Boys at the parts counter, ask for Stephen. He's old school, man. BTW, there's a massive expansion coming for Toys this spring. They're tripling their size. So get used to them. They ain't goin' nowheres. (They'll finally have some adequate parking. PARKING I TELLS YA!! HOORAY!!)
Frankly, they've always treated me very well. Especially Steve, who doesn't treat me like an idiot just because I'm kinda new to trikes and have little clue wtf I'm doing and he offers me maintenance tips when he thinks they'd be helpful. Doesn't rip me off, either, at least from what I can tell.

11-07-2004, 02:00 AM
LOL i know who your talkin about when you go there "G" deal with J.P he's the bigger guy with the mustache,he always is glad to help regardless what you ride,honda's honda so it don't matter,althought everytime i asked for a carb kit i was told theres no such thing they always quote me for individual parts to i remember one time we lost the c-clip on the needle and ended up having to buy the whole needle and seat to get a c-clip so we threw all the new parts in and kept the oldies for spare they did make a difference thought..that girl though is clueless lol'

Howdy neighbours. Well, ex neighbours. I'm originally from Saint John living in Alberta now. I dealt with a place called Honda House on the west side. They are all about Harleys and Buell now.
Talk about dumb. The last guy I remember dealing with was their exalted mechanic. I needed my cylinder honed and the guy had no clue. He put it in the vice and started honing it on an angle. The hone has a universal joint on it to correct for minor imperfections. Well this clown was driving it in there on a 30 degree angle. I put a stop to his efforts PDQ to which I got told about his diploma. My response? My ex girlfriend passed anger management and she is still a trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro. I'll take the guy who knows over the diploma waver any day. Why is common sense so uncommon.
The guy I dealt with at the counter was no better. I went to high school with him. Last I dealt with him he was pie-eyed and stoned outta his tree. I ordered a Clymer manual and waited 2 weeks. Finally I called to hear that he sent it back because it had the wrong picture on it. Ever think to READ it fool? The cover shows the fourtrax250R 4 wheeler but the manual covers years that include 3's and 4's. Man I tell ya good help is hard to find.

11-07-2004, 11:01 PM
Yep I know exactly what you guys are saying I went to Finish Line motorsportsd in ludington MI(don't ever go there)to get a set of rings and reeds and gaskets for a 1980 trimoto 125 first they said they didn't make a quad in 80 then they said a 125 didn't come out till 82 then i had to retell them what i had with the emphasis on three wheeler they said it was too old and nothing was available. then i explained to them that the suzuki dealer would be more than happy to order the parts. they changed their tune.