View Full Version : What will you do to protect your trike?

10-27-2004, 09:32 PM
What I am wondering is how far will you go to protect your trikes?
This one time there was 3 dumass kids throwing snowballs at my 1985 250es big red while i was drivine it and one of the kids hit my machine and hit me, so i stopped the machine got off, and walked over to hime and asked him why he threw that snowball and he didnt answer, so i waited for about 10 seconds-still no response he just stared and giggled at me, so i whaled a punch at him smack dab in the side of the face, never agian did i get snowballs thrown at me, after that i just said thats for throwing snowballs at me and my big red, and dont mess with my big red.

10-27-2004, 09:53 PM
When I grow up I want to be just like you. :beer your soo cool

84honda 200X
10-27-2004, 10:02 PM
Id do everything i coudl to protect my 200X!!!!!!!!! Its my baby and only my closest friends get to drive it and it gets cleaned regularly and repaired right away when somethin breaks and has more than regular matenance.

10-27-2004, 11:08 PM
i thought you might be asking what some of do to protect our trikes ( + other goodies ) from the theiving sorts ,,, lol.
i reckon if i was a younger age i might get away with something like wacking a weirdo kid up along side the head ,,,, but to be honest,,, @ 49 years old i'm sure i'd be in jail with in the hour.
okay ,,,, as far as trike ( and goodies ) protection ,,, theiving scum sucking bottom feeders will hafta make alot of noise hacking upon tripple clamped/lock slider doors after they disable the secrurity-motion detectors + get by the dog. item #4 still might send me off to a place i ain't been in awhile but will justify with my own self so long as i only wing them.

other then that ,,, i think i'd just return a few snowballs and call it good.


10-27-2004, 11:16 PM
Snowballs? You passed up a great oppurtunity to simply roost them into oblivion. Punching a kid for a snowball sounds... well retarded if I'm being honest. Then again, I have no idea how old you are. If you're a kid too then it's fair game I suppose.

10-27-2004, 11:37 PM
I second the roosting into oblivion, that sounds simply awesome!!!!! Heres my stance on thieves: Don't beware of dog, Beware of owner! Run your fingers over my trikes and I'll run my trikes over your fingers!

10-27-2004, 11:38 PM
Protect it? Hmm...my neighbourhood is quite tame so no need for any real protection. Our 99 Kodiak sits outside as I type with the key in the ignition (its 1am). The Tecate has a tether kill switch so as long as I have the lanyard nobody rides it. Prollay get a nice set of chrome chains to wrap through the sprocket hubs and wheels so it cant be driven and it would be put away inside my shed. Also what is everyone doing to protect their bike when its left outside, I'm talking protection from the elements. I'm going to find a nice cover for it.

10-27-2004, 11:42 PM
Whatever you do, DON'T COVER IT WITH PLASTIC!!!!

My brother did that to my R back in Ohio after I moved to AZ. That's why it's got so much rust on it now. Covering something with plastic in a humid environment like that, you might as well store it in a swimming pool. I freaked when I came home for a visit and saw it out there like that, soaking wet. A week later it was in AZ.

10-27-2004, 11:53 PM
I second the roosting into oblivion, that sounds simply awesome!!!!! Heres my stance on thieves: Don't beware of dog, Beware of owner! Run your fingers over my trikes and I'll run my trikes over your fingers!
couldent have said it better...as for protection when im not rideing it, they both sit outside right now..we have a dog...and where kinda in a vally so i hear anyone that comes into our yard at night...all the kids around hear are too stupid to figure out how to start it...not to mention they know if they did i would wring there necks and hang em out to dry...some of my friends..well not really..cousins...they took it out one day when i was at school and the had a day off....good thing my buddy works on the farm we live..he gave em trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro..and when i got home i seen it parked elses where...boy did they get a yellin at ....havent had a problem since... :D

10-28-2004, 01:08 AM
I have roosted people to the buggery for ripping off my trike before (usually banshee boys). As for protecting it from theives, if they can actually get into the shed (past the various locking mechanisms), get the trike around the two cars and the boat, get the chain and lock off it and do all this without setting off the alarm or waking me or my two 110 pound Alaskan Malamutes they can have it!!!!

10-28-2004, 09:02 AM
2 x 110 lb malamutes ? cool. got any pics of them? i love nothern breeds..... I bet i can walk in there with a 1/2 a BBQ'd chicken and they'd show me the keys and tell me how to start your trike !!! LOL...

I agree with the roost factor, i'da pulled a few donuts and given them a gravel shower, rotten idiots..

And , i lock my garage door, and have a 6ft wood fence, a 40 lb samoyed alarm ( useless as defence, but a hell of an alarm !! ) and a bad temper/agressive personality with thieves.

10-28-2004, 03:53 PM
i just lock mine up in the shed. mine isnt worth getting into a fight over maybe if i had a 350x.

10-28-2004, 04:00 PM
I keep mine locked in a garage. I am looking to get a couple of crazed baboons to keep in the garage with the wheelers though. That should deture any potential preditors and vile scum that would even consider laying a finger on my prized possesion. Baboons have very sharp teeth you know!!! And red rears.

ATC crazy
10-28-2004, 04:08 PM
I dont own a trike anymore...but when it comes to just about all of my possessions....I am willing to shoot someone. If they tresspass onto my property to take something of mine without asking....yes, I will pull out my rifle and give them a few warning shots if verbal communication doesn't get through to them.

10-28-2004, 08:33 PM
RigRedHead, here is a pic of one of them, cant seem to find a pic of the other. last time he was weighed he came in at 50kg. hahaha i bet if you gave him a bbq chicken he would run inside, grab the keys, unlock the shed, move the cars and the boat, unlock the trike, disarm the alarm, start the trike and help double you away to safety. But they would make a hell of a noise if anyone came inside the yard so i feel safe knowing they are roaming the yard and protecting my trike.

10-28-2004, 09:16 PM
Wow you guys go to drastic measures by my standards. I live in the boonies of PA so I have all my trikes outside with the keys in them, with no locks or alarms, but I do have a chahuahua so be careful. Its a Beast :evil: . No one touches them either because if they do they know I like to do doughnuts especially in yards. :D

10-28-2004, 09:37 PM
o by the way i am 14years of age and the kid I punched was only mad for about a week after but now were friends again and now noone messed with any of my trikes.

10-28-2004, 09:44 PM
Well in that case you should have roosted him after you punched him. :twisted:

10-28-2004, 09:49 PM
No one touches them either because if they do they know I like to do doughnuts especially in yards.

Thats too funny, good idea though.

10-28-2004, 10:24 PM
That is one mean trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro looking dog man! What kind is it?

10-28-2004, 11:29 PM
if they wana drag a non running heap with 3 flat tires through a regular people sized door past an 80 pound ball of angry pitbull they can have it.

10-29-2004, 01:04 AM
After my '82 R was stolen - I had a rusty old bear trap I used to keep sprung and ready to snap in my shed ...... It actually took me a while to realize just how stupid I was to have thought up such a reckless way to protect something. Now, I just own alot of guns and I clean them right out in front of my house for the whole world to see.

10-29-2004, 05:11 PM
When I grow up I want to be just like you. :beer your soo cool

LOL Thats pretty much what I was thinking

When I read the title of this topic I thought 'oh like skid plates or something?' then I read the post and was like WTF IRL :p

I was thinking about putting some sort of seat spring on to protect my ***! Having no suspension at all on this ATC is kinda rough :eek:

10-29-2004, 06:56 PM
I hear ya Morgan, no suspension kills the a**! lol

10-29-2004, 07:09 PM
i reckon thats a nice looking dog you got there

10-29-2004, 08:09 PM
Yeah no suspension can get uncomfortable after a while! Thats sweet hotrodal, I would have been tempted to do that too, but I would have roosted the hell out of them with slushy stinging ice too!

10-29-2004, 08:10 PM
I got my trikes spread out..... two of my better ones (86es and 85sx) in my fathers garage
one 86es in my fathers shed
and one 85 sx in the back of my f-150 x-cab with a aluminum cap with a nice locking system.

This way if they break into one and steal it I will always have a back-up!

I soon have to move the one in the shed so dad can put wood in.... not sure what I am going to do with it now as there is no room left in his garage and I don't have anywhere at my own house to put it.

I am building myself a shed this fall though.... 10x12 just for my trikes and doing repairs.... can't wait. I would like to build something bigger but I don't have enough room on my lot!

10-29-2004, 08:42 PM
It's easy to say "I'd do this" or "I'd do that". But when it really comes down to it, the senareo you created in your mind is not which would most likely happen.

As far as protection when I'm not riding my ATC: Locked up to the center pole of carport that is hidden behind my house and cannot be seen from most angles. Not much more I can do. I bought the thickest chain and best lock I could get.

Protection when riding: I can't say what I would do. Depends on the situation at hand. I will say that if there is a moment where I am threatened with violence that I do have a strong will to live and brute strengh. Most likely stronger than the other person's will to hurt me is. I believe that my sheer will power to live will be a great help combined with knowledge and common sense to react accordingly to my advantage without being harmed and eliminate the problem.

It could backfire as well. Thankfully I have not encountered anyone within the last 20 years of my life that has wanted to even attempt to threaten me in any way, shape or form (knock on wood). In a way it's nice. I don't have to deal with jerks. But at the same time, I do crave the opprotunity to unleash my wrath upon someone just to see how much damage I can do in as little time possible. I won't go and look for trouble to find out though and will avoid violence at all costs, being a parent and having to go to work each day.

If a snowball was being thrown at me. The kids would have had one heck of a snow ball fight. Geez, How much damage coud a snowball do to a ATC? Hitting someone over it?
You shoud have stuck their faces on the muffler or engine while it was hot and burned their skin off. Then while they were laying in the snow coolin off, ran them over repeadedly until they had permanent tread embedded in their skin. Then tied them to the back grab bar and drag them over various objects (a field of razor blades, broken glass and razor wire would be nice) until their arms pulled out of the sockets. If they dare scream, dump sulfuric acid down their throats. How dare they throw a SNOWBALL at you.

10-29-2004, 11:04 PM
I accidentally burned my skin on my muffler once, the pain involved is highly under-rated.

10-29-2004, 11:56 PM
trailprotrailpro telln me man. Think of the bottom of a coke can and thats the size of the scar the burn left on my forearm

10-29-2004, 11:56 PM
You shoud have stuck their faces on the muffler or engine while it was hot and burned their skin off. Then while they were laying in the snow coolin off, ran them over repeadedly until they had permanent tread embedded in their skin. Then tied them to the back grab bar and drag them over various objects (a field of razor blades, broken glass and razor wire would be nice) until their arms pulled out of the sockets. If they dare scream, dump sulfuric acid down their throats. How dare they throw a SNOWBALL at you. LMAO getting a little anger out? :p

One time I was riding at the field by my house and these little kids were throwing dirt clauds at me and my friends. I started getting pissed off and revved and popped the clutch, (this is on my '84 R), and hauled trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro toward them as fast as I could and they ran off like little babies and they got the hint and didn't mess with me again :D And if they do pull that crap with me again, if I chase them and they start running, screw it, I'm not gonna stop and go back, I'll run 'em over. :twisted:

10-30-2004, 12:43 AM
trailprotrailpro telln me man. Think of the bottom of a coke can and thats the size of the scar the burn left on my forearm

I like to affectionatelly call it "honda burn" those old motorcycles with the pipes that rub out very nicely against your leg are great for it!

10-30-2004, 01:00 AM
LMAO getting a little anger out? :p

One time I was riding at the field by my house and these little kids were throwing dirt clauds at me and my friends. I started getting pissed off and revved and popped the clutch, (this is on my '84 R), and hauled trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro toward them as fast as I could and they ran off like little babies and they got the hint and didn't mess with me again :D And if they do pull that crap with me again, if I chase them and they start running, screw it, I'm not gonna stop and go back, I'll run 'em over. :twisted:\

Just poking a little fun at him :)

Dirt clods would hurt if they were packed. I would have done the same thing. Either that or throw rocks back. Eye for an eye. I've been shot at by horseback riders a long time ago because all I wanted to do was pass them (going way off the trail in 1st gear idling past so as not to spook the horse). Those bastards made me rush up to the horse and have it buck the rider off and the horse took off running (so did I) and the rider had to chase their horse down. Meanwhile I was chasing the horse to make it run further from the a-hole that was shooting at me.

And then I turned around, rode back to the horseback rider and threw a snowball at him...he hit me in the face.

story in paragraph really happened. Last sentance was another joke. :D

10-31-2004, 10:07 AM
250roger wouldnt you want your trike close to your house so u could hear is someone is trying to steal it.

Troll 2
10-31-2004, 06:06 PM
Our R protection................... :D

10-22-2008, 08:19 AM
I have my trike in the shed chained to my moped a "u"lock on the back tire of the moped and a cable lock going through the disc on the 200 x .Also have a tree growing kinda side ways so you have to take them out of the shed one at a time or they wont fit through the gap.As far as protecting it my 12 ga will speak for its self.

Louis Mielke
10-22-2008, 08:48 AM
I figure if I ever come home and find my bikes being stolen, like I catch them in the act I'd go nuts. I've got lots of plans.

If they're making their getaway and I'm still in my car or truck I'd chase them down and ram my car right into their getaway vehicle no questions asked. I'd be cussing and frothing at the mouth by this point. Just like a freakin demo derby I wouldn't stop until I had destroyed my own vehicle or theirs. I'd be shaking my fist at them the entire time too.

If I'm on foot and they're just leaving it would be different.

I can just imagine them squealing wheels to leave because they've been caught. As they zoom past I'd run after the vehicle and grab on to the bumper. I'll probably trip and be dragged for a half mile but I'll pull my self up into the bed (I always day dream its a truck). First I'd open the tail gate, almost falling out of course but I'm so mad I don't care. Once its open I'll start pushing my bikes out into the street as they're driving. I know the bikes will be trashed but no way in hell as these suckers getting my bikes. If I can't have them then no one can. After they're all out, smashing on the ground one at a time as they fall leaving a trail of destruction behind the truck I'll make my way to the back of the cab. Of course the drivers swerving and braking like crazy trying to get me to fall off the truck. No way hosea! I cling to the bed and drag my self up to the cab and then I freaking just throw myself at the back glass punching and clawing until the back glass breaks. Then I'll reach though and and grab the driver by the neck and strangle him to death from behind.

Or maybe when they are making their getaway I jump and cling to the hood. They'll try like mad to get me to fall off but I'll pull myself up and start punching at their windshield. Now obviously it will take quite a lot of punching but obviously I'm enraged at this point slobbering and screaming at the top of my lungs the entire time. I'm punching and punching and my fist are bleeding, blood kinda of splattering on the glass with every punch. At this point the driver and his accomplice are like "oh my freaking god what have we done this guy is a freakin lunatic". It would be the windshield holding me back kinda deal. Hopefully it would break finally and I'd try to get in the cab like a rapid wolverine to freak'n DESTROY those guys. Hopefully the driver would loose control, the truck would swerve and hit some big fuel tanker of some sort and and explode in a big fiery crash billowing with fire and smoke. Then I'd stagger out of the wreck half dead, broken and mangled with a evil grin on my face. I'd have to say something dramatic like, "No one steals trikes from me" and then I'd die on the spot dramatically.

Yep, the point is don't steal from me cause I'm a crazy mofo.

10-22-2008, 09:14 AM
im with you louis... hell I go crazy just on a normal day... I can only imagine the genocide that would ensue if I caught some tards stealing my stuff! It makes me feel all tingly inside thinking about it....hehehehehhehe.....

Texas 200x
10-22-2008, 11:18 AM
Well down here in Texas its the Colt .45 1911A. Concealed hand guns are legal! This is TEXAS. Come in my garage around my wheels or tools without a invite and no doctor will be able to save you. People around here know better. Out riding well if someone hit me with snowball (if we had snow) I'd probally try to run them over literally.:twisted: Sorry didn't see you!!!:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Oh does anyone know any movie producers so Louis can sell his script? It'll be a movie with 3-wheelers in it!:naughty: I bet MiraMax would totally pick that up!!!

10-22-2008, 11:24 AM
I'm 15 and i've put countless hours into my trike and if any screwed with it i would beat the living *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* out of them

10-22-2008, 11:53 AM
I've been known to freak out on someone if they try to steal my s**t. 4th of July 07 was an eventful night. I woke up at two in the morning because there was somebody standing in the doorway to my bedroom. My dog woke me up because he sleeps at the foot of the bed. I think the dog was just as surprised as I was because he didn't quite know what to do. I shouted at the intruder but they didn't move, as if they thought I couldn't see their shadow in the doorway. So I took out my .40 cal from under my pillow and put one in the chamber. The clack of the action started them running out the door with the dog in pursuit. You better believe I would have shot them if they'd moved towards me! The back door to my house is right on the street and my roomate had left it unlocked that night unbeknowest to me. Something was wrong with that person because they didn't react to me or the dog really, they just stood there till the gun came out. Scared the hell outta me!
That's the second time I've had someone break in my house while I'm there. When I lived in Phoenix back in 00-01, someone tried to climb through my bedroom window while I was trying to sleep during the day after working night shift. The bedroom faced the backyard and I had gotten dropped off at home because my car was in the shop. So I guess they thought nobody was home because there was no car in the driveway. Anyways, their footsteps on the gravel woke me up as they approached the window. The window started to open and mister would be thief met a nice Glock barrel in his face.
I cannot stress how much I hate thieves! They do deserve to be shot. And to the previous roomates who stole my motorcycle and lied about it and also show up on the boards here......

10-22-2008, 12:11 PM
need I say more!!

10-23-2008, 10:37 PM
Texas castle law is awesome. touch it and my mossburg 590 will be in yo face! ;)

10-28-2008, 08:15 PM
I used to store my 200e ouside with the key in the ignition, but I didn't have the electric start working so I didn't worry about a thief pulling it over by hand. I sold it and bought a 200m, I had the electric start working on it so I would keep the key in the cargo box. Both of my wheelers were stored in plain site from the road. I have since moved my wheeler so it can no longer be seen from the road. I did this because I think it was becoming a bit of an eye-sore, no worrys of theft.

10-29-2008, 08:20 PM
All I have to say is WOW!

Insurance is my way of protection

But then again, ATC's are plentifull in SoCal, I can replace it very quickly