View Full Version : Can't get spark....

10-21-2004, 11:51 PM
Finally working on the 82 - 200.

After working on my big red, i apreciate how good a shape this thing is in !

original plastic, intact, switches are clean and make a nice crisp " click ", but i can't get spark from it.

The CDI on it is from my big red, and my red has the CDI from the 82, ( while i was fixing my red a few weeks ago, we swaped the CDI to try and figure out if that was the problem or not, ended up being the carb , but instead of switching them back, i left the CDI on it.

So looking at the manual it says to place indent mark A fig 45 with B fig 46 ( on the CDI Rotor ) but i can't make out what B fig 46 is, the picture is in black and white and too dark.

The rotor will only go on 2 ways, and i tried both, this sucker don't got elec start so i have to crank while looking for a spark, but i'm positive i don't see any what so ever.

I removed the plug wire and the black box it connects to from the frame, cleaned the connections, still no go. I KNOW the plug works as i tested it on the RED.

what am i missing ???

10-22-2004, 06:04 PM
have you ohmed all the wires and the coil? get a tester and ohm all the wires for breaks and ohm the coil. sometimes even if the coil ohms good it can still be bad.

10-22-2004, 06:07 PM
where do u guys get this ohm meter and how does it hook up?

10-22-2004, 07:09 PM
just use the resistance setting ( ohm ) on a multi-meter !

10-22-2004, 07:14 PM
Gonna do that in the AM, but in the mean time i need to get my hands on a carb rebuild kit.

The bowl o-ring is dry and squished, the air/fuel needle is missing a rubber, and the flaot valve needs replacing.. basically a whole kit!

I was just on denniskirk but that site's search and setup ****.

Anyone able to recommend a site ? i found a few kits on e-bay for 15 $ us, seems like the best option so far, unless someone can recommend better ( in canada if possible ! )

10-22-2004, 11:40 PM
www.chaparral-racing.com is a good one just type in the search field carburator rebuild and it will come up with alot..thats all u gotta do on denniskirk 2..