View Full Version : 175 Tri-moto bogs down

10-21-2004, 01:49 PM
My 175 Tri-Moto bogs down whenever I jam the throttle. It especially does it in 1st gear. I have rebuilt the carb, removed and cleaned out the petcock, gas tank, fuel lines, ect. And it still does it. I even checked and cleaned the reeds and ran it with the muffler removed, still no dice. What else do i need to check?

The other night I was riding for a couple of miles and all of a sudden in 3rd gear it bogged down and stalled, l restarted it and it did it again like it overheated or something. The next day I rode for at least 5 miles with no problems. Strange

Any advice will be much appreciated.

10-25-2004, 02:31 AM
Will Also Do This When The Rings Are Getting To Weak...

10-25-2004, 01:11 PM
Oh boy, I was hoping I wouldn't have to get into the engine, but it looks like I may have to. I can't see any sign of an air leak anywhere and i did the starting fluid trick with it running.

Where can i get some rings, and how hard are they to replace? I know I will need a spring compressor. I hope I don't need a full rebuild.

10-25-2004, 01:17 PM
its a 2 stroke easy to re-build...but check the compression first then let us know what it is...could be the carb is just out of tune..serch the foums for carb tuning theres lots of stuff on hear just gota look a lil :)

10-25-2004, 01:17 PM
what does the spark plug look like?

10-25-2004, 03:02 PM
You don't need a spring compressor for a rebuild. A 2 stroke doesn't have valves. You just have to pull the jug, gap and install the new rings, and it is usually good to give the cylinder a new hone.

10-25-2004, 04:02 PM
The spark plug was black and a little oily last time i checked it.

It may just need a carb tune, but i don't know what i can tweak with other than the mixture screw?

I meant to say RING compressor not spring compressor

10-25-2004, 05:17 PM
Are you using the oil injector or pre-mix? You don't need a ring compressor. Just use your fingers. I have done this for countless top ends. You just have to go one ring at a time. It isn't bad.

10-25-2004, 11:02 PM
I'm using the oil mixer.

Thanks for the ring tip Mr. Fox.

10-25-2004, 11:20 PM
Do you have a compreesion gauge that you can use to test the rings? If you don't you might be able to borrow one at an auto store like Auto Zone that loans out tools. Check the compression (pull it over a few times) I don't know for sure what it should be but most machines are in the range of 120-150psi new, low would be around <90-100psi. You can also put a shot of oil in the cylinder and pull it over again to see if the pressure comes back up for a few pulls. With a few simple tools, rings shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to do. Oh, and you can call me Rob, I am not that old... :) just older than my bro.

10-25-2004, 11:22 PM
Might want to read up on jetting a bit too.


10-26-2004, 12:47 PM
If it only does it at full or near full throttle, I would take a close look at the intake and exhaust system. Bogging at the bottom end (low RPMs) but screanming just fine at top end are more typical symptoms of worn out rings.

10-26-2004, 11:16 PM
It only bogs down in first and second gear, When i get it up and moving it runs just fine.

I'll be getting compression gauge soon and checking things out. It looks more and more likely it's the rings. I found some rings at HyperParts.com for a little over 20 bucks. I guess i should go ahead and hone the cylinder while I'm at it.

Thanks a ton to you all for your suggestions!