View Full Version : 350X Tech Question Need Help Fast

10-21-2004, 01:00 AM
Well i'm going to Pismo saturday and decided to get my X out and cleand it up.(its been about 7 months since ive rode it) After an hour of kicking i fianlly get it started. It idles smoot everything looks good. I let it warm up and take off, it goes good. Then i take off on my drag strip, and it runs like crap. After a little more riding i figure out anything after 1/2 throttle it sputters and i dont know why. Is it my carb? jets pluged? valves, timing? i have no idea. Anyone thats had this problem please help.

10-21-2004, 01:17 AM
Has anything changed on it or with your location since last time it ran well?

First thing to do is check your plug and clean the carb and air filter. Might just be a gunked up main jet.

10-21-2004, 01:28 AM
Seven months of storage prollay means your carb is gummed up somewhere, sticky jet sounds about right. Break out the carb cleaner.

An hour of kicking? Wow man, I dont think I'd last 15 mins. LOL

10-21-2004, 01:33 AM
Seven months of storage prollay means your carb is gummed up somewhere, sticky jet sounds about right. Break out the carb cleaner.

An hour of kicking? Wow man, I dont think I'd last 15 mins. LOL

Last time riding is the same location its at right now.

Should i take out the carb and clean it all? or just start spraying?

An hour is streching it a little but thats between me and my neighbor. He quit because the kicker got a NICE shot on his shin. Ya gota get used to not having a compression release.

10-21-2004, 01:43 AM
Take the carb out, remove the float bowl (carefully, the seat might want to fall out) and then blast it with the carb cleaner. You'll have it looking like new in minutes once it's apart.

Edit: and don't forget the air filter. Not enough air can cause the same symptom as a gummed up jet.

10-21-2004, 10:09 AM
Had the same thing happen on one of my 350x's. The carb was full of crap. The main jet was plugged, that was why it did not open up. You really need to take the carb apart and clean it. Also I recomend fresh gas and a new in-line filter.

10-22-2004, 01:39 AM
Thanks guys. Took my carb appart and cleaned everything. And now it runs better than ever. If it didnt work i was just going to put a diffrent carb on it. I have 3 extras.