View Full Version : Dumber than dumb and dumberer

10-17-2004, 10:17 PM
I found this link :


I think it is also in the "Links" section of this site under "People who hate 3 wheelers".

I raises my blood pressure just reading it. These greedy lawyers have no dea what they are talking about and only have $$ in their eyes. How ignorant can a person be. Go to the link and read the whole thing. Below in an excerp from the page. They are so ignorant they call it a "Honda ACT" instead of ATC. You would think that after all of their "research" they would know.....not to mention - they are a multi million dollar lawfirm (got tons of cash from ATV manufacturers) could at least hire an educated editor. That is the least of their ignorance though read on!!

And wait til you read the very bottom - You'll have to pry my 3 wheeler collection from my cold dead hands BEOTCH!!!!! My blood is boiling right now from these stupid people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They make me soooooooooooooooooooo MAD!!! Has anyone from here ever contacted these retards?? Their email is at the bottom.

Here it is:

By May of 2002, Mr. Bennett had numerous similar accident victims ready to testify at the Haggy trial about the dangerous design of the Honda ACT. However, just weeks before the case had been reset for trial, Honda offered Bennett’s client a confidential settlement to keep the case from going to a jury. In prior cases against Honda, Mr. Bennett has won jury verdicts for up to $30 million. Nevertheless, Mr. Bennett was able to negotiate a confidential settlement that he believed was in the Hagy’s best interest to accept. While the terms of the settlement require it to remain confidential, Mr. Bennett says that the Hagys were pleased with the generous amount they received and the opportunity to bring closure to a long and difficult fight.

While these three-wheeled vehicles are no longer manufactured thanks to the governmental pressures of the CPSC, Bennett believes the ATV industry should recall these defective products to protect unsuspecting consumers like the Hagys. Recently, Mr. Bennett, with the help of PAPA – (Parents Against the Production of Unsafe ATVs.), a Texas consumer group, turned over numerous documents to the CPSC in connection with another case Bennett settled with Yamaha for $3.2 million last September. Bennett hopes that this new data will help the CPSC pressure the ATV industry to make their four-wheel vehicles safer for the public recall all three-wheeled ATVs still in use.

For additional information contact Bob Bennett, The Bennett Law Firm, PC, Houston, TX at 713-225-6000 or bbennett@bennettlawfirm.com

10-17-2004, 10:26 PM
if they do that, they will have to kill me to get my trikes from me, yeh, we know they are 'banned" and don't care and continue to ride them

10-17-2004, 10:30 PM
no wonder they havent made any wheelers that put out crotch rocket like power.... they are to afraid to get sued...

bunch of money hungry fing SOBs :evil:

10-17-2004, 10:31 PM
:evil: :evil: :evil:

10-17-2004, 10:53 PM
they wouldent be able to get within a mile of my trikes with me and the 12 guage...godddam rotten greedy basterds

10-17-2004, 10:53 PM
I sent them a clean and concise email about riding 3wheelers a couple of years ago... the email came back as unread. They gotta be some real A-holes

84honda 200X
10-17-2004, 11:06 PM
We should take away there BMWs and and their Rolls Royces and their fancy suites. And see what they say then.

10-17-2004, 11:09 PM
We should take away there BMWs and and their Rolls Royces and their fancy suites. And see what they say then.

Then they become a senator in N. Carolina, and run for vice president.

10-17-2004, 11:10 PM
We should take away there BMWs and and their Rolls Royces and their fancy suites. And see what they say then.
i got a better idea,...burn down there law firm lol jk .*starts chanting...we dont need no water let the mother...

10-17-2004, 11:14 PM
Dear Dewey Screwem and Howe Law Firm:

We here at 3wheelerworld.com have found you fancy suites to be a safety hazzard. We will team up with the CPSC and start a foundation called PAFS (People against Fancy Suites). We want all suites not purchased at Sears or JC Pennys to be confiscated at once. We also want to sue you because your suites have caused temporary blindness in our right eyes and a bad case of gout in our left tits. I want 60 Million!!!! LOL - but come on - these butt heads are talking some deep sh1t. Where are my knee high boots??

10-18-2004, 01:08 AM
ive been entangled in the wheel of a trike before, but two of us were on it and it stopped the trike. it hurt the ankle but i didnt go out and start trying to sue honda. the same thing could happen on a quad too, there just want to make trikes look bad those sons of bitches. what was he doing with his foot way back there anyways.

10-18-2004, 01:14 AM
Jeffrey Black suffered catastrophic head injuries while operating a 1984 KLT 160. Traveling along a dirt road Jeffrey steered toward the side of the road to avoid two girls approaching on horseback. As he made the turn the three-wheeler flipped, rolling over on Jeffrey resulting in a depressed skull fracture and brain hematoma. He was not wearing a helmet at the time of his accident. Attorneys for the Plaintiffs claimed that the 3-wheel Kawasaki was defectively designed and unreasonably dangerous. The design defects included the three-wheel design, a high center of gravity, a short wheelbase, a lack of differential, a lack of rear suspension and use of low-pressure high traction tires. Kawasaki’s defense claimed excessive speed and failure to wear a helmet.
Heres another case, if he would have worn a helmet he might have walked away. Defective my ass

10-18-2004, 04:12 AM
Well with the cash he made off the law suite maybe the jerkoff can afford a helmet and a better handeling trike.I wish I were a judge for some of these cases were the idiots wer'nt wearing helmets.I'd throw the case out and fine them for being a trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro.

Glenn J
10-18-2004, 01:59 PM
Those lawyers don't care about anyone's safety. They're just in in it for the money. They find people to take advantage of, then go to court and show "what the big bad company did to little Joey." Even though Joey's dad was at the bar and mom was watching soaps while Joey took the machine out with no safety equipment on....it's still the company's fault. Yeah, right! :rolleyes:

10-18-2004, 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Yamahauler
Jeffrey Black suffered catastrophic head injuries while operating a 1984 KLT 160. Traveling along a dirt road Jeffrey steered toward the side of the road to avoid two girls approaching on horseback. As he made the turn the three-wheeler flipped, rolling over on Jeffrey resulting in a depressed skull fracture and brain hematoma. He was not wearing a helmet at the time of his accident. Attorneys for the Plaintiffs claimed that the 3-wheel Kawasaki was defectively designed and unreasonably dangerous. The design defects included the three-wheel design, a high center of gravity, a short wheelbase, a lack of differential, a lack of rear suspension and use of low-pressure high traction tires. Kawasaki’s defense claimed excessive speed and failure to wear a helmet.

Yamahauler....The funny thing is Kawasaki never a KLT 160 in 84......Only 85.

10-18-2004, 06:41 PM
The funny thing is if the moron wasnt going so damn fast he wouldnt have flipped! Common sense is the problem, not how many wheels you have! Those dirty lawers and politicians are always trying to take our stuff away, our trikes, our guns etc. etc., in canada we cant have firecrackers, I never remember voting on wether or not we should ban firecrackers or stop production of trikes! The damn judges (glorified lawyers) pass these bullshit laws to take our stuff away! You Americans are lucky you have the second ammendment, we dont got that here in Canada! Now lets have another amendment (should be called the 3rd ammendment I suppose but thats taken) The right to keep, bear, and ride trikes, I think it would be passed quite easily here.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

10-18-2004, 07:44 PM
that shouldnt even be a case. it says it happend in 1994 6 years after the bann. why did he choose to keep his 3wheeler and keeps riding it? so that judge is a dumb f***

10-18-2004, 07:47 PM
also they are saying 3wheelers are defective? how is it that 4wheeler are not defective when the number of deaths and injuries on 4wheelers happen ever day?

10-18-2004, 08:29 PM
Say thank you to liberal activist judges, Democrats, and stupid jurors. To quote Charlton Heston, "...from my cold dead hand!" All of you that like democrats can thank them for appointing activist judges that allow the faulty evidence to be submitted in these cases, and for fighting tooth and nail against sensible tort reform to prevent alot of these junk cases from even making it to a jury!

That in itself is reason to vote for GWB alone! Remember John Scary and his Nazi Democrat minions hate your 3 wheelers, 2 strokes and your guns. If you want these things to disappear along with your riding areas, particularly in the west and midwest, then vote for that pampered boy toy girlie man John Scary! That idiot is a poster child (as is his VP candidate wuss John Edturds), for liberal elitism run amok! I'd love to take both those wimps to the woodshed, for a little education!

10-18-2004, 08:35 PM
A little trip to bright red branding iron U, tuition is free!

10-18-2004, 08:42 PM
It is a joke, Can't let them get away with that kind of stuff.
All you can do is pound away and send emails to your state legislation.
They want to make anything fun, illegal.
BTW - trikes are up there with firearms.

My AK-47

10-18-2004, 08:44 PM
I am writing this e-mail in reguards to your views as stated on your site. They are purely opinion and not real fact. The real fact is that 3-wheelers are not defective, it is carelesness and the absence of protective gear that makes them dangerous. It takes a certain ammount of skill to ride a 3-wheeler, same as it does to ride a dirtbike, or a roadbike for that matter. But for your to say they are defective is an outrage. There are millions of people who still ride them and WEAR protective gear time after time and never get hurt. ATV's are just as easy to roll or wreck on as a 3 wheeler is. I think that bolth are dangerous, but to recall 3-wheelers is just flat out pigheadedness. Have you yourself ridden an ATC? aAre you yourself an avid ATV or ATC rider? If not then your un-educated views on this are meerly hear-say.

Thank you for your time,

Justin Yrkoski

Theres my e-mail to them. It's clean and to the point i think. lol I hope i get a response and not a "return to sender" like mad max's.

10-18-2004, 09:50 PM
Yamahauler....The funny thing is Kawasaki never a KLT 160 in 84......Only 85. never realized that, they should learn a bit more about trikes before they start looking for sh*t that can go wrong with them

10-18-2004, 10:43 PM
I hope you didn't actually send that email to them. I counted 8 spelling errors and 3 grammatical errors - so to them, you calling them uneducated will look pretty bad.

10-18-2004, 11:07 PM
well i bet it was his first time out and he didnt know how to ride the thing..first off-doesnt know how to ride, second-no safety gear, third-2 fast, and 4th-turned to sharp..anyone that rides atc's knows that u cant turn fast and sharp on one...its that type of carelessness that gets people hurt or even killed..lawyers are dicks anyway..all they care about is money..if they win the case the person he won it for has to pay up...if they dont win it..even then they have tp pay up..its a bunch of trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro...i agree with crackshot...once u finally get something fun they try to take it..id like them to come and take my 3 wheeler...they wont get near close enough to my house to get their filthy hands on it...if i wreck im not suing the company cause itll be my own dam fault..it was that guys own dam fault that gave him that injury..no helmet to fast and turning to sharp is always a bad combination for first timers..who else agrees?

10-18-2004, 11:19 PM
I don't think they will ban them and come around rounding them up.
They will do guns long (which would be a logistical nightmare) before 3 wheelers but its even asinine for them thinking of a dumb idea like that.

10-19-2004, 06:40 PM
The canadian government has done a fine job screwing themselves over and wasting billions (literaly) of taxpayers money creating there diabolical sceme to take away guns (after they register them so they know where they are, which they said was for policing of criminals who own guns, which is bullshit because what criminal in his right mind would voulintarely register?). The canadian firearms act is its known is the most loophole filled bill there is, I cant even begin to explain the bullshit in it so I wont even try, just ask my trike ***** how bad the whole deal is. Anyway, its not just 3wheelers that the government would like to take away, and its not the government alone. Every greenpeace type outfit out there would love to get their slimy hands on our dirtbikes, quads, trikes, argos, jetskis, tracked machines, and lifted trucks. After that they'll wanna take away our hotrods and muscle cars because they pollute or some trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro like that, its already happening, just watch until the next sand dune closes permanently.

10-19-2004, 10:48 PM
ATC Tim, no tell me the errors, thats the letter i am gonna send to them. Revise it for me and you'd be my hero. lol

10-19-2004, 11:45 PM
what piston head said it is fked up hear...but i think there scrapin the gun registration act now...so i herd....they will have to pry my trikes and hot rods from my dead cold rotting stinking burried 10ft under cold clammy hands! oh and how about the liberal sponsership scame with freakin paul martin and jean cretian like how the freakin hell dose millions of dollars just go missing...freakin liberals....why do's there have to be goverment..why cant we all just live in caves and steal stuff when we need it lol...im gona move to an iland and name it my place...stay thefk out...with no goverment...man rants are fun :D

10-20-2004, 02:10 PM
You guys are re-fighting the same battle we fought (and, obviously lost) during the 80's. I remember calling the AMA and even writing my congressman but we know what happened. Thanks for opening those old wounds again... :(

Since we're on the subject, I'd personally like to know why 3-wheelers were singled out with such ferocity and focus. There were, and still are, many things available to consumers more dangerous than 3 wheelers but it turned into such a witch hunt. Maybe it was the media attention, but I bet there was money behind it! I don't really believe in conspiracy theories but it just seems to my analytical brain that there was wayyyy too much momentum for the ban to be just some "good old boy" lawyers trying to protect the defenseless masses from the evils of motorized trikes.

Plus, if trikes are so bad, why aren't all 3-wheeled vehicles outlawed? I see new 3-wheeled utility vehicles such as mowers and crop sprayers all the time. Kids still ride tricyles. If a trike is bad, it should be bad in all forms, right?

Or, why weren't some obvious design changes mandated? Every lawsuit mentions "lack of a differential" and blames the solid axle for handling flaws. Fine - mandate a differential. It would add a few pounds to the trike and, given mass production numbers, would have only made a modest increase in price. There were lots of ways to make trikes safer without ceasing production.

My 2 cents... :beer

10-21-2004, 08:23 AM
Do not type around the word filters. I removed some postings from this thread because of this.

FYI, Using such foul language only makes yourself look childish. I might also add we don't allow it on the forums. As it is stated in the rules:

7. We have a younger audience, lets try to keep the message board clean.

Didn't know we had any rules? You can read them here:


10-21-2004, 11:29 AM
I know some of you guys have to remember a couple years back when Bennet actually posted a time or two here on this very board trying to drum up lawsuits because we had found his web-site and hit him with emails.

Hey crackshot, I'm a fellow owner of one of those too! Thank God that another ridiculous ban ... the "so-called" Assault Weapons ban ... was allowed to sunset. I guess the Trike ban technically had sunset in 1998 but thanks to ambulence chasing lawyers like Bennet and our sue-happy society we will see no new ones. You'd think that would be enough by now but they still are pushing and hinting at recall 16 years later.