View Full Version : My original 350X and my friends restored 250R…Check it!

10-13-2004, 01:01 PM
Last weekend my friend (who is also named Chris and is a member here at 3ww), and I went out to my Dad’s ranch for some hard core 3wheelin. Check out our trikes. There dirty from riding but still look good.

Mine is a 86 350X with real low hours…all stock with a pipe and DG wheels. The whole trike mechanically as well as the plastic is all original. I have the rear garnish but I don’t run it cause I like the way it looks with it off. Yes that is an 85 seat but I like it better than the “ATC” decaled 86 seat. The rear tires give you so much traction the thing wants to flip over backwards when you gas it.

Chris’s is a 1985 250R. This 3 wheeler was left in the barn at this ranch and almost beyond repair. Chris bought it for $500 from me and another $1000 later she is a mint 250R with all new plastic, seat, bars, pipe, silencer, grips, bar pad, fork boots, rear grab bar, cables, decals and much more. She is fast and cherry now.

10-13-2004, 01:11 PM
cool!so have you guys raced? :D

10-13-2004, 01:24 PM
Every time we drag race. We usually go at night to this dirt landing strip. We both start our trikes in 2ed gear, rev up to max rpm's, drop the clutch and its on. Everytime the outcome is the same. My350x takes it through 4th aand the R passes me. The 350X makes more torque to the rear wheels for the first few gears but then flattens out and the R gets me everytime. Doesn't matter though casue were having so much fun. Its really stupid to race these trikes casue there 2 different animals. Mine performs the best on the trails. It can lug up and over anything in any gear where the R needs to shift around more. Just good times

Chris McDaniel
10-13-2004, 05:03 PM
The other Chris here now, just thought I'd pipe in to tell all you R junkies that I got an FMF pipe and silencer off Ebay, and it made that thing come alive, good low end and the power is unbelieveable on top. The only thing is that you need to make the decision everytime you gas it whether or not you want to go fast or cruize, there is no need for the hit if you are planning on cruizing, its an animal when the band hits. Everybody dogs the FMF, but I am here to tell you that I am no pussy when it comes to going fast, My primary bike is a YZ450F and my R is one exciting bike to ride still. 3 wheelers for life!

10-13-2004, 05:07 PM
Those are both nice trikes, I'd be proud to have either of them.

10-13-2004, 07:55 PM
i like them both too...i want that r!

10-13-2004, 09:07 PM
Nice machines, but I highly doubt the X will take the R till 4th :rolleyes:

10-13-2004, 11:57 PM
clong,do you have any pics of your 200x?

Chris McDaniel
10-14-2004, 09:32 AM
Hey trike rider07, the other Chris here, the one with the R. How much you got? I like your 350X, been thinkin about pickin up one, too bad you live so far away.

10-14-2004, 11:38 AM
My 350X takes the R into 4th easily. You have to remember were starting in 2ed to begin with. My X hooks up way better than the R. By the time the R catches me were easily already in 4th gear.

BTW, yesterday on ebay I won a set of actual OEM Honda 350X fender decals including the garnish decal. Dumped $50 but I'm so stoked. Not that my trike needs them, but I'm gonna make her show room condition.

I'll get some pics of my 200X and post them for viewing. That thing is all fresh right now casue it never gets ridden. I'll get a good pic of it and post it.

Chris McDaniel
10-14-2004, 12:25 PM
Clong, lets not be saying the R doesn't catch up till 4th, the reality is the the 350X gets a wheel in front of the R till fourth, you don't pass me very much. Wait till I get my new skins, then we'll see how it goes down after that. For those of you out there viewing this, my R has the original tires on it and they are so worn you can see the air inside em.

10-14-2004, 12:52 PM
Ohhh come on now. In a good majority of the drags I had more than a wheel in front of the R. I remember looking back and seeing you back there and I admit that when you pass me its more than a pass, you fly by. I'm sure when you get new rear skins you be beating me 100% from the green light through 6th gear, but for now the X has traction advantage.

If I have to I'll go put a 50 tooth sprocket on the rear, rev the bike to the moon, climb up on the front fender and drop the clutch.

Chris McDaniel
10-14-2004, 01:22 PM
maybe we should video it next time to show the truth, I'll admit that 350X pulls a wheelie if you sit back just a little and traction is def abundant. To be honest if a clean enough 350X came along I'd probably trade my R for it, but it would have to be an 86 350X in mint condish.

10-14-2004, 02:02 PM
lets see a video!!!

10-14-2004, 04:47 PM
get some new meats on there Chris, to be honest there are 2 350X's in my area and one is my bro's and it's in top shape. Neither of the X's are around after 3rd and thats with a much lighter rider on the x's vs me on my R, by the time I hit 4th I would need a rearview mirror to see the X :)

Chris McDaniel
10-14-2004, 04:55 PM
Thanks for the props, she'll be gettin new skins before it starts raining here, yes it does rain in California. I weigh 198lbs and ride a fairly restored 85' R, my buddy Clong, is 150lbs after he eats, and runs his 86' 350X, so there is a little weight discrepancy. I can still get him no matter what he says!

10-14-2004, 05:16 PM
Everybody is so hard on the 350X's. Lets give some props to em. Way better power delivery in every gear at any speed which makes them awesome on trails. There way more fuel efficient and possibly more reliable and not that the R is any less atrractive casue its not, but the 350X is a beautiful machine.

10-14-2004, 05:21 PM
And by the way Chris McDanzzzz, our weight differenece is not that much. Your not 200lbs. Maybe 189lbs and I weigh 155 lbs before I eat and after I hop on the can.

At any rate, until you get your new skins, my 350X always take the hole shot over your R. Enough said.