View Full Version : Stock headlights: 350x vs. 250R

10-10-2004, 11:08 AM
Is the 350x headlight noticably brighter? Seems like it would be but I've never ridden one at night. I was thinking about getting one for my R. The harness matches right up, correct?


J La
10-10-2004, 01:23 PM
I have both, a 250R and a 350X. I have ridden both at night and haven't really noticed a huge differance. The 350X headlight has two plugs, one for each light. Good luck. :beer

10-10-2004, 01:38 PM
i had tried both on my old R at one time, and i liked the 350x light better, one because it looked better, and two because it seemed a bit brighter. the R harness is easiliy modified to adjust to the 350x light.

10-11-2004, 03:49 PM
A tad off topic but I ride with a bunch of quad's in the sand dunes. Well they always want me to lead, cause I'm just the best (JK), anyway especially @ night because the stock light on my 85 250R is much brighter / clearer with a wider path than: new 400exs, 300exs, banshees, ect.... Come to think of it the only brighter vehicles @ the dunes @ night were buggies with loads of lights or some quad with a desert type extra huge addon. So not much help with your comparison to a 350X but hands down this old 85 R wins the who's the bright one @ night award! :p