View Full Version : Timing and cam shaft help ! pics..

10-07-2004, 10:37 PM
ok.. here we go.

Rob0781 graciously came over tonight and gave me a hand removing my carb, finally got it out. the airbox don't budge, trust me. however, by removing bolts on both sides of the intake boot ( between the carb and head ) we finally got it out, cleaned, and back in.\

We replaced the o-ring on the boot/head side as it was pretty mashed up.


After doing this, replaced the plug, and plug wire , checked for spark and got one, was able to start it up but it won't idle, sputters, and stalls. Managed to get it fired up once pretty good, but smoked a bit and quit.

So on we went.

removed the tank, cdi cover, and wanted to check the timing, and at this point i need some details on placement.

10-07-2004, 10:44 PM
by turning the crank, i found the T mark, lined it up with it's mark, and ended up removing the timing chain and sproket and tested a few things with no success..

Can anyone PLEASE tell me what i need to match up to what so i know i have it properly set?

The mark on the sproket where the bolts hold it on line up with the notch above the head, and i need to find out how to tell if i'm on 180 degrees off somehow.

also. the part that spins on the CDI to make the spark, can be moved in various positions, is there a trick to this as well that i need to know ?

Now before i get a " Buy the manual " post, please understand that i fully intend to do that, but i don't quite have the funds at the moment, and i've bid on e-bay a few times with no success, :mad: , i just want to get o'l big red going ASAP and RIDE ! :Bounce

10-08-2004, 01:05 AM
lol ,in the second pic the cdi is on upside down...

10-08-2004, 01:08 AM
would we time this the same as a yamaha cause i got a yamaha manual i was lookin at when i got home and it gives easy to understand steps i learned back in june how to time these and i think i'm forgetting somthin with the cam timing..

10-08-2004, 08:57 AM
lol ,in the second pic the cdi is on upside down...

LOL.. oops.. just wanted to put it up so it would'nt hang from the wire all night... dohh.

Sooooo.. anyone ?

I also did some research on 3wheeler.org last night and aparently the F on the crank is used for timing, not the T ( the T being used to set the valve clearance )


10-08-2004, 09:44 AM
oh.. another little detail.

we changed the clip position on the carb from the 3rd to the 1st.

if that makes any differenct.

10-08-2004, 02:05 PM
oh.. another little detail.

we changed the clip position on the carb from the 3rd to the 1st.

if that makes any differenct.
i think we actually changed it from 3rd to 2nd..

10-09-2004, 10:04 AM
If you're checking the physical timing (like the cam chain & sprocket) you use the "T" mark on the flywheel. If you are retiming the ignition you use the "F" mark on the flywheel. Also, you should leave the carb settings at factory spec unless you have some mods.

10-09-2004, 02:57 PM
take out the plug and look inside to see if the piston is up top (tdc)
sprocket lines up with the mark and thats it.

10-09-2004, 06:44 PM
FINALLY got it going..

Took alot of beer and about 3 guys tinkering..

after trying all possible timing positions etc.......

we put gas in the cylinder from the plug hole, put the plug back in and BROOMOMM and brrrrr... put. stall.

so it had to be the carb.

removed the carb AGAIN... thorouly cleaned it out, and put her back in.. and voila !

for some reason.. mine has a plastic float, all plastic,, no metal arms or connectors between the 2 floats..????? must be a carb kit from the previous owner.

but IT RUNS AGAIN.. and better than ever too !

10-10-2004, 03:48 AM
awsome,so you wanna hit the trails monday?