View Full Version : 82 200 honda

09-27-2004, 09:35 PM
I just got an 1982 honda 200 with 25-12-9 tires on it and i was just wondering is the only things that could leak water in the engine is the exhaust and the carb,and i got some steel flexible tubing i am going to hoseclamp to the end of the muffler, and a long piece of vacume tubing and i am going to hoseclamp that to the end of the carb and put the air cleaner on the end of the tubing and i was just wondering if this will work?, so i can go threw some major deep water.

09-27-2004, 10:23 PM
Yeah I guess it would work if you can keep it from flipping over. Thats the hard part. Your coil might jump fire a bit.

09-28-2004, 10:46 AM
Re route your carb vent hose up the frame under the gas tank and make sure
the air box is sealed good , keep the engine running and you won't have any
problems.Let us know if you go through with the snorkel idea.I'm curious how that would turn out.

09-28-2004, 09:31 PM
i whent threw with the snorkel idea today i whent and put a peice of vacume hose hoseclamped to the end of the carb and i got a peice of steel flex pipe for the xhause(i still have to put that on), but i whent and tested her in a boatlanding near my house and it worked, i whent to threw water up to about the top of the fenders, but then it started floating up, it was pritty neat, i routed the hose under the back fender and it came out by the handlebars and then i just tiestrapped it to the handlebars, ill get picks with it in action when i am going threw a big swamp.