View Full Version : damn lost this 350x

09-19-2004, 10:24 PM

09-19-2004, 10:47 PM
Always set your max bid to a really strange number like $736.92. I've just barely won several auctions that way.

09-19-2004, 10:50 PM
Make sure you're HOME at the end of the auction and bid at the last minute.
If you don't, you'll just end up in a bidding war with someone else.
You're only shooting yourself in the foot by bidding early.
All you're doing is helping out the seller.

BUT...bidding an oddball price is a GREAT idea.....so long as no one else outbids your price.

I've used them in the past and they WORK.

09-19-2004, 10:52 PM
One word is all I have to say.........SNIPE

No more waiting til the end of an auction or bidding up the price. JUst sit back and watch you win. :TrikesOwn

09-19-2004, 10:58 PM
One word is all I have to say.........SNIPE

No more waiting til the end of an auction or bidding up the price. JUst sit back and watch you win. :TrikesOwn

Right on brother! :cool:

09-19-2004, 11:17 PM
Yeah I did snipe it, at 1hr left it was only at $530, so I thought $701 on my sniper would take it, $711 for a decent running and looking 350 and nearby, what a steal, not to mention a cool ass wheelie bar perfect for the W. TN Sand Drags, DAMN!

09-19-2004, 11:19 PM
One dollar over a round figure like that is almost never enough.

09-19-2004, 11:22 PM
hmmm you are in AZ are the the one that stole it...? lol

09-19-2004, 11:27 PM
that *****!keep your eyes open and you will snipe one!!

09-19-2004, 11:31 PM
where do you get snipe programs?

09-19-2004, 11:36 PM
hmmm you are in AZ are the the one that stole it...? lol

Shhhhh! ;)

09-20-2004, 12:38 AM
www.auctionstealer.com for FREE

09-20-2004, 12:56 AM
it says i have to sign up for priority service which isnt free

09-20-2004, 01:17 AM
no trust me you dont, scroll to the bottom, its free and I use it, you can get 3 snipes a week for free, do NOT sign up for priority service, although it seems like you have too its how they make $.

09-20-2004, 06:45 AM
Don't snipe an hour before it ends!
Good heavens.....wait until the LAST 5 minutes and place your snipe.
Providing no one else is doing the same and/or outbid your max, you're good to go.
My SNIPE is set to bid in the last 30 seconds.
If someone outbids my snipe, then I wasn't meant to have the item.
Such is life.

I can't emphasize this enough folks.
If you want an item bad enough..........WAIT and make sure you're home within a half hour or so of when the auction ends....or make sure a family member, friend, etc. is watching for you if you can't be there.
It'll be worth it!

09-20-2004, 07:38 AM
Thats where the real buzz comes from,- It's 3.15am,you've been up all night just so you don't over sleep and miss the damned auction closing, less than one minute to go, your hearts pounding, sweating, bricking it, the bids are coming in thick and fast, moneys piling up and it's gone a bit higher than you anticipated, you realise though this is the one and only opportunity to own an 86 250R in original stock condition, you can justify any cost, your just waiting for that perfect moment to go to the "place bid" page, you can't seen the auction page!, submitting the bid, "YOU ARE CURRENTLY THE HIGHEST BIDDER".YES!!!! but for how long? Back to the updated auction page, can't instantly refresh page , have to resend page, 3 seconds till auction closes, refresh/resend information,..........CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE WON THE ITEM! Cue wave of euphoria, you just brought a piece of history!!!!!!!!! Winning a beuty feels almost as good as riding one!
I missed out on loads of wins just from either not being there at close or bidding to soon and not enough. If you want it bad enough wait as long as you dare, usually less than one minute and then put in an insane bid. You won't pay that amount, but it will be that late in the auction that anyone else bidding won't have time to bid again, either reasonably or do the same and put a monsterous auction winning bid in, like you did! this is how I won a 250R from Pennsylvania recently, don't know if anyone saw it, check out:- user ID jakko2630 on ebay to seen this and other bikes aquired. This way you can even potentially beat these auction snipe programs, unless they also put in monsterously high bid, but then, if they do win at least they have to pay the monsterously high price! sweet revenge for a lost love! It takes balls but if you want it bad enough.... Its worth it. Happy Bidding!

09-21-2004, 07:41 AM
Everyone should read WILD250R's post.
THAT is the "Ebay experience" to a tee! :beer

If you want it bad enough.......

It's a bummer when the auctions end at such goofy times, though.
That's a primo reason for SNIPING.
23 month old daughter and a demanding job make those 3AM banzai auctions a thing of the past for me. :(

Thanks for the story, WILD250R!!

09-22-2004, 04:47 AM
Glad you got to feel it too MO350X! Gets me every time! I think everyone should win on eBay sometime, it's such a unique experience, especially when its something real special that a whole bunch of people really what,- The whole "Fight or Flight" feelin in a modern day environment! It's Rockin Baby