View Full Version : THIS SHOULD BE BURNED AT THE STAKE. :evil:

09-18-2004, 11:36 AM
I can barely bring my eyes to look at this hidious heathen contraption, what sick and twisted person would lower them selves this far to make this kit. WHO EVER YOU ARE, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR SELF.

That feels better.

09-18-2004, 11:40 AM
what is it? lol

09-18-2004, 11:42 AM
Are you talking about that 250R conversion kit on ebay? That thing made me sick.


09-18-2004, 11:42 AM
oh S$%& i for got the link....here it is http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2489776724&category=43964


09-18-2004, 11:44 AM
yea that thing

09-18-2004, 11:50 AM
its sickening that someone would even thin about that... im having a hard time finding a 250r and now they wanna turn it into a quad? no way!

09-18-2004, 11:54 AM
Did you see how many negative feedbacks they had? 22 negative this year and 12 of them were from this last month alone! Don't think I'll be doing any deals with them soon.

09-18-2004, 12:02 PM
That is one disgusting contraption!

09-18-2004, 12:43 PM
I'm sure that is an Astro front end kit. This is probably the same kit that a lot of people on this site said looked so good not long ago when it was installed on a 200x. As for the people who say they have been looking for a 250r to buy and can't find arn't looking very hard. They are forsale everywhere.

Look at these links I just found.



09-18-2004, 01:21 PM
I like it. I mean if someone had a large amount of cash into their 250R but didnt want to sell it to buy a new quad to go MX with then it would be very convienient to slap that front on and go MX but be able to go back to a trike whenever ya want.

Besides if that was put together with a couple aftermarket parts and some shiney plastic I'm sure some opinions would be different.

09-18-2004, 01:36 PM
it would be very convienient to slap that front on and go MX but be able to go back to a trike whenever ya want.
You can't just take that off, it's welded on. Once you install that you've just got rid of another good trike.

09-18-2004, 02:09 PM
Who cares? Let someone do what they want to. They spent their money on it, and they probably like it. Maby thats all they had was a 250r trike, and wanted a trx? Whats the big deal, I dont see why you guys get so upset espically when there is about a million more out there.

09-18-2004, 02:25 PM
Who cares? Let someone do what they want to. They spent their money on it, and they probably like it. Maby thats all they had was a 250r trike, and wanted a trx? Whats the big deal, I dont see why you guys get so upset espically when there is about a million more out there.
That makes no sence. For what atc250r are pulling now and the cost of a kit you could have just sold your machine and bought a trx250r. That's why it's crazy. Also that convertion kit is junk compaired to a stock trx.

09-18-2004, 03:50 PM
Good trike gone bad..... AS for who cares??? I do!

09-18-2004, 05:21 PM
Whats the big deal? Thats just a frame with an Astro kit on it. Its obviously been disassembled. You guys should be applauding for disassembling a conversion, right? Maybe hes got a trike frame to build on. Or maybe hes destroying an "evil conversion", so the parts can be used on trikes. People hack up trike frames every day to stick some motor on it for which it was never meant, and they get applauded, and most of those projects are aborted before they ever become a reality. I am amazed that teh bidding has gone this high, because the TRX250R front end has huge advantages.

09-18-2004, 05:32 PM
Whats the big deal? Thats just a frame with an Astro kit on it. Its obviously been disassembled. You guys should be applauding for disassembling a conversion, right? Maybe hes got a trike frame to build on. Or maybe hes destroying an "evil conversion", so the parts can be used on trikes. People hack up trike frames every day to stick some motor on it for which it was never meant, and they get applauded, and most of those projects are aborted before they ever become a reality. I am amazed that teh bidding has gone this high, because the TRX250R front end has huge advantages.
Who cares if it's been disasembled? The damage is already done. As far as applauding people who hack up frames you can count me out of that one. Wether it's an astro kit or a joe schmo kit it's still ugly. All this place does from what I've seen is part out bikes, trikes and quads so I doubt they are putting something together. Look at the feedback, these people don't need to be defended, they need to be smacked with a big tuna.

09-18-2004, 06:12 PM
LOL@ OLDSCHOOL!!! You tell em man :cool:

09-18-2004, 06:18 PM
quad conversions are stupid. they make quads every day trike they will never make again. every quad conversion is one less trike out there. why not just go buy a 86 or a 87 TRX250R and sell the ATC to some one who will love it and ride it.

09-18-2004, 07:50 PM
why not just go buy a 86 or a 87 TRX250R and sell the ATC to some one who will love it and ride it.

Because a Quad-Z kicks a TRX250R's butt!! :beer

09-18-2004, 09:39 PM
man quad conversions are ugly as hell. and oldschooling i agree with you

09-18-2004, 09:55 PM
man quad conversions are ugly as hell. and oldschooling i agree with you

Thats okay. The only part of it you would ever see would be the back end at a distance, and it will still look like a TriZ from your vantage point.

09-18-2004, 10:08 PM
Thats okay. The only part of it you would ever see would be the back end at a distance, and it will still look like a TriZ from your vantage point.
That's a relief! LOL

09-18-2004, 10:47 PM
lmao oldschoolin

09-19-2004, 12:24 AM
Who cares if it's been disasembled? The damage is already done. As far as applauding people who hack up frames you can count me out of that one. Wether it's an astro kit or a joe schmo kit it's still ugly. All this place does from what I've seen is part out bikes, trikes and quads so I doubt they are putting something together. Look at the feedback, these people don't need to be defended, they need to be smacked with a big tuna.

Couldnt have said it better myself!

09-19-2004, 01:21 AM
what i dont see is the point of turning a nearly exstinct peice of history into a common quad. DOES ANYBODY ELSE SEE THE PROBLEM??????????????

09-19-2004, 02:23 AM
what i dont see is the point of turning a nearly exstinct peice of history into a common quad. DOES ANYBODY ELSE SEE THE PROBLEM??????????????

It was discussed earlier in this thread. Back in 87 and 88 it was the cheap way to get a quad. Back then no one wanted a trike is the way I understand it. I'm sure your not gonna find anyone trashing anymore trike frames installing quad kits on them.

09-19-2004, 07:23 AM
I can barely bring my eyes to look at this hidious heathen contraption, what sick and twisted person would lower them selves this far to make this kit. WHO EVER YOU ARE, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR SELF.

That feels better.
you know you want to bid on it. :p

09-19-2004, 08:06 AM
It was discussed earlier in this thread. Back in 87 and 88 it was the cheap way to get a quad. Back then no one wanted a trike is the way I understand it. I'm sure your not gonna find anyone trashing anymore trike frames installing quad kits on them.
Oh it's still happening, here's an article about it from atvconnection.com:


09-19-2004, 11:10 AM
It's a shame for people that don't care but still visit a 3 wheeler site. Just plain gay....

09-19-2004, 11:54 AM
what i dont see is the point of turning a nearly exstinct peice of history into a common quad. DOES ANYBODY ELSE SEE THE PROBLEM??????????????

The guy bought an $1800 kit, and welded on a frame so he could sell it on Ebay for $75? Smokinwrench has it right. These kits were bought and installed 15-20 years ago. Nobody does it today. 20 years from now, some kid who isnt born yet will be calling you an idiot for putting Douglas rims, DG pipes and extended swingarms on trikes today and "destroying" their collector value as an original in the future, and you'll be defending the practice as I am today.

09-19-2004, 11:59 AM
even if u put on douglas wheels and dg pipe and extended swinger it is still a trike!

09-19-2004, 12:00 PM
Good point TimSr. So all you trike preachers out there who have any aftermarket parts (this includes tires lol) should not be so hard on the people who have takin mods to the fullest extint. Your just as guilty as everyone else.

09-19-2004, 12:02 PM
Good point TimSr. So all you trike preachers out there who have any aftermarket parts (this includes tires lol) should not be so hard on the people who have takin mods to the fullest extint. Your just as guilty as everyone else.

09-19-2004, 12:09 PM
The guy bought an $1800 kit, and welded on a frame so he could sell it on Ebay for $75? Smokinwrench has it right. These kits were bought and installed 15-20 years ago. Nobody does it today.
Here I'll post the link again:


That wasn't done to long ago.

20 years from now, some kid who isnt born yet will be calling you an idiot for putting Douglas rims, DG pipes and extended swingarms on trikes today and "destroying" their collector value as an original in the future, and you'll be defending the practice as I am today.
Possible but not likely. Adding bolt on parts is not exactly ruining anything. It wouldn't take a torch, grinder, bondo and paint to get an exhaust back to original. Big difference.

09-19-2004, 12:19 PM
I like the old kits, Its still part of three wheeler history, just not part of the "glory days". We should just make this a sticky thread so all the people who find them on ebay and post a new thread freaking out on how they killed a perfectly good trike have a place to go. :beer


09-19-2004, 04:04 PM
Haha, I like that aircooled TRX250R, he did a great job. Anyone have a pic of the 84/85 Tecate with a Astro kit installed?

09-19-2004, 11:00 PM
i should just bid on it and get it. i could use the extra parts if nothing else :p

09-20-2004, 10:32 AM
Here I'll post the link again:


That wasn't done to long ago.

Possible but not likely. Adding bolt on parts is not exactly ruining anything. It wouldn't take a torch, grinder, bondo and paint to get an exhaust back to original. Big difference.

Your link doesnt work, but I assume you found somebody that did one in recent times. If thats the case, then Id be the first to agree that he's an idiot. People occasionally ask about doing them on here, until they learn of the cost involved, and quickly realize doing one today is idiotic. They were pretty rare back in the 80's and they are almost unheard of today. We've seen less than a dozen on ebay over the last 2 years. Do you really think these ones they sell on ebay or are parting out were done recently? By the way, nothing is cut on these from modifications. They can easily be removed without damaging the frame. Yes, youll need a hacksaw and a grinder and some paint, and about half an hour. If you need a good frame FOR A TRIKE, you should bid on this auction.

I also agree, bolts ones are easier to change back to original, provided you have kept all of your original parts! How many people with a trike with aftermarket parts still have all of the original parts? maybe a few, but not many.

To each his own, but I really love mine. I raced mine agian yesterday, and again, strangers came up and took pictures of it. They were trike enthusiats who knew exactly what it was.

09-20-2004, 04:08 PM
Well for the money, its going cheep, ya could use it fer parts! But I had always heard that this is the worst kind of quad to have, the center of balance is all messed up if I'm remembering correctly. Then again I remember when they came out and I did kinda want one, thank god that pass'd. ;)

09-20-2004, 04:51 PM
Your link doesnt work, but I assume you found somebody that did one in recent times. If thats the case, then Id be the first to agree that he's an idiot.
I'll try it again, the system keeps shortening it.


Do you really think these ones they sell on ebay or are parting out were done recently?
No but they're still a reminder of a bad idea.

By the way, nothing is cut on these from modifications. They can easily be removed without damaging the frame. Yes, youll need a hacksaw and a grinder and some paint, and about half an hour.
If you want it original it'll take a little more than a rattle can and a half hour. Of course that's true with any restoration.

If you need a good frame FOR A TRIKE, you should bid on this auction.
Mabey if you were really hard up. For some reason the price is pretty high for what it is. You'd be better off finding an unmolested frame instead. The oddest thing about the price is if you look at most ebay auctions involving these kits, they pull less money then if it was still just a trike.

How many people with a trike with aftermarket parts still have all of the original parts? maybe a few, but not many.
If I put an aftermarket part on I keep the original. I agree with you though that my way is most likely rare.

strangers came up and took pictures of it
They probably thought is was some type of yamaha prototype. j/k ;)

09-20-2004, 04:51 PM
How many people with a trike with aftermarket parts still have all of the original parts? maybe a few, but not many.

I do I do I do!!! :Bounce But that's the kinda anal Engineer turned Math teacher that I am! :D

Bruce :TrikesOwn