09-13-2004, 03:38 PM
well i was chaning a tire at this farm...with my moms bf ..hes mobile tire service... but any ways i seen this trike sittin beside the barn with flat looked like a big red but it was a kick start and eletric start on it...from what i could see..i didnt have a chance to look at it real close..i assumed it was one becuse the other trike he was driving around(the guy who ownnd the farm) look vary similer but when i lookd where the kick was on the othere one..on his there was an eletric starter with another case guess is the old on starter broke or somthin and he took it off and put a kicker on it..but left the starter on..,...any one have any ideas? :p :TrikesOwn im gona phone him and see if i can get it off him...go look at it anyways wish me luck :D