View Full Version : No slip in my clutch means...

09-12-2004, 01:16 AM
well on my atc90 i replaced the matrial friction pads in the clutch but not the metal ones well..now i dont have any slip in my clutch and my guess is that the metal friction pads where warped and are screwing up the new fiber ones...so now i have to get a whole new set..unless any one elses has any insight into this problem? :rolleyes:

09-12-2004, 02:48 PM
How have you determined it does not slip? When you put it in gear, does it lunge forward and stall? Does it stall when you brake to a stop? Or does the clutch just not turn loose when you puch up or down on the shifter? Autoclutch, manual shift models have two clutches in them. The first two symptoms I mentioned demonstrate a problem with the centrifugal clutch. The latter problem is that of the disked clutch.

09-12-2004, 06:55 PM
well...i figured there was no slip becuse when i put the thing in gear and hold down the leaver...it is engaged...befor when i did that it would stay disengaged until you let up on the leaver..i think it was the disk clutch becus i was doing this and i poped the clutch and half a pad blew off so i replaced them..and this is where im at..also sometimes when im riding it go's into nutral and you have to push down on the shifter to get it back into gear..vary anoying lol