View Full Version : Where to start not runnning ATC200

09-11-2004, 03:51 PM
Hello all, as you may have read in my previous post I have picked up 1981 ATC200 that is not running for a project bike. I have a manual for it but I want your opinions on where to start to get it running. I would really like to get it at least running before I start to tear it apart and rebuild it, if that is possible. I have a weak spark but everytime I try to start it the plug gets wet with fuel. The gear shifter is seized but I don't think this should stop it from starting??? I do have another bottom end to fix that later. I have also almost two of everything although I have not yet figured out how to tell which parts are good. Any pointers would be appriciated from some of you experts out there.

Also I plan on getting an electrical tester to test the ignition components but I don't have one at the moment. Will the trike start even with a weak spark or lets say being out of time or will this stop it from starting at all? As you can tell I am entirely new to this but I plan on being patient and learning (with a little help). Thanks guys!

If you want to see pictures of my new purchase or my 1981 YT175 look here:

My Trikes (http://ca.f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/norton79ca/lst?.dir=/Rifle&.view=l)


09-11-2004, 04:50 PM
the bike wont start out of time and it might start with a weak spark..but i would suggest swapin out the coil and cleaning the carb for a start...aslo you can tell if the timein is correct by taking the little plug out just beside the pull starter (its round with a slot in it) look for the "T" mark on the fly weel by slowly turning it over looking though the hole..onece you find it make shure its centerd and pull the spark plug out and see if you can see the piston at the top of the stroke..or gently stick a screw drive in there...if its at top dead center you should feel it quite quick..if you cant see or feel it with the screwdriver then your timein is out more than likely...but check first and if it is ill write how to do the timein :)

09-11-2004, 05:04 PM
well if first check your timing and make sure its right. then i would get a new plug and clean the carb. put fresh gas in fresh oil in it and check your compression. if it hasint run in a long time you might try sqirting some oil in the cylinder and that might help alittle. just make a check list of the basics and check it all before you take it apart.

09-12-2004, 12:22 PM
Well I checked the basics with some help and everything seems normal. I sprayed some cleaner in the carb, put a new spark plug, etc.. I am getting a good spark. Someone before I got it has done some work on the top end and I am thinking it is out of time....when I try to pull start it, it is spraying gas out of the intake of the carb (where the air filter goes). I have set the timing...by lining up F with the mark and by lining up the roto pulsar at TDC on the ignition stroke but I am thinking that the cam was put in 180 degrees the wrong way???? Is there anything else that would cause the gas to go the wrong way (carb problems,etc.). I followed the manuals directions for timing but I still don't know how to tell if the cam was put in correctly. Any help would sure be appriciated.


09-12-2004, 01:13 PM
well that sounds like what the problem is with the cam..take off the CDI untill you see the cam gear...take out the bolts in the cam gear and move the cam so the lobes are pointing stright down..then put the gear back on and check the T mark lines up with the cam with the lobes pointing down...if not adjust the chain on the timin gear ..prtty simple :)...and if that gets it running..im gona kick my self for not buying it lmao

09-12-2004, 01:21 PM
Is it the T mark I have to,line up or the 'F'.


09-12-2004, 01:26 PM
im pretty shur its the T mark..thats what i was told..and use and it runs great.. ..i think the F is for setting the gap on the points or cdi or sumtin

09-12-2004, 02:41 PM
Still can't seem to get it right. Is there anywhere on the net where a guy can find instructions on rebuilding the top end of these 4 stroke machines. I'll just start from the begining and put it together properly so I know its right. It still squirts gas out of the intake when I try to start it.


09-12-2004, 06:20 PM
It sounds to me like your timing is 180 degees off making it fire at the wrong time.Also, have you made sure the exhaust is not plugged or the air box? Good luck :D

09-12-2004, 06:51 PM
you might want to compleatly take apart the carb first and clean all the jets take every thing apart and clean it befor you decide to tear it all down

09-12-2004, 08:42 PM
id say swap the bottom end and make it so u can shift it into nutral. That makes it easyer to start i find. Now make sure theirs no corrosion inside the spark plug boot that can give u a weak spark. Put a new plug in it if you havent all ready. Make sure your time is set correctly. Clean your carb and make sure you have the right size jets in their and the carb is set correctly.

Try that n see what happens

09-12-2004, 08:49 PM
ohh i just thought of sumtin..my friend had this with his atc110...what it tund out to be was the piston was in back wards...the intake side of the piston was on the exaust side..you said they guy did top end work right? well maby he put it in back wards..its pretty simple to tell which way it go's normally theres a IN mark for the intake side...hope that helps

09-12-2004, 09:06 PM
I think that I am going to take the entire thing apart and start from stratch. That way I will change out the bottom end and get rid of that shifting problem and I can check that piston out, that does make sence to me. I will take the carb out and clean it too...I guess its better to start by checking everything out and making sure its right. I do have one question though, I need some good instructions (all I have is a general manual) on how everything should be put together after I take it apart since I can't count on how the previous owner did it. What do you guys suggest...is a clymers or haynes manual going to be enough, is there instructions somewhere on the net (I have found only 2 stroke top end instructions so far) or should I try getting a Honda shop manual? Thanks for all the ideas so far, I feel that even though it's still not running I am sure learning alot about my trike. I'll keep you all posted as I progress.


09-12-2004, 09:10 PM
i think the clymer manuels are pretty good...my friend rebuilt his ct70 with only that when he was 10...lol and i have one for my 90 and stuff and there pretty accurate and easy to figure out..most of the time also check out http://www.3wheeler.org/vb/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=16
and the threds there..some of em are good tips on how to do stuff :)

Billy Golightly
09-12-2004, 09:15 PM
At all possible applications, I would reccomend an OEM manual (In your case, Honda). The aftermarket manuals are OK, but they often leave alot to be desired and have directions like "Assembly is the opposite of removal" that make you wonder wtf your doing. Stop by your local Honda dealer one time and tell them you need a service manual for your make and model trike. Well worth the money.

09-12-2004, 09:17 PM
i have a clymer service manuel..i thought they where the OEM type a thingy..man im stupid lol