View Full Version : help fast again

xd 200x
09-09-2004, 10:31 PM
ok tried to change the rear bearings on my 84 200x today and one of them fell apart and the rece is stuck in the rear hub. i figure im just going to air chissel it out tomarrow. but the real question is what in the heck is that pipe for in my rear housing it's like a peice of pipe that just floats in there between the rear bearings. it seems to me that it serves no purpose. is it supost to be in there or is it just some more hillbilly rigging im findind on this thing please help me figure out what it's pursoe is and if i should put it back in there and naymore tips you may have on getting the bearing race out

09-09-2004, 11:20 PM
Im not sure, but I think they are spacers or something. I am about to tear down my 350Xs rear and I have seen kits on EBAY and they have those spacer lookin pipe pieces in them. Dont know if this helps but maybe someone else will post more info.


09-09-2004, 11:53 PM
As far as I know that is a spacer and it is supposed to be there!


09-10-2004, 06:19 AM
That is a spacer to make sure the bearings aren't pulled too far in. You want that piece in there.

09-10-2004, 07:53 AM
Odler Fox got it, it is a spacer to keep the bearing centers from being able to move to the inside on high stress moments

09-11-2004, 09:43 AM
That's me odler fox...what is an odler anyways? Well maybe I don't want to know.

xd 200x
09-11-2004, 06:03 PM
thanks guy i got it fixed l;ast nuight and took it out today. this was the first time i have ever ridden a trike. it was a heck of alot of fun i just like going through hudge mud when i came back i was coverd. and i only fell off 3 times 2 tips and 1 flip .

09-11-2004, 06:13 PM
wow all thoes crashes in how long? not even a week? you need to be carfull man. people doing that is y they got banned. take an easy and get use to it by u want to go all out. how are your bars? did you bend them on the flip? and when u say tips u mean u put it on its side? man youve got the record for most crashes lol. (im not making fun of you in any way lol just be clear that up)

xd 200x
09-12-2004, 03:59 PM
it was about 6 or so hours of riding. by tips i mean the front tire got in a rut that 1 could not get out of causing it it to go on it's side and me into the weeds. the flip was from me screwing around doing a wheelie and landing on my back. im not hurt at all and the bike isnt hurt either just alot of mud. these things are great and aalot of fun i just cant keep up with my friends on their kx205"s thats what caused most of the problems.

09-12-2004, 04:57 PM
it was about 6 or so hours of riding. by tips i mean the front tire got in a rut that 1 could not get out of causing it it to go on it's side and me into the weeds. the flip was from me screwing around doing a wheelie and landing on my back. im not hurt at all and the bike isnt hurt either just alot of mud. these things are great and aalot of fun i just cant keep up with my friends on their kx205"s thats what caused most of the problems.

Face it.....It'll take a MONSTER ATC to keep up with KX250's in the woods! :eek:

My 350X fits me to a TEE, both size and power-wise.
I love it to death but...I took it on a couple VERY challenging trails this morning....
It showed me who was boss three times.

I didn't endo or dump it.
But man, it was close!!.
Thank goodness I was just plugging along on those monster hills.
Truthfully? It felt like I was riding a trials bike! :eek:

I love my 350X. :Bounce