View Full Version : dual exhaust

09-03-2004, 05:48 PM
im thinkin of puttin dual exhaust on my 185s...any feedback like how gay or cool it sounds? im gonna put it in a straight form then bend it so it goes to about the middle of the frame then put a y pipe on there then 2 big 8" long 3" wide truck tips on it..sound cool or sound gay? the other idea i had was instead of puttin those tips on it put the ones that are already dual.. ll or l l is wat it should look like...im makin them next semester in my manufacturing class..all we do in there pretty much is weld and do watever so i asked the teacher and he said bring it in next semester so i was like HELL YEA!!

09-03-2004, 06:25 PM
I say do it! Just make sure you rejet, or it will foul plugs and not have any power. I had a straight through pipe on my 110, and it sounded pretty cool :twisted: (as long as your the one riding it :p ). Don't expect it to have a deep rumbling tone though. It will be more high pitched.

09-03-2004, 06:35 PM
Dual exhaust on a single cylinder motor? I say do it if you really want to but it won't help the performance any and it will be very odd. Also opening up you exhaust won't foul your plug. It will make you run lean so you will have to fatten it up a little.

Good Luck

09-03-2004, 06:38 PM
didnt somebody already do this on they're 200s it looked all right i'd lose the tip idea though.

09-04-2004, 09:17 AM
hey cool at least trailprotrailpro all honest! thanks for the rejet or richin it up tip also..i may not run duals even know it sounds cool i may justr run a straight to a dual tip thing..then i could keep my airbox..o yea y should i loose the tip idea? i think itll like crome it up a little bit and make it look somewhat good but thats ok...as i said at least trailprotrailpro all honest..thanks

09-04-2004, 11:20 AM
because from every other angle except the back, you will see a phony tip on there that looks kinda silly. On a truck, thats alright because the rest of the exhaust system is hidden under the vehicle.

09-04-2004, 11:34 AM
I saw a guy who was travelling the world on a single cylinder honda motorcycle, he had a fake dual exhaust rigged on his bike (no exhaust running through the one pipe) the pipe looked real, but its real use was for in rough countries so he could store his valuables in the extra pipe so they wouldnt get stolen! That is one hell of an idea, and he had some system to stop the stuff from falling out of the pipe.

09-04-2004, 12:30 PM
good point eh tee see...thats cool piston head