View Full Version : Capacitor Discharge Ignition Unit Color Code Diagram

09-02-2004, 06:48 PM
Hello to any and all, I am just a newly registered member here of your website, I have a technical question here, and was hoping someone could reply to me in regards as to what I am after.
Thank you to any and all that reply to this post.

I have a 1985 ATC250ES BigRed, and what I am currently looking for is a diagram that shows me the color coding for the Capacitor Discharge Ignition Unit.
At this time there is no spark, am trying to get this trike up and running, but have yet to no avail, any help would greatly be appreciated.

Am ready to blow this trike up, LOL!!! Not myself, as I am only the wife submitting this post actually for my husband. :(

Billy Golightly
09-02-2004, 09:31 PM
checkout our wiring diagrams page on www.3wheelerworld.com under the "Technical Section" Should be able to help you out.