View Full Version : My 85r new look and crash story.

08-25-2004, 09:07 PM
Well as all of you probably know by now I got a super sweet deal on a nice 85 250r. When I first got it I couldnt believe that it just didnt have the power of the 84R air fooler. My air fooler would just plain get it out of the hole(has K&N, DG pipe and silencer and 85R carb with twist throttle). Well I was complaining to everyone that I really didnt think the 85R was all it was cut out to be.
Days progess and we head to ricks(xnagex) place to ride his woods "track". We got there and unload the trikes and did some minor tuning. I got a new rear shock and a brand new OEM carb installed. Well after over lubing the filter and fouling a few plugs that sucker ran like a wild dog chasing a car! I was super impressed. I know I know lets get the to wreck!!!!:D

Well it was nice tight woods for awhile(til howard ran most of the trees over lol). There was a down hill with a nice size ditch that you had to hit at an angle. Well I have been hitting it wrong all day and bouncing around like crazy. So I just decided that it was pointless so I would roll thru it and hit the gas to make it up the large hill afterwards. Well that slow R LOL:doh: I hit just alittle too hard gonig up the hill so It wheelied up it. No big deal you say til I notice a huge Oak tree minutes ahead. So I drop the front end down in just enough time to miss a small 3" diameter tree with the front tire but hit it with the left bar, foot peg and rear axle. I was rolling too. Needless to say that R slammed me on the ground so hard I was out for a few minutes and took just as long to catch my breathe. In fact Howard came to push my trike back on all 3 and ask me to move my legs....I didnt know what he was talking about! LOL
Well after that we hit ricks house to chill and regain composure. I was a real trooper and wanted to go back out and ride. This time I took old fathful the X but before that I had rick duct tape my rib area(no.....I did it over a t-shirt). I rode great with very little pain and had a great time. Well after the evening ended I laughed at Bill saying I should have never dissed the 85R like I did, cuz she taught me a lesson.

Well went to the doc today and I have 2 broken and one fractured ribs. It has caused some major swelling and putting pressure on my right lung. So the doc gave me 3 shots in the rear(like I didnt already have enough pain in the rear) and tons of inflamitory/pain killer. Well I am going to be alright. Give me time to work on the trikes some...minor work!

This is the R with new headlight plastic,new headlight guard, new shrouds, new(ebay) fenders and seat. I have a Paul Turner Pipe and a Silencer soon after

more pics http://www.fototime.com/inv/BFD80165553CBD4

08-25-2004, 09:40 PM
looking good man!

08-25-2004, 09:45 PM
excellent tale scott. Every time I have ridden one of those pumpers, I guess they were not running right. We'll have to line up at Haspin next year, but I may be bringing my 86 tri-z instead of the R if the Z is done by then.....LOL

08-25-2004, 10:07 PM
now I understand why you wrecked!! Look how greased up you got that thing!! lol just playing with ya.

08-25-2004, 10:18 PM
Actually its mostly water this time LOL

08-25-2004, 10:24 PM
nice trike man..looks good

08-25-2004, 11:36 PM
im just recovering from one broken in half and two cracked, i know how ya feel, but mine tore through some muscle sorrounding my lungs...the day before state playoffs (baseball) no comment on how though

08-26-2004, 07:46 AM
Your R is looking good. Hope you get better soon. ;)

08-26-2004, 02:43 PM
ouch!that sucks!hope you heal up :D

08-26-2004, 02:57 PM
Thats what ya get for flaming the R lol j/k. Hope you heal up soon. Hey dont you have a Tecate & R? You should give us your shootout impressions of both, I know I'd like to here your opinions of the pro's & con's of each machine. Now just watch out for those pesky tree's that like to jump out of nowhere.

08-26-2004, 03:10 PM
Yeah I have a list of trikes...note the sig....LOL Yeah I need to do that, but tecate needs power valves cleaned up before its ready to rock. I need to get a pic of them together head to head for a good shoot out pic.

08-26-2004, 03:23 PM
now I understand why you wrecked!! Look how greased up you got that thing!! lol just playing with ya.

Shiney plastic gets you all the time, lol JK,

nice trike hope both you and the trike heal soon,

08-26-2004, 03:24 PM
Great Wipe Tail!!! Sounds kinda familiar to what happens EVERY time I let somebody ride my Trike... thus I DON'T let ANYONE ride my Trike ANYMORE!!! ;)
I like mine, and yours, in the condition they reside in; thank you. :beer

08-26-2004, 03:32 PM
Sounds cool Scott. I'm sure alot of us would like to hear your opinion on those 2 machines.

08-26-2004, 08:09 PM
A few beginning shootout pics. Now once the ribs heal, I will get me and a skilled rider of my specs to do a shootout with them.

08-27-2004, 06:08 PM
GET WELL SOON ! I never like hearing when people get hurt riding. I guess the pumper earned a little more respect?? :D

Cant wait for the shootout info!! Thats a very nice looking collection you got there.

Good luck ,

PS...you might want to adjust the chain on the tecate...it looks a little loose.....

08-29-2004, 11:23 PM
Well I got the Paul Turner pipe on it and awaiting a silencer. Its going to be smoking fast once I get totally healed LOL.

08-30-2004, 12:04 AM
My god scott, I hope you have a step latter next to that damn ford!! By the way nice story/collection...I'll be out this winter with some fresh fish to take them babies for a ride :wink: