View Full Version : Found out my 200s is a Stolen Trike!!!!

08-20-2004, 04:58 PM
I've been trying to Register my Garage Sale 200s For a few weeks now....Been to DMV Twice now...The First time they said they couldn't Register it because it had a Salvaged title and I don't have the Pink Slip...I said I got it at a Garage Sale and Lost the Bill of Sale...(I did :( ) So I said fine I will go get another Bill of Sale....Went to where I purchased it and no one was home so I left a note to call me....Someone called and said that they bought the house a few months back and the previous owners had moved to Texas or something....Great!!!!! So today I went back to DMV and pled my case...Still the only info they would give up was that there was a insurance claim back in 95 and it was a salvaged title with Farmers Ins....So I say fine,,,,,I go to Farmers and in about 45 min. they were able to tell me that there was a claim back in 95 and they paid the person off..They went to collect the Bike and were unable to locate it....Soooo, it is STOLEN!!!!!!! I will be writing them a letter today to see if they will release it to me....I hope I can take care of all this before the Oregon Trip!!!!!! Don't want to get caught on a Stolen Trike!!!!! Or is Jail in Oregon nice??? Any Ideas on what I should do Or am I covering my bases????

08-20-2004, 05:12 PM
I wonder how many of mine are stolen! Here in the south there is no registration so who would know. :(

08-20-2004, 05:35 PM
i know my 185 is but i dont really care cause im goin to have a different engine on it soon and the frame is different from the other that was stolen so im hopin its ok

08-20-2004, 06:24 PM
wow ,,, what a stinking mess you have on your hands mywifeknowseverything ,,,

a possible way out is to have a fellow board member send you a bill of sale.
if i can be of help ,,,, P.M. me your mailing info ,,,, heck ,,, maybe you better give me your phone # so i can call you too get the correct info .


08-20-2004, 07:05 PM
dang i hope none fo you ever end up with my bike if it gets stolen, somehwere there may be some one maybe crying

08-20-2004, 07:26 PM
i know my 185 is but i dont really care cause im goin to have a different engine on it soon and the frame is different from the other that was stolen so im hopin its ok

Its one thing to find out your bike was once stolen. Its another to knowingly buy or drive around a stolen vehicle. Did you steal it, or did you get it from the thief? The only bigger piece of subhuman scumbag debris than a thief, is somebody who supports a thief by buying or accepting stolen merchandise, and by not turning them in. Somewhere out there is a rider who had his trike stolen, and you are knowingly driving it around? I hope the true owner gets ahold of you for about an hour just before they throw your butt in the slammer.

newbie 350x
08-20-2004, 07:30 PM
Couldnt have said it better TimSr. I know what it is like to have a bike stolen. It is not fun. You work your but off to buy something, wake up in the morning and its gone. It just leaves such an empty feeling.

08-20-2004, 07:35 PM
I caught a handful of punks that stole my quad and pretty much destroyed it. I tried going through the legal system, but they all pretty much got off scott free, and I was left with about $1200 worth of damage. All I can say is next time, I will not go through the legal system to seek justice, and I would take the same action if I caught punks stealing or riding someone elses property, because any thief that goes unpunished is my business.

08-20-2004, 09:04 PM
This is why living here in Mid states, most of them dont require you to register them, and never will, is so great!!! We probably all own stolen atvs, and dont even know it, lol.

08-20-2004, 10:48 PM
truly hate to say it, but get over it. this is 2004 not 1942. we don't bee-bop anymore either. things are much different now than they were then. to hell with mother theresa and mr. rogers neighborhood. it simply just isn't like that anymore. if a bike is stolen, it's only cuz it was ABLE TO BE stolen...meaning that it was accessable to the theif...meaning that it was not locked up and protected properly by the owner. you used to be able to leave your front door open with the birds chirping while you vacuumed your living room at one time while you called the cops to come get the cat out of the tree, but unfortunately that time is no more. my bikes are locked up like it's fourt knox. i'd say, "god help the person who tries to steal anything from me", but not even god himself would be able to help the person who steals from me. sorry if i've pissed anybody off, but 2 plus 2 ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS equals 4...whether human emotions like it or not.

08-20-2004, 11:05 PM
when i built my shee last october,i bought alot of NEW banshee parts on ebay,well,guess what, i found out the guy selling them in new york was stealing,stripping and selling the parts,he got caught,so i heard,maybe thats why i feel so "hot" when i ride her!!we dont have titles here in va,nor do we have to pay taxes,or register them

08-20-2004, 11:09 PM
hahaha that i one thing good about va you can have them and do nothing but ride them hehehe

08-20-2004, 11:28 PM
If I read mywifeknowseverything's post correctly, it was stolen from the insurance company. It sounds like they filed a claim with the insurance company saying that it was wrecked, they paid him off and took ownership of the trike. Just like they do if you total out a car. When they went to pick it up it was gone and appently it was a false claim made in the first place in an attempt to get some free cash from the insurance company. If I am correct I am all for it. The insurance companies screw people out of plenty of money and it is about time somebody got their @$$.

I work on quads and I have had several people come up and try to get me to work on a quad that i just knew somehow it was stolen. "I lost the key to my quad and I need you to wire it up for me". Yeah right. If the VIN# is filed i won't touch it. To me, if someone help a person out who has a stolen quad it only feeds the fire. Not to say I haven't had to replace some ignition switches on quads when people lost thier key but I go out of my way to make sure it is not stolen before i do.

The bad thing about getting a quad or trike that ends up being stolen is if you do the right thing its your hard earned cash that goes down the drain instead of the person from whom the trike was originally stolen from. So if i ended up with one that had been stolen there is no way i would let anyone find out because i look out for #1.

Maybe you could do what i have had to do before when someone doesn't pay thier bill. I have to run an add in the paper for two weeks with the VIN# and total bill amount. If the owner doesn't pay then I can file for a salvage title. In your case you would want to make it a really high priced bill so the insurance would rather let you take possesion of the trike instead of paying you off so the could take ownership. Because before the can take possesion of it they have to pay the lein on it. Good Luck!

08-20-2004, 11:39 PM
i know my 185 is but i dont really care cause im goin to have a different engine on it soon and the frame is different from the other that was stolen so im hopin its ok
wow, you got a set on you! you ever had something stolen? why don't dou do the right thing....if you get cauagt with it...(and your post acknolwedges thefact you know) you are gonna go down my freind. I had my 88 lt 500 stolen(a week after i got it) and it was never recovered....people like you make me sick

08-21-2004, 12:33 AM
i know my 185 is but i dont really care cause im goin to have a different engine on it soon and the frame is different from the other that was stolen so im hopin its ok
you sir are scum. ive had things stolen from me have you do you have any idea what its like to have something you like taken from you? if i found out somebody stole something from me then knew and didnt care they wouldnt think they got away for very long. Bigred 87 when somebody steals a car its useually locked. theives have been known to cut the side of locked trailers open to steal things is that the owner making them available to be stolen? i dont care what year it is stealing is wrong and that isnt going to change thieves all deserve severe beatings.

08-21-2004, 12:54 AM
if a bike is stolen, it's only cuz it was ABLE TO BE stolen...meaning that it was accessable to the theif...meaning that it was not locked up and protected properly by the owner.

What planet did you fall from? You're saying its MY fault my quad was stolen because a hacksaw can cut through a 1/2" cable under my own floodlight? Are you saying it was Howdys fault his 350X was stolen because his shed couldnt stand up to a crowbar? Almost every incident of ATV theft I ever heard of involves a break-in or getting through some kind of security. Unless you keep yours in a safe, a thief can take it if he wants it bad enough. Sounds like you've jumped right on the bandwagon of modern liberalism, where its not the thief's fault for stealing something because the owner had the nerve to think it was safe by locking it up on his own property. Im dying to hear you blame yourself when they break your garage door and steal your equipment.

08-21-2004, 02:17 AM

08-21-2004, 02:24 AM
ok u all are taken this way to seriously...wat i meant was i didnt know it was stolen until after i bought it..I DID NOT STEAL IT OR GET IT FROM THE THIEF that i know of..geez! and ive had stuff stolen from me also so dont feel like u are the only ones...its not my fault that it was stolen..u all need to get over it and chill out

08-21-2004, 02:48 AM
its not your fault its stolen its your fault that you wont do the right thing and turn it in to the police like a decent person.

08-21-2004, 06:34 AM
About two months ago I had $200.00 worth of brand new fishing gear stolen out of my blazer. I mean this stuff was brand new never even been in the water. They even took my daughters Barbie pole. This happened when everyone (including the dog) was sleeping. I was PISSED OFF but was relieved that they didn't get the wheeler. I have since Installed wireless motion sensors on my property. These things are great and I highly recommend then as an added bit of protection against a would-be thief. The base unit plugs into an electrical outlet and the sensors take AA batteries. It doesn't get any simpler then that. I even have my dog trained to take a look to see if anyone is in the yard when the alert sounds. It's too cool. :cool:

Even if you only had one, put it inside your shed. if it goes off, GRAB THE GUN!

Somthing like this, only I got mine at Lowes

08-21-2004, 10:28 AM
ok u all are taken this way to seriously...wat i meant was i didnt know it was stolen until after i bought it..I DID NOT STEAL IT OR GET IT FROM THE THIEF that i know of..geez! and ive had stuff stolen from me also so dont feel like u are the only ones...its not my fault that it was stolen..u all need to get over it and chill out

Why dont you tell that to the guy who is looking for his 185?

08-21-2004, 10:44 AM
i've been in a situation kind of like this not too long ago, back when i was looking for tires for my 85 R, a couple of my "friends" (havent seen them in forever, not real close) came to my house, and they had a pair of almost new holeshots in the back of the truck, they asked me if i wanted them, i was like, hell yeah,, then i asked why he was just giving them to me, and he said that he bought new ones and didnt have any use for these, so i got a pretty much new set of tires and was happy as could be, well around a week later i read inthe paper about a guy who had his 400ex stolen and stripped, then i call up the gys who gave me the tires, and i asked if they had any 400ex parts (told them a friend of mine needed a couple parts) sure enough, they had enough parts to make a whole bike, wouldnt ya figure, now me, unfortunatly have been involved with the law many a time (never over stealing or stolen goods) and i had just got off probation, i did NOT wanna get taken down with these fools, so i threw the tires in the car and headed to the police station, turned in my "firends" and told them there addy, the next day i was brought back in for questioning to make sure i wasnt one who helped steal it, they searched there house for the parts, ended up finding a whole pile of them behind his garage under a tarp and some blocks of wood, they sat in jail for quite some time, and are still paying off there fines (over the cost of a new 400ex), i'm sure there pissed at me for turning them in, but i really dont give a hell, i've had stuff stolen from me, and it is not a nice experience, i cant even imagine what the dude felt like having his complete ex stolen, me and him have actually became good friends.

maybe the laws are different in other states, but up here in NY if your in possesion of stolen anything, get ready to pay.

08-21-2004, 10:56 AM
if it was up to me. i'd grab a beer. a good handgun. put all the damn thifes up against a wall. and shot them all one by one

08-21-2004, 11:01 AM
You guys that know that you have a Stolen Trike or stolen anything for that matter should take the appropriate steps to return them...I know I would appreciate it if it was my stuff you had!!! In my case, This thing belongs to Farmers Ins. I didn't steal it and I am almost pos. that the Old Man I purchased it from didn't steal it...He never tried to register it because it was his Ranch bike....In my State, I have to register it to ride it..That is how I found this out...when I got home yesterday I wrote a letter to the Salvage Div. of Farmers Ins. Stating that I purchased this bike and would like to keep it...I requested that they Release it to me so I can Legally ride it...We will see what they say...I am also contemplating calling the Sheriff out here to run the Vin# and take a report...Not sure what will happen to the Trike at that point...Just the thought of Stolen property at my House makes me nervous!!!!

You guys SUCK ASS :Evil You should be Banned :Evil
and H.M.F.I.C. I See you point but Stealing is Stealing no matter who it is From...
To everyone else.....Props To Ya!!!!! :beer

To the Mods Here....I hope you take the appropriate action against certain people who have posted here.... :cool:

3 weelin geezer
08-21-2004, 11:17 AM
I would find out who made the ins. claim and sue 'em for the $ you paid so you lose trike, you get your $ back. I tried to get a title for my 185 s and they tell me I cant because it does not have enough # in the vin. It doesnt look like it was filed down. They are stamped pretty deep in there. I think it has like 13 digits and they say it must have 15 or 16.

08-21-2004, 11:23 AM
Update!!!!!!!!!! Found my Bill of Sale!!!!!!!!! Dont know if that means anything at this point but at least they cant say I stole it!!!!!! :Bounce

08-21-2004, 01:29 PM
sounds like you have taken the correct course of action mywifeknowseverything . probbly lots better then my suggestion for sure ,,,
as many of you folks know my other hobby addiction is scuba diving. in the state of michigan there is no salvage rights ,,, unless properly done paper work is completed to give you ownership. i have done that route on sevral items ( boat motors in particular ) and it is a major pain in the butt but have found insurance companys for the most part could care less on items once claims have been settled.
after my boat motor was stolen all most 1 year to the day,,, i too took some extream steps to protect my stuff + both clips stay loaded and close by.
my insurance company went above and beyond all my expectations.
i followed a truck pulling a boat with a motor on it that i thought looked like the one that got stolen from me. it wasn't it but sure would like to see it, not that i want it back but rather to have it lead to the theives who stole it.


08-21-2004, 01:57 PM
As to the 200s, I hope you get to keep it. Im sure they will want some money but maybe they dont know what Three wheelers are worth. Maybe tell em it doesnt run and stuff. If I get this correctly the Insurance company owns it. I have no problem scamming them for a few hundred bucks if possible. :D

They do to us when we drive good all year. We should get some of our money back :rolleyes:

08-21-2004, 02:59 PM
Why dont you tell that to the guy who is looking for his 185?
hey tim i see your point but he will loose his money that he paid for the bike.
its not really fair to him either. if he were to send it to the police whos to say it will ever be returned to ht owner. it would be better for him to keep it then it to stay at the impound and then end up in a auction sometime down the road. i mean i wouldnt know what to do in this sittiation now if i new the real owner i would sell it him for half of what i paid for it im not gonna loose all my money.

08-21-2004, 03:07 PM
if i was the dude with the 185s i would go back to the person i got it from.then i would find out who they got it from and i would trace it back as far as i could before i sent it to the police. i deffintly would not be riding around on hot wheels and not doing anything about it. i know ever person who has owned my 200s before me there has be 4 owners including me. lets see my uncle before me his friend robert before him and another friend of there no sure of his name tho.

08-21-2004, 05:02 PM
ok u all are taken this way to seriously...wat i meant was i didnt know it was stolen until after i bought it..I DID NOT STEAL IT OR GET IT FROM THE THIEF that i know of..geez! and ive had stuff stolen from me also so dont feel like u are the only ones...its not my fault that it was stolen..u all need to get over it and chill out

I don't think anyone here is taking this "too seriously" !!! Tell us all then 83185s, how did you come to find that it was stolen AFTER you bought it??? If it wasn't the theif you bought it from, then how do you know about it's past???? Either you are talking some trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro to look cool (why people think stealing is cool I'll never know) or you are fibbing about finding out after you bought it. Regardless, you are in the wrong and need to correct this situation. Why would you even post that you know you are riding a "hot" trike on this site????? Are you a short bus window licker or something??? I had a motorcycle stolen from me that wasn't even paid for yet. I ended up making payments for like 2 more years on property that was no longer in my position. What goes around comes around my friend, and take my words, you will get yours - punk!!!

This clown should be banned from this site - I doubt he even feels remorse.

08-21-2004, 05:48 PM
You guys that know that you have a Stolen Trike or stolen anything for that matter should take the appropriate steps to return them...I know I would appreciate it if it was my stuff you had!!! In my case, This thing belongs to Farmers Ins. I didn't steal it and I am almost pos. that the Old Man I purchased it from didn't steal it...He never tried to register it because it was his Ranch bike....In my State, I have to register it to ride it..That is how I found this out...when I got home yesterday I wrote a letter to the Salvage Div. of Farmers Ins. Stating that I purchased this bike and would like to keep it...I requested that they Release it to me so I can Legally ride it...We will see what they say...I am also contemplating calling the Sheriff out here to run the Vin# and take a report...Not sure what will happen to the Trike at that point...Just the thought of Stolen property at my House makes me nervous!!!!

You guys SUCK ASS :Evil You should be Banned :Evil
and H.M.F.I.C. I See you point but Stealing is Stealing no matter who it is From...
To everyone else.....Props To Ya!!!!! :beer

To the Mods Here....I hope you take the appropriate action against certain people who have posted here.... :cool:

Very sorry to hear about your trike, I hope you didn't put alot of cash into it. What happened though? As soon as the insurance company spoke with you did they call the police and impound it??

I once bought a 85 250R from far away and when the owner wouldn't email me back I got real nervous. I had put 1000$ in aftermarket parts on it and I thought to myself - I'll gladly turn in the ATC but what about the parts that are actually mine and paid for. I went and registered it and all was clear and well but it sure isn't a very good feeling.....

08-21-2004, 06:05 PM
CHP came out today and Looked at the bike and ran motor and Vin #'s...It didnt come back stolen but it did come back to the Ins. comp...What else is funny,,,,The guy is a 3 wheeler dude...We talked for almost 45 min. He has a 200M he rides all the time...I gave him this site and the .org site and he was excited!! There is a new Sheriff in town boys, and he rides on 3!!!!!

08-21-2004, 08:54 PM
hey i was pissed when i found out it was stolen..i didnt bother to ask the guy i got it from whether it was cause his dad bought it and i know his dad well enough to know that if he knew it was stolen he wouldnt have bought it..i piad 500 for it and since its a different fram on it i cant turn it in with the vin on the frame..the guy i got it from told me that it was stolen about 6 weeks after i bought it..evidently he wanted to get rid of it because of that but he didnt bother tellin me...and im not tryin to look cool atctim...if i could actually do something about it i would but i cant because i dont know who they got it from and evidently the guy "dont remember" ..now ill ask his dad tomarrow since they live down the road...but they got the trike about 6 years ago so i dout that he remembers...im not trying to show off or even say that stealing is cool so dont be blaming stuff that happened a long ass time ago on me man...i konw it sucks have stuff stolen and trust me if i could do somethin i would...ill talk to the guy 2 morrow and see wat he knows...and then if he remembers who he got it from ill call them and find out where they got it from ok? now it may sound like im a smart ass but hey...i paid 500 for it and if it gets taken away im screwed out of a 3 wheeler...like i said i dont have the old frame and neither does they guy i got it from cause they sold it to someone that needed it even know it was a little bent..so ill do the "apropriate" action so get off my ass about it...and i dont see y i should be banned cause its not my fault it was stolen and it wasnt the guys fault that i got it from..as far as i know the people before him didnt steal it but im going to ask around alright? like i said..trailprotrailpro not the only ones that have had something stolen from u..and where i live not many law officers give a dam..there after druggies here not theives unless its somthing big or actually very valuble like a car or something..so im sorry that it got stolen but its not my fault

08-21-2004, 08:56 PM
and thats good to hear about trailprotrailpro 3 wheeler not being stolen mywifeknowseverything

08-22-2004, 03:18 PM
CHP came out today and Looked at the bike and ran motor and Vin #'s...It didnt come back stolen but it did come back to the Ins. comp...What else is funny,,,,The guy is a 3 wheeler dude...We talked for almost 45 min. He has a 200M he rides all the time...I gave him this site and the .org site and he was excited!! There is a new Sheriff in town boys, and he rides on 3!!!!!
hahahhaha thats awesome!!!!! :TrikesOwn

08-22-2004, 08:07 PM
i mean i wouldnt know what to do in this sittiation now if i new the real owner i would sell it him for half of what i paid for it im not gonna loose all my money.

After you explained this to the judge you would be found guilty of fencing stolen property. If you buy a stolen bike from somebody, the original owner who is still the legal owner is not responsible to compensate you because you bought something from somebody who didnt own it. If I sell you the Eiffel Tower, France is not obligated to give it to you or reimburse you, because you did not take reasonable steps to ensure I owned it.(even though if you threatened them theyd probably surrender it) Wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge?

This is how the law works, in every US state as far as I know: If a bike is stolen, it still remains the legal property of the victim, no matter how many times its been resold. Possession of stolen property is a crime, even if you are 3 or 4 transactions away from the original thief. A buyer is responsible for taking reasonable steps to ensure they are making a lawful purchase. If you buy property and later find it is stolen, you should make a police report immediately to CYA. Otherwise you can be charged, and if its determined you learned at some point it was stolen, and knowingly kept it anyways, you WILL be charged. If you report it, you are entitled to recover the money you spent from the person you bought it from, NOT from the original legal owner, just as he is entitled to collect from whoever he bought it from. You are responsible for asking questions when you buy, and for getting the proper paperwork. At the very least, you should always get a receipt to CYA. A victim of theft may voluntarily reward somebody for recovering their bike, but if its in your possession, and you request a payment before you will return it, you have committed a serious crime. Imagine getting a call saying "Hey, you know your trike that was stolen last week? Its in my shed, and you can have it back for $300". I dont know about you, but Id have him arrested. Sometimes you may run into a case where the original owner no longer wants it, or its open ended paperwork from someting that was once stolen and recovered. It may require the original owner to release title to you. Thats probably the case mywifeknowseverything is dealing with. It was probably stolen, was insured and a claim paid by the insurance company who then takes over legal title. It is legally their property, however based on the length of time, the fact that its not in possession of the thief, (which he can prove with his receipt) and the current situation, they will probably release title to him, or let it go very cheap, because it would cost them more to retake possession and auction it off than they will ever get out of it. He did everything exactly as it should have been done. Stolen property is not auctioned by the police unless it is not claimed by its legal owner. Most states allow the finder to make a claim on the property if it is not claimed by the original owner. Also motor vehicle theft is a state matter, and interstate access to law enforcement records is not great. Cars are easier to trace, but interstae access to ATV records is very poor. In other words, having your vehicle "cleared" in your state usually only means they have no record of it being stolen in your state. If it was stolen from another state, they may not have access to those records.

So lets say you buy, oh I dont know, maybe a 185s from your buddy for, we'll say $500, and then 6 weeks later you find out you just bought a hot bike. Youd had best make a report and then call your buddy and demand your $500 back, and let him know you reported it so that he can refund your money and call the police before they call on him if he wants to look innocent. If you dont do this, and you get caught on it, you are guilty of willfully receiving stolen property. At least the site members here will be aware so as not to buy this hot trike.

08-22-2004, 08:35 PM
TimSr.....You Sir have a Gift with Words....If you dont use this on a daily basis I think you just may have missed your calling.... :beer ;)

08-22-2004, 08:38 PM
well i would do something if i had a hot bike. its really all bull trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro in this world anymore. i know if the person i got it from was the one who stole it and i found out and he didnt have the money to pay me back he would wish the cops had got him.

08-22-2004, 10:00 PM
well..i talked to my friend i got it from and he said he got it from someone else..im not mentioning any names even tho u prolly wouldnt know who they are..and that person is still in school so if i see him 2 morrow at school ill talk to him...he was in one of my classes last year and shoulda been in another of mine this year but i guess he dropped it..it was a manufacturing class so he may just have it a different period than me but if i see him ill ask...i can gurantee he knows its stolen cause the person i got it from knew it was because he told him it was but ill find out..i dunno how i would go about reporting it tho since i cant drive yet and the frame is different so it cant be traced by that vin #..any suggestions besides gettin my money back from my friend? i know it had the balls ran off of it before i got it..lol...but with a new piston and cylinder its ok...its not that i dont care that it was stolen its the simple fact that no one else does and i dun even know how to go about reporting it...i got called in to work today so i couldnt actually find the kid or call around like i planned on..but i did just talk to my friend i got it from so i know that he knew it was stolen and he told me who he got it from...ill find out 2morrow if i see the kid at school..anyway any suggestion on how to go about reporting it..i dont live in town and town is bout 4 hours away on bike so i dont want to do that to just go to the cop shop and report it..it would be a complete waste of time since i dont get home from school till 4,...and i dunno if i gotta work 2morrow but im pretty sure i dont so i can ask around

08-22-2004, 10:36 PM
Have them come to you....

08-22-2004, 10:44 PM
You pick up the phone and call the Co. Sheriff Dept. or if you live within a town you call the police dept. You tell them you purchased an ATV, and that you now have information that leads you to believe it was stolen. They will come out to you and talk with you, get your info. You tell them who you bought it from. Let them back track it to the owner, and let them find the thief in between. If your "buddy" knew it was hot when he sold it to you, he really screwed you over, and a good beating might be in order after youve tried to recover your money, but do it while you are still a minor.

08-22-2004, 11:15 PM
ah ok...thanks..i may do that..he wasnt tryin to screw me over or anything..it didnt run when i bought it..it needed a new cdi..and i dunno y i said 500 i put 1 to many 0's on it..i bought it for 50 since it didnt run..i guess i may do that..but i gotta dentist appointment 2 morrow and i gotta pick up my pay check so i wont be gettin home till late

08-23-2004, 12:37 PM
Has anyone found a web site that you can look up by Vin# to find out it stolen before you make a purchase? I've looked with no success yet and this would be a great thing if it was out there somewhere.

08-23-2004, 10:51 PM
yea a site like that would be great..lol

08-23-2004, 11:49 PM

I've found my machines on this check

08-31-2004, 10:25 PM

Today I received a Call from the insurance Company.....They are releasing interest in the bike and are sending the proper paperwork for me to take the DMV and Register!!!!!!! I just don't believe my luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-31-2004, 10:33 PM
:Bounce :Bounce Congratulations :Bounce :Bounce

09-01-2004, 02:44 PM
oh yeah, i agree trikekid. i'm certainly not saying it's ok to steal, but i'm just not the type of person to cry over spilled milk. and with all the atv/atc stealing that does go on in the world, i'm the type of person that gives the cup of milk 100% of my attention so that i can't get spilled to begin with. if it doesn't get spilled, then i don't have anything to cry about or any mess to clean up either. people, lock up your trikes in a vault cuz unfortunately that's what the world is coming to.

09-01-2004, 02:48 PM
i agree that it sucks, but it's just another fact of life.

09-01-2004, 03:06 PM
Out here in Arizona, we'll take an ATV THIEF & strap em Naked to a Cactus!
How's that for good-ol south-western justice!?!? :Evil

09-01-2004, 03:12 PM
right on, dude!! if somebody somehow managed to steal my bikes...well, it would take me about an hour to type what i'd do to them if i caught them. let's just say that it wouldn't be pretty.

**happy now?**

09-01-2004, 04:20 PM
glad to hear that mywifeknowseverything

09-02-2004, 01:43 PM
ok u all are taken this way to seriously...wat i meant was i didnt know it was stolen until after i bought it..I DID NOT STEAL IT OR GET IT FROM THE THIEF that i know of..geez! and ive had stuff stolen from me also so dont feel like u are the only ones...its not my fault that it was stolen..u all need to get over it and chill out

i thoroughly agree. people need to stop crying over spilled milk. none of my atv's/atc's are stolen. i called the VIN into the D.M.V. as soon as i bought them (literally that very day unless it was a weekend and they weren't open) and made sure the VIN's were good. then i took the proper steps to get titles for mine, and they are all under TIGHT lock and key. my cousin had his 82 Big Red stolen many years ago, and had it not been for him having the title, he probably would not have gotten it back. but it taught me a good lesson. he had it locked in his garage, and the punks broke in and away the trike went! well, not me! not my trikes! it would take a nuclear bomb to break into where my trikes are stored.

09-02-2004, 01:50 PM
Today I received a Call from the insurance Company.....They are releasing interest in the bike and are sending the proper paperwork for me to take the DMV and Register!!!!!!! I just don't believe my luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that great to hear!!

09-02-2004, 02:04 PM
What planet did you fall from? You're saying its MY fault my quad was stolen because a hacksaw can cut through a 1/2" cable under my own floodlight? Are you saying it was Howdys fault his 350X was stolen because his shed couldnt stand up to a crowbar? Almost every incident of ATV theft I ever heard of involves a break-in or getting through some kind of security. Unless you keep yours in a safe, a thief can take it if he wants it bad enough. Sounds like you've jumped right on the bandwagon of modern liberalism, where its not the thief's fault for stealing something because the owner had the nerve to think it was safe by locking it up on his own property. Im dying to hear you blame yourself when they break your garage door and steal your equipment.

they won't get into my garage without a missile launcher big guy, so quit whining. i said what i said and i meant it and that's that.

02-24-2005, 01:20 AM
I agree with you Big Red 87, Times are different now and life doesn't work like it did in the old times. The problem you fail to see is that it is people like you who make it so.
Times don't change - society changes
People stealing from me will find I own more than some ATC's, I also own a nice 12 Gauge and know how to use it.

02-24-2005, 08:35 AM
Wow!!! This is an Old Thread....Still Have the Bike and it is Running Strong...They gave me a Salvaged title...What ever gets me that CA OHV Sticker!!!!! My Son Loves the bike and I think next yr we might put a little effort to getting it sort of Cleaned up...He Calls it FRANKENSTIEN now... :p
Here she Is....
http://images.snapfish.com/342%3C478723232%7Ffp47%3Dot%3E232%3A%3D%3B%3A4%3D9 64%3DXROQDF%3E2323765427%3A8%3Aot1lsi
http://images.snapfish.com/342%3C478723232%7Ffp46%3Dot%3E232%3A%3D%3B%3A4%3D9 64%3DXROQDF%3E2323536635%3B8%3Aot1lsi
And Cleaned up a little....KEWL little bike for the kids... :D
http://images.snapfish.com/342%3C478723232%7Ffp54%3Dot%3E232%3A%3D%3B%3A4%3D9 64%3DXROQDF%3E23236424557%3B4ot1lsi

02-24-2005, 08:36 AM
Man I'm glad someone posted on this old thread because I would have never heard this story of sveral mens up and downs. I have never had anything stolen but when a bunch of kids around me were stealing cars, dirtbikes, sleds, ect. I was scard shitless. Luckily they got caught.

83185s so ummmmmm hows that goin? you still havent done anything have you?

02-24-2005, 04:35 PM
I agree with you Big Red 87, Times are different now and life doesn't work like it did in the old times. The problem you fail to see is that it is people like you who make it so.
Times don't change - society changes
People stealing from me will find I own more than some ATC's, I also own a nice 12 Gauge and know how to use it.

Hey newbie, don't start. I said what I said back then, and I still feel the same way. Times do change. That's why we keep calendars. Things change. We don't tie 2 tin cans together with a piece of string anymore. People don't live to a ripe old age of 29 anymore. I don't ride a horse to work anymore, either. Mankind changes. Progressions are made. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. But change occurs, and people MUST be able to deal with that change. No one singular person will ever be able to stop change from occuring. And like I said back then, this is 2005 not 1942. That nice, sweet, pretty, happy little Mother Theresa-type of existence with the flag of the federation blowing in the wind and children playing at your feet simply does NOT exist anymore. Maybe it would be nice if it still did, but: REALITY CHECK. It doesn't. It just doesn't. Oh, and I guess that it's ALL MY FAULT for that way of life not existing anymore, huh? So I'm supposed to change the way I am for little old you???? Go to hell. You're new to this whole internet thing, aren't you? Come on over to www.panterachat.com where I can say what I'd like to say to you without having to worry about moderators trying to take away my right to free speech. :naughty: My web name over there is Bad Muthf%$#er.

02-24-2005, 06:21 PM
Mywifeknowseverything, this has been an enjoyable thread. Thanks for topping it off by showing pictures of the trike and congratulations for the title. You did the right thing and karma came back to pay you for your good deeds. The trike wins also because it has an owner that appreciates it. Ride on.

Billy Golightly
02-24-2005, 06:47 PM
Hey newbie, don't start. I said what I said back then, and I still feel the same way. Times do change. That's why we keep calendars. Things change. We don't tie 2 tin cans together with a piece of string anymore. People don't live to a ripe old age of 29 anymore. I don't ride a horse to work anymore, either. Mankind changes. Progressions are made. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. But change occurs, and people MUST be able to deal with that change. No one singular person will ever be able to stop change from occuring. And like I said back then, this is 2005 not 1942. That nice, sweet, pretty, happy little Mother Theresa-type of existence with the flag of the federation blowing in the wind and children playing at your feet simply does NOT exist anymore. Maybe it would be nice if it still did, but: REALITY CHECK. It doesn't. It just doesn't. Oh, and I guess that it's ALL MY FAULT for that way of life not existing anymore, huh? So I'm supposed to change the way I am for little old you???? Go to hell. You're new to this whole internet thing, aren't you? Come on over to www.panterachat.com where I can say what I'd like to say to you without having to worry about moderators trying to take away my right to free speech. My web name over there is Bad Muthf%$#er.

Bigred87, Do not tell people to go to hell on this forum, you are blatantly breaking the rules and you know it. I'm warning you now, the next time will be time spent off the forums. This is a clean and tightly ran ship, and it will be staying that way.

02-24-2005, 07:40 PM
abit off topic, but I just ran my new jersey titled dirtbike through the web site that oldschoolin86 provided and it didn't show any history for dirtbike, I don't know if I would trust it for bikes, I ran my trucks just for a check of how well it works and it showed records for them. Anybody know of a service that just does motorcyles?

3 weelin geezer
02-24-2005, 11:14 PM
Big red, what are you getting so worked up about? I bet you will try to e-kick my collective trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro along with everyone else here too for this but try taking a nap. It really works for the Geezer.

02-24-2005, 11:34 PM
I am wondering why do you guys have to register your bikes other than its the law its for the possibility of stolen bikes. Also what do they they do about bikes with two serial # my 71 suzuki has 2 one on motor and one on frame they don't match but i know the motor was original.

02-25-2005, 01:19 AM
Mywifeknowseverything, this has been an enjoyable thread. Thanks for topping it off by showing pictures of the trike and congratulations for the title. You did the right thing and karma came back to pay you for your good deeds. The trike wins also because it has an owner that appreciates it. Ride on.

Thank you!! Im Glad you Enjoyed yourself :D

02-25-2005, 10:44 AM
Careful Billy,
He's a Bad Muthf%$#er.

02-25-2005, 12:44 PM
Bigred87, Do not tell people to go to hell on this forum, you are blatantly breaking the rules and you know it. I'm warning you now, the next time will be time spent off the forums. This is a clean and tightly ran ship, and it will be staying that way.

Ahhhhhhhh, Neo Nazi Communism control issues AND huge egos at their best!!! LOL!!! You're darn right I to him where to go, and I'd say that to ANYONE who implied that I should change the way that I exist here in America (the land of the FREE) just for little old them and their pathetic nothing nobody ego. We got some serious ego problems here with people trying to tell other people the way that they should exist and live their lives. And if it looks like it, smells like it, and feels like it, you call it what it is: CONTROL ISSUES & EGO.

Oh no, not being able to post at www.3wheelerworld.com will simply ruin my entire existence in the universe!!! God and the heavens and the entire universe shall come crashing down without little old 3wheelerworld.com. The whole internet might as well not exist without the web page 3wheelerworld.com, right? Maybe when I go to church I shouldn't worship God, I guess I should worship 3wheelerworld.com, right? After all, YOU are the LORD, aren't you? It does say so under your screen name, doesn't it? Like I said, EGO problems. Get over yourselves and tell you egos to get in the back of the line like everybody elses.

What it comes down to for every single person on the planet with an ego is this: if you think you matter, you don't. If you think that the whole universe would come to an end if you suddenly disappeared, it wouldn't. If you think that anyone will remember you 500 years after you are gone, they won't. You have to stop at red lights and get in the back of the line just like anybody else. You are just one grain of sand in the Sahara Desert. Just one drop of water in the Pacific Ocean. And that is directed at any person with an ego. ANYONE out there with an ego who thinks that they are more than that knows where they can go in my book.

What ever shall I do now without 3wheelerworld.com???? Wait, I know, I'm heading over to 2 of the other websites that I post at where my RIGHT to free speech is not taken away: www.panterachat.com and www.rotharmy.com/forums. Hope to see you there!!!

Oh, and P.S., Anyone who wants to control the universe should at least use proper grammar. The correct sentence would be, "This is a clean and tightly RUN ship, and it will be staying that way." The word RUN should have been used, not the word RAN.

Guess this will earn me a ban. Sometimes the truth hurts. What's sad is the fact that we've come to a point in our society that the only way people know of to deal with their insecurities is to push a button on their computer keyboard and ban someone for saying something that hurt their poor little feelings. Have a nice day! :naughty:

02-25-2005, 12:56 PM
It amazing how you manage to wrap yourself in the American flag and condone and support theft and receiving stolen property as an act of Patriotism. I dont know what the hell country you think you are representing, but theft of private property for "the greater good" sounds more like the Communist or Nazi mentality that you accuse others of.
We allow people of the Communist persuasion to post. We do not allow telling people to "go to hell", calling them names such as Nazi's or Communists, and we do not allow peopel to promote the theft of, or trafficing in stolen ATVs or any other items. You were warned, and you did earn a ban.

02-25-2005, 12:58 PM
Banned? Really?

02-25-2005, 01:27 PM
Banned? Really?

Dude take a pill!!!!

02-25-2005, 02:03 PM
I went to panterachat and man what a site(sarcasm). We had a shooting here in Columbus by a pantera fan. Makes you wonder how stable these people are. Not to stable by reading this thread.

02-25-2005, 02:33 PM
if a bike is stolen, it's only cuz it was ABLE TO BE stolen...meaning that it was accessable to the theif...meaning that it was not locked up and protected properly by the owner.

So you are saying that if I leave my Big Red under the carport at my home, then it is the right of thief to come and take it, and then, I shouldn't complain because it's my fault in the first place, right? :rolleyes:

In other words, anything that I don't lock down with chains and shackles is free for the taking from anyone walking down the street?

I think you may be a thief, because only thieves talk like that. :mad:

3 weelin geezer
02-26-2005, 12:19 AM
What is so good about panterachat? All they talk about there is Dimebag. What is it with all the lost change??? At least here there is a variety of trikes and topics including political views, music, other stuff such as the trucks hauling the trikes, and such things. Panterachat= dimebag only. Isn't Pantera a group of more than one? I admit that guy had a cool beard but what about the rest of pantera? What about those that participate there? They seem to be a bunch of riff-raff that only go around insulting each other online. I bet they would never say things like that to the other's face (I have been known to be wrong before though. )

02-26-2005, 04:23 AM
Hey guys, I'm sorry I seemed to open a whole can of worms. I didn't mean to offend anyone here on my first day of posting. I would like to say a few things though. :cry:
( If he can/will even read this)
First off Big Red 87, I wasn't saying you or anybody else should change anything about themselves for me or anyone else. I was making a statement about society in general - not you. I apologize if you took my post as a personal attack, It wasn't
Also ...... I was never a member at a new forum wher my opinion didn't count just because I was a "newbie". As far as being new to the internet........I don't think so, just new to this forum. I refuse to go to some site where you hang out just to give you the perverse pleasure so you can impress me with your obvious very large vocabulary of cuss words, If it's that important to you to verify to me what kind of person I believe you to be then e-mail me your important view point @ mwood85541@hotmail.com
I feel as though you believe me to be some young punk kid, far from the fact son,
I probably have underwear older than you.

Anyways guys, AGAIN. Sorry for stirring things up here on my first day, seems most of you are great guys and really know alot about trikes.
I guess it may be bad manners to bring up old threads also but being new to the site I been reading some older threads to catch up, if it was rude I apologize.

1 shot

02-26-2005, 08:15 AM
WOW!! I HATE THEIVEs............PERIOD >>>>>>>>U SHOULD BE BANNED FROM THIS SITE BOTH OF U!!!!!! bigred 87 and especially U 83185s there is no excuse in supporting CRIME!!!! whos too say u dont stake this site out too find atv atc bikes etc...... too steal!!! your a digrace to this site. bigred 87 and your going to BLAME THE OWNERS????? the bikes are on their property in someway! theives invite themselves too it and U are making excuses for it!!!!

02-26-2005, 10:58 AM
1shot, it is cool to bring up old threads, that is my opinion.

02-26-2005, 11:08 AM
Boy!!!! Lookie what I started :p :naughty:

:welcome: :TrikesOwn :beer

02-26-2005, 11:14 AM
1shot you gave your opinion. There is nothing to be sorry about. He construded your words into something you didnt mean. He got what was comming to him anyway.

Also RAN is supposed to be used. Run is past tense so since it still is a tightly RAN ship than RAN is supposed to be used.

02-26-2005, 11:16 AM
Boy!!!! Lookie what I started :p :naughty:

:welcome: :TrikesOwn :beer

LOL yeah you and your 200s :D

Billy Golightly
02-27-2005, 10:31 AM
1shot, Dont worry about it, it wasn't anything you caused. These type of people float around here every now and then and obviously dont have anything on their mind about threewheelers, but would rather stir stuff up and make drama. We do not tollerate that here, as it undermines just about everything we work for. I hope you will stick around and not think worse of the forum in general because of this one member.


02-27-2005, 11:00 AM
Quote from BIGRED 87:You're darn right I to him where to go,END QUOTE. Look's like somebody else that doesn't use proper grammar!!

02-27-2005, 01:09 PM
Thank you Honda ATC and others who set my mind to rest about seemingly stirring up trouble. I honestly had no intentions about doing so. I know what you mean about those types, I have belonged and still do frequent other forums and certain people seem to thrive on drawing negative attention to themselves.
I don't understand why people try to create drama and disrupt area's such as this.

I am here for the sole purpose of meeting new people with the same interests as I. Although I must admit till I bought my first Big Red about 4 months ago, I didn't have a clue that ATC's even were an interest. I tried several different type's of bikes and they just didn't seem to be what I was looking for.
I am fairly good auto mecanic and know more than most about engines and all other aspects of automobiles but have never, ever worked on a bike. This is why I am here.
I hope to pick up some knowlage and skills on ATC's and spend some time with other ATC lovers.
