View Full Version : Need carb help

08-18-2004, 11:35 PM
Well some may have noticed in another thread that I rebuilt a carb on an atc70.

Before the rebuild it ran perfect, started first pull cold (I would pull the string and bump the throttle a few times and she reved like she had just been shut off) .

Here is my problem, now with the first or second pull of the string it will start (with choke off) but the second you hit the gas it dies, pull string again it will start right up but you have to ease into the throttle and eventually it'll let you rev it up.

Another problem, the idle kinda sounds like its popping every once in a while and idles higher than I recall. (I reinstalled the old idle screw and spring and set it back to the stock setting and it still seems to idle higher than it did before.)

If you give it full throttle when riding and let off, every so often it will have a quiet backfire through the exhaust.

One thing I noticed, if riding and your cruising half throttle turn the choke on, it flat dies, I would expect a slow bogging down until it died but this is instantaneous. Probably means nothing just an observation.

I am kinda at this point thinking its too rich. I have reinstalled all the old parts that I replaced with the kit, just to see if I could get it to run as it did before using the old parts..the only exception being I am still running the new main jet and needle, I am sure I set the needle at the same height/notch as the stock one was set at. I even reset the idle screw back to almost one turn out as it was stock, the other screw to the left of the idle screw (unsure of name) was turned all the way in. I installed the old screws and springs to be sure they were as they were stock.

Another thing, when you rev at idle, sometimes, it will run on just a tad bit, instead of more throttle - more rpm, less throttle - less rpm, with less throttle its still at the high rpm just for a second longer than it should be....kinda like its delayed...so I am thinking too much fuel is getting in somewhere.

ONe last thought, when first starting the atc, as previously mentioned it fires right up but you have to ease into the throttle and hope it doesn't die a few times to get it going, one thing I have noticed was during this process it smells very rich but there is no smoke.

I will check the needle and main jet tomorrow, probably lower the needle to lean it out some but feel free to give me ideas and thoughts. Thanks

08-19-2004, 09:54 PM
After I posted the above, it hit me, why haven't I check the spark plug. So I wheel the little three wheeler out and let it idle for about 5 minutes...take the plug out...and its black as coal...with dry soot all over it...so it was way too rich. I installed the plug and fired it up, bumped the throttle a few times and it just wanted to die every time and struggled to idle afterwards, I could ease into the throttle but that was ridiculous. So off comes the carb for the third time, I reinstalled the old jet and needle, even reinstalled the old float valve, reinstalled the carb...turned the gas back on...let gravity feed the carb for a few minutes...one pull nothing...second pull--it fires right up, I hit the throttle and she revved up just fine. I couldn't drive it, I have the front fork off, I am cleaning everything up and repainting but that was music to my ears, so hopefully thats it. Moral of the story, if you purchase a moose utility division carb kit and your machine runs like crap, the main jet is probably the wrong one ...or at least that is all I can figure caused my headache. So when rebuilding a carb, count how many turn in it takes to bottom out the adjustable screws and record this and keep the old pieces...you may need to know how many turns out and you may need the old parts........why not count how many turns it takes to remove the screw? ONe you'll never know when its loose exactly and two, you can never know precisely when the screw will take and when to start counting. At least thats my observation.