View Full Version : Teaching Gf how to ride.

08-15-2004, 09:34 AM
I find its hard lol...
See the 200x is my first ride with a clutch, and well I knew how to use it I never did before, but now I feel I am getting the hang of it...
I am trying to show he how to ride. I ride on the back with her and use the clutch ... any ideas how to get her better at the clutch? I have to help her take off or she stalls, I think i am just gonna have to tell her how it works, and maybe she will understand..

Only thing is she doesn't know what anything is lol ... shes like whats the sprocket.. ? .. lol she's never been around quads or trikes before. I am gonna teach her though lol.

08-15-2004, 10:06 AM
When you teach you should only discuss basics. Sprockets only confuse an already confusing process for someone new. Start with starting, have her learn to put trike in Neutral, and start, If they can achieve that shifting is easier to understand. after that move to gasing with clutching and/or shifting. Getting past that killing the trike at first release will take some time.

08-15-2004, 10:12 AM
thanks jenn, a ladies view.
yeah she never even tried to start it, I just did that for her .... I will show her that, then try to get her to take off without stalling, I know it will take sometime but it will be worth it.

08-15-2004, 12:37 PM
physically prompt her on all seperate skills

1. show her where the kill switch is...

2. then ride on back letting her drive w/throttle control..

3. then practice braking and accelerating....

4. then practice shoving her tongue down your throat during rest periods...

5. then practice full braking w/clutch...

6. then practice starting out in first w/clutch...

shifting can be taught with or without clutch...(let her thrash it, she's worth it)

the order of skills you teach her will depend upon how she picks up on things

pay attention to her confidence level...if she's having problems, try something else (example: #4)

08-15-2004, 02:35 PM
Just take it slow, and teach her the basics. The rest will come later. I tried to teach my wife, but putting on the machine, and heading out to the big dunes,... I was way wrong!
Just find a place where she wont get distracted, and tell her to go from Neutral to 1st gear, move 3 feet, then back to neutral. Keep her doing that till she is comfortable, then move her on up to the higher gears. After time she'll get it.

08-15-2004, 02:59 PM
ahhhh just get he out on so lose gravel or grass tell her to grab half of the gas and let the cluch out fast

08-16-2004, 12:52 AM
make sure she lets it out at the same rate and isnt dumping it at the first slight movement from the bike. try having her use one or two fingers to let it out if she isnt already that helped me learn to take off with a clutch. number one thing is practice alot.

08-16-2004, 01:11 AM
when i was younger my dad made me learn by putting me at one end of a feild and taking off on his quad to the other side and made me get to the other side all by myself, in my mind its easier to learn by just messin around with it and figuring it out by yourself i cant learn by somebody constantly telling me what im doing wrong ive got to figure it out myself

Glenn J
08-16-2004, 01:46 PM
I would let her ride alone to get a feel for the clutch. The extra weight of having you on the back may make launching a bit more difficult.

If she keeps stalling when starting from a stop, try giving her a little push, then having her let the clutch out. A little momentum can go a long way.

08-16-2004, 02:13 PM
my parents made me learn by just puttting me on and tellin me to go,and they wouldnt help me, well i didnt go the first couple times, but i got tired of kickin it over myself so i learned pretty quick

Triple B!
07-01-2009, 08:42 PM
I'm new learning the ride by myself, I'm finding it to be a frustrating process...
I like to ride don't get me wrong, but there is soooo much to learn that I get discouraged about it. Sometimes I think I'm not cut out for it, but then when I get something right I do get super excited, lol.

07-01-2009, 10:27 PM
^^^ like she said ^^^^ patience is tuff to come by . When I started out it was pretty much there's the bike if you want to ride it go ahead its 1 down and four up lol Can you get something that dosen't have a clutch ? I built triple B a autox and she scares the s@i% out of me I couldn't imagine teaching her clutching as well especially on a 3 wheeler there are so many other things to get down ... Good luck

07-01-2009, 11:24 PM
turn the idle up so if she dumps it it wont jump out from under her but she can stillaccelerate and drive it just make shur ebrakes work good

07-01-2009, 11:47 PM
she probably races by now that was 5 years ago lol

07-02-2009, 12:44 AM
Lmao... He hasn't been on in 6 weeks.

07-02-2009, 02:05 AM
keep to the basics, plus if shes having trouble with take off and stalling, start her off on gravel, usualy the tires will spin and she can move into it, not stall the bike.

07-02-2009, 03:39 AM
she probably races by now that was 5 years ago lol

LOL thats awsome great catch on that "made me laugh"

07-02-2009, 07:24 PM
Holy Zombie thread!!!