View Full Version : hole in exhaust

08-11-2004, 01:44 AM
Hey guys i recently realized that my bike suddenly lost all of its low end power the other day, so i went to investigate and realized that where the muffler meets the headpipe there were several chipped places(about the size of your pinky nail) so now i have a good excuse to buy a new pipe. lol. i am going to put some exhaust repair on it to see if it work out tomorrow but i doubt it will hold for very long due to the ledge it sits on. but anyways i am going to sand down the area and use it any ways to see if it works. If anybody has a 200x exhaust that they need to get rid of i would appreciate it. prefferably DG or supertrapp, (pretty much anything but stock and cobra) I would purchase one off of ebay but i dont have a credit card to use and my parents dont really like me using theirs, i guess they think once i get their number i am gonna use it on a bunch of other items too. lol imagine that hehe thanks guys. oh yea i almost forgot i went riding today and outrode a Kawasaki prairie in the mud hehe, he got stuck but my bike was light enough to float over it and we had to use a local farmers tractor to pull him out...lol...imagine that a 5000 dollar machine against a 500 dollar machine and i came out on top...just a little story to keep the atc guys going on, just shows that these old death contraptions can still git-r-done, thanks