View Full Version : How many of you R owners have ever rode a Tri-Z

08-02-2004, 11:22 PM
Just out of curiosity,,,,How many of you have ever rode a Z??? A nice one....Be honest...
I know the question will be asked,,,,Yes,,I've rode the R,,Owned the 85 and 86 when they were New....Also been aboard the 83...

08-02-2004, 11:31 PM
I rode a Z last month. It has a 6 extended swinger klem pipe and not sure what else. It is in pretty good shape. To be honest I was not impressed. It had no low end compared to my R. The tank area is way to small, I felt like I was floating around on the seat.

I will not be buying a Z.

08-03-2004, 12:37 AM
No low end power?? Uhhh.. does this pic refresh your memory? lol And no, Droopie did not leave early on this run. He might of on the 3 runs before this he out ran that R, but not on this one.

08-03-2004, 12:39 AM
hahaha owned!! I love it.

08-03-2004, 03:40 AM
I've riden about every trike out there!! My first bike was a yt 125 moved up to a yt 175,125m,185s,200s,200x350x84-86 Rs owned a few tecates,owned sx's even owned that pos KLT250!!Anybody remember that one? MY current bike is a 85R and just today ups dropped of my paul turner pipe and fatboy tip and my desert seat..Actions pics to come soon!!

08-03-2004, 07:29 AM
hahaha owned!! I love it.

AND :confused:

08-03-2004, 08:46 AM
His still has no low end compared to mine.

08-03-2004, 09:14 AM
His still has no low end compared to mine.

Ride another one before making a judgement based on that one. If your R has more low end, there was something seriously wrong with the Z or he did a bunch of goofy top end work that destroyed the low end in the power band. The Z motor deliveres a lot more low end than the R motor with stock porting. You cant pipe an R down and a Z up to get them to change places either. Ive tried! The +6 swingarm kind of destroys any real sense of the feel and handling of a Z is really like too. Id suggets riding another one, more stockish before forming a concrete opinion on the Z. You may not like the feel of one, but Im certain you would change your mind about the low end. Ive never heard anyone from either side of the fence say the Z had less low end before.

08-03-2004, 09:28 AM
I own and ride both. The z seems to have more low end and the r more on top. I like the r's handleing better, but not by a lot. The r also seems to have better suspension. There are no bugs on the z tho. I think the z is more for fun and the r is for more serious riding. That seems to be the view of my riding group. Between 2 85 r's and 2 85 z's the z's get more use playing around the woods close to home and the r's always get ridden more at the big rides.

08-03-2004, 03:26 PM
I would like to purchase one of these 1985 or 86 tri z.

08-03-2004, 05:47 PM
Sorry bout that smokin, me and mountainrider counted the teeth it was runnin 14/40 gearing :eek: well i got'er home and geared her down. She should have plunty of lowend next time. And ill race you again :D


08-03-2004, 05:55 PM
Let's see pics of this race.

08-03-2004, 06:12 PM
Every Z i've ever raced on my R i smoked them and my bike is stock!!

08-03-2004, 06:17 PM
Go up against a heathly Tri-Z and a good rider.

08-03-2004, 06:20 PM
Id let smokinwrench ride my 86, and I know his theory would be blown outta the water. The only problem is, Im afraid he'll wreck it!!

08-03-2004, 06:33 PM
Can we stay on topic? This is not a This vs That post about wich would win on a 4 mile drag race on the interstate. The question was, "how many R owners have ridden a Tri-Z". I believe he was looking for honest comments comparing the two based on experience from riding both. What he was trying to avoid was a bunch of armchair racing goofballs who have ridden neither, trying to figure out "which would win" in some imaginery competition thats not even specified, based on what they read in a magaizine or heard somebody else say. So please, if you have not ridden both, you cannot do a comparison, so dont tell us how you "think" they will compare! I think he was trying to find out how many people based their opinions of the Tri-Z on actually knowing something firsthand, and if this post is any indication, the answer would be "not many".

08-03-2004, 06:34 PM
LOL @ chainsaw! But im not afraid of R's. There was plunty i beat at LS this last mwt ride, TRX's and ATC's. And i did ride Smokin's R. It runs good, lots of fun to ride and i wouldn't mind havin it. But its just weird compared to my Z, and i love my Z and i think ill keep it forever. But my other opinion is your more fond of one machine then the other if you started out on that brand. Me for instance, grew up on a yamaha since i was in first grade and i haven't owned any different machine. Ive rode just bout everything under the sun too. But can we stop the Z bashing, if you haven't even ridden one and keep comparing it to a magazine that was made 20 years ago! And i WOULD put my money on Chainsaw's Z up against just bout any R. :beer


08-03-2004, 06:58 PM
I second that motion :beer

08-03-2004, 08:02 PM
well to stay on topic: Ive owned both. My preferences are based on an 85 250R on 2nd and 3rd bores, with FMF and DG pipes, and stock-mild port, stock and cool head with 19cc-22cc domes... and an 86 Tri Z, both bone stock, and with my current setup (pipe, reeds, on 2nd bore). This is also based soley on Dune riding, with paddle tires.

The Rs are smoother riding. Hardly any vibration, and have a broad powerband. They love to be wrapped wide open and driven hard. They jump okay, but are easy to bottom out when you catch big air (stock setup) If you dont line up perfect on a jump, the R can easily nose dive, or drag ass, and cause a serious wreck. With a fresh bore, Rs can often kick back... making your shin hurt if you dont own a pair of boots.

The Zs are a lot more stable, both on the ground and in the air. The center of gravity is set real low, and you hardly ever land crooked or forward/backwards. Ive never wrecked my Tri Z due to jumping or getting crazy.. and there are people on this board that can account for how crazy I can get on 3 wheels. I have also never bottomed my Z out, and trust me,... I have launched it high! The Tri Zs powerband is a little different from an R. Its hard to describe, but I feel the R has a more inviting powerband, and is easier to hit/keep. My Tri Z has never kicked back at me, and is very easy for even my wife to kick over and start.

I own 2 Tri Zs now, and no Rs. I wouldnt mind owning another 250R, because they both have their advantages. Mainly on the parts side of things, but they both have pros and cons.

08-03-2004, 08:55 PM
Can we stay on topic? This is not a This vs That post about wich would win on a 4 mile drag race on the interstate. The question was, "how many R owners have ridden a Tri-Z". I believe he was looking for honest comments comparing the two based on experience from riding both. What he was trying to avoid was a bunch of armchair racing goofballs who have ridden neither, trying to figure out "which would win" in some imaginery competition thats not even specified, based on what they read in a magaizine or heard somebody else say. So please, if you have not ridden both, you cannot do a comparison, so dont tell us how you "think" they will compare! I think he was trying to find out how many people based their opinions of the Tri-Z on actually knowing something firsthand, and if this post is any indication, the answer would be "not many".

Very Well said Sr.... :beer

well to stay on topic: Ive owned both. My preferences are based on an 85 250R on 2nd and 3rd bores, with FMF and DG pipes, and stock-mild port, stock and cool head with 19cc-22cc domes... and an 86 Tri Z, both bone stock, and with my current setup (pipe, reeds, on 2nd bore). This is also based soley on Dune riding, with paddle tires.

You too Chainsaw.....Took the words right out of my mouth.... Well Pretty close anyway,,,,
I see by the way this thread is going....We have a bunch of Book Readers :TrikesOwn

08-03-2004, 11:18 PM
I own an 85 R and I love it but I keep an open mind. I have ridden a tri-z and if i found one at the price I found my R for i would buy it. I like the Z but you just run into more problems getting parts for them in comparison to the R. I would never rag on any of them because they are one of the greatest trikes ever built and everybody that knows anything about trikes knows that. From what I have seen stock to stock they are pretty close but i think the R generally takes the Z on top end with two equally good riders. I have run into some banshee's with alot more power than mine and still took the win. But we all know the rider truely makes the bike and the bike truely makes the rider. You know, which came first, the chicken or the egg hehe.

08-04-2004, 12:23 AM
i have plenty of times..Tecates give me more or a run then tri-z's ever did

08-04-2004, 06:00 AM
is 2700AUS$ a bit rich for a stock 85 Z

08-04-2004, 06:15 PM
Well I own both an 86 R and an 85 Z. Both are nice trikes and I would never sell ether one, but if I had a gun to my head and had to make the choice the Z would be gone in a second. Dont get me wrong the Z is a nice trike but it dosent seem to poor on the power quite like the R and the Z has nowhere near the top end of my R or any R I've ever owned. Now I have heared that the 86 6 speed tranny solves this problem but I dont have one and I have never riddin one so I cant comment on the 86. But I will always recommened the R over the Tecate or Tri-Z simply because of parts availaibility.

08-04-2004, 07:39 PM
i rode a bored tri-z back in 85, and i gotta say i like my r better. The z was decent but it seemed like you had to be in the throttle so much just to get going, you were instantly into the power band and damn near impossible to keep the front end down. Of course i was a 140 lb teenager then!!! :D I wouldnt mind comparison riding a z again...any takers???

08-04-2004, 08:00 PM
i cant comment cause ive never roda a z but i hope to own one some day, ive also never rode a watercooled R just my aircooled R and its not bad, i hope to own a 85 tecate come saterday so well see. also not trying to throw things off but were does the tecate fit into this subject all around compairison to a R and a Z?

08-04-2004, 08:32 PM
Its not in the topic..

08-05-2004, 12:21 AM
Z's just suck..Any 3wheeler mag you read talks about how the R would destroy a Z stock or mod sooooooooo whats the problem here?

08-05-2004, 12:37 AM
The problem is,.. stupid comments like that. You cant base your opinions on a magazine article from almost 2 decades ago. Now go BACK and read the main post again. From your comments so far, I see nothing that makes you a reliable source for information on THIS subject.

Might as well of asked how much fat is in a bite of cheerios,... we aint getting no where here, or proving a point.

08-05-2004, 05:55 AM
hi i own and ride a tri z (85) and a 250r(85).
i think that they are both fantastic machines, both good in there own right!
i like my z because it feels right for me, has a great engine only let down by its 5 speed box(6 speed bottom end would cure this) its the trike i spend most of the time riding.
my 250r is not as user friendly for my type of riding (trail riding) mainly because of its peakier engine, but is awesome for that quick blast, also parts are easy to come by.
i love them both for there different angle on the same base (namely 250 2 stroke trike).
and for all the this vs that merchants out there, theres **** all between them if raced, it normally comes down to the rider who gets the best takeoff.
cheers steve :beer

08-05-2004, 09:45 AM
Z's just suck..Any 3wheeler mag you read talks about how the R would destroy a Z stock or mod sooooooooo whats the problem here?

The problem with this whole message board is that too many people are way too quick to chime in giving bogus information on things they know nothing about so that people seeking good information have difficulty in separating good information from all the trash talk crap coming from people who read too much and ride too little, or dont ride at all. Im half temped to post the list of techno-wannabes (to warn the public) who Im really getting sick of dishing out "technical advice" on things they obviously know nothing about, and in the process causing the person posting the questions to screw things up worse than when they started, or spend all kinds of money on things they dont need, all because somebody wants people to think they know something. Ignorance doesnt bother me, unless its coupled with arrogance, and then it becomes dangerous. READ THE TITLE OF THIS THREAD. IF THATS NOT YOU, THEN DONT POST IN IT! We created a nonsense trash talk forum (which should have the "garbage" disclaimer added) called "This vs That" below for the sole purpose of keeping this garbage off the main forums. Somebody has posted a serious question and is looking for INTELLIGENT answers to a specific question. I too am very interested in serious intelligent answers to this question without having to wade through a bunch of garbage to find them.

08-05-2004, 10:18 AM
Well said Tim. You are blessed with the gift of words my friend. I get all torqued, and tend to just tick people off.

08-05-2004, 10:25 AM
Tim, we may just need to start removing these types of posts, no questions asked.

My Z sure doesn't suck. And I'm an 86 KXT-250 Tecate rider which can destroy 250Rs at will. ;) My Z is not stock. I have an 85 R which doesn't currently run and have spent lots of time on an 85 in the past.

08-05-2004, 11:56 AM
Yeah, that sounds like a dude I know.He tells me that his tri z powered banshee will smoke my Tecate, as he is trying to start it, with no chain or sprocket, front end all tweeked sideways. By the way, it didnt start either. :D If he ever gets it running I will go teach him not to fart out his mouth.

J La
08-06-2004, 12:04 AM
I would have to say it is definately personal prefferance. I've owned both. I bought an '85 Z after selling an '85 R. The Z was not for me. I loved the motor but I didn't like the handling. I never could get comfortable with it. I sold it and bought another R.

08-06-2004, 07:01 PM
Id let smokinwrench ride my 86, and I know his theory would be blown outta the water. The only problem is, Im afraid he'll wreck it!!
:p :p :p :p :p

08-06-2004, 07:13 PM
whats a tri-z? :D

08-06-2004, 07:28 PM
whats a tri-z? :D

They are Yellow and Black African Bumble Bees that will Sting ya if your not Careful :D

08-06-2004, 09:36 PM
I have both 86's and both are stock and they both have different characteristics.The Z seems to have the better low end to me.

08-06-2004, 09:58 PM
atcwithdrawels,WOW!you have a lot of trikes!!

08-07-2004, 04:57 AM
Ill race your little wussy Tecate or Tri-Z or WHATEVER YOU GOT!!! Bring it cupcake lets see what you got!!

08-07-2004, 09:42 AM
Ill race your little wussy Tecate or Tri-Z or WHATEVER YOU GOT!!! Bring it cupcake lets see what you got!!

Hmmmmm,,,,To Whom are you Talking???? Or are you just talking...This is your 3rd bash post....

08-07-2004, 09:59 AM
1987 200x all original
1987 Big Red all original
1986 250R all original{on its 2 tank of gas}
1986 Tecate {almost restored}
1986 Tri-Z 250 {needs restoring}
1986 Big Red all 0riginal
1985 Big Red been restored
1985 Big Red Daily driver
1985 250sx been restored
1982 185s all original
1983 110{Blue} all original
1971 US90 Red all original
1971 US90 Parrot Green{still restoring}
1971 US90 Blue{needs restoring}
1985 Polaris 250es{still restoring}

When I got here I thought I had too many trikes, now I realise I need MORE!

Good thread, I want a tri-z now. Hahaha

08-07-2004, 11:40 AM
I was waiting to weigh in because I really wanted to see what other people honestly thought, and see if they had the same observations I did. I see a lot of similarities from both the guys who like them and dont like them, and personal taste belongs to the individual. A few things grabbed me. One was the mention of vibration, and thats the first thing I noticed on the R was how much less it vibrated. I concluded that those counter balancers really do work! The R powerband is a lot smoother and linear, and much more top end oriented. The Z has a lot more low end grunt, and seems to turn on a lot quicker down at the bottom, and then just kind of taper off at the top. This was what I preferred about it for my riding. Especially when it comes to hillclimbing, the Z powerband is much better suited.

The geometry of the two are greatly differnet, and I can understand how Honda guys might not feel at home on the Z. Its an aquired taste! The Z has everything father back, and higher in the front, and feels more like riding a chopper or something. I found it more comfortable for trail riding and such, but these same comfort qualities made it handle poorly on the track. I did fnd that in studying the R, I was able to setup my Z more like the R, for a much better handling machine. By simply sliding the forks up a couple inches track handling was immensly improved, and I have no trouble now being competitive with R driver of similar skills on the track. Even with the tweaking though, Id give the R geometry the edge on the track, but I find the Z more comfortable for long trail rides.

Id give the R and edge in the reliability area. Especially the Yamaha impeller is so poorly designed, and frequent cooling system failures make the cylinder life of the Z consistantly shorter. I do think Honda could learn a lesson about chain guides from Yamaha, though.

Suspension between the two are very similar, with neither showing any major advantages over the other. The TriZ stock suspension is lighter, which may have to be changed for heavier guys, but would be better for lighter guys. Its about right for the 165-175 lb rider. The R is somewhat heavier. The life span of a Yamaha rear shock is significantly less than the Honda shocks.

Ive never had any trouble getting Z parts, but there are certainly a lot more off the shelf and aftermarket R parts available. That can be a double edge sword though, especially on used parts. An example is buying 250R motor parts on ebay. You wont buy an 86 250R motor on ebay for $350 like you can for a Z. You're competing with quad riders for parts.

Both are very fine classic machines, and neither is deserving of any of the ridculous nonsense trash talk I keep hearing, mostly from people who have no personal knowledge other than parroting what they heard from somebody who heard from somebody else who thought they read something. My own preference is for the TriZ, not because its any better but because it better suits my taste and needs. There are probably more people who prefer the R, but thats because it more suits their tastes and needs, but that does not make it a better machine, just a better choice for them.

08-08-2004, 12:51 AM
What I have read so far seems to make me think the Z is better handling for tight trails riding and the R is better for dunes and MX. This is just from what I have read here.

I do like the wider tank on the R compared to the narrow airbox on the Z, but I'm sure that is just from being a R rider compared to a guy that has just riden a Z a small amount in the last few years.

I plan on riding Chainsaw's Z next dune trip if he gets it running right. It will be nice to compare both machines with both of them having about identical mods ( I won't crash it).

Chainsaw's drag bike can't be used in the comparison, I think the plastic is the only stock parts on the entire machine.

This is a very good thread, I just wish the stupid posts could be removed. I work a lot of hours and have a family, I don't need to waste my time reading stupid stuff.

08-08-2004, 02:18 AM
This is a very good thread, I just wish the stupid posts could be removed. I work a lot of hours and have a family, I don't need to waste my time reading stupid stuff.
I would like to say that even though I have never ridden either machine I would like to agree that this is a good thread to read and I think that the posts that are "stupid" and are coming from people who think that they know everything that there is to know should be deleted.

08-14-2004, 02:39 PM
This is so true.I hope this is not stupid.