View Full Version : Your 1st Wipeout..

07-29-2004, 12:56 PM
Mine was last night..

Me on 200es big red
Friend on 200m
neighbor on 350 foreman
Other friend on kawa klt

Riding next to train tracks, on an anle, in 4th gear, hit a rut in the loose gravel and went head first into a 10 foot gully, stayed on all the way down, BUT rolled it over once at the botom...

Bent a few fingers while bailing, and i think i fractured a knuckle, i don't need no stinking doctor, i just " buddy taped " the worst finger to the one next to it :D and popped a few advils. be riding by the weekend.

Bike started right up tho..

oh.. fyi, we had to tow the guy on the kawa back home !!! hahahaha :p

07-29-2004, 01:11 PM
Mine was my 8th grade graduation day, and had to of been like 1990 or so, when my parents gave me a 225DX. I didnt go more then 20 feet, went to turn around,.. goosed it and hit a chainlink fence. Now, about 14 years later, the small chip is still missing from my 225s front fender. Id fix it, but everytime I look at it, I remember how excited I was to get it that day, and how mad I was that I wrecked it so fast.

07-29-2004, 02:08 PM
mine was at my new house about 2 months ago. i was just riding over the big dirt hills that where here from when diggin for the house, so i went over the big hill about 5 tiems then went for it again left wheel hit a rock and just launched me to the right, rolled rite down the hill( i was so worried about the brand new fenders) i was ok just a lil scratched up and the 200x just had some bent bars(replaced with oneals that have the same bend) and the rear brand new black fender just got a few scratches. so i guess i was pretty lucky.

07-29-2004, 02:10 PM
Mine was late in the summer of 1982 because I had just gotten my new YT 175. My buddy Doug was on his ATC 185s and we were riding through an open field next to each other, but not going really fast.

We simultaneously hit a small ditch that had been overgrown with tall grass so we didn't know it was there until it was too late. We both went over the handlebars and our trikes landed more or less on top of each of us.

Once we realized what had happened and that neither of us was hurt we laughed so hard we could barely get up.

3 weelin geezer
07-29-2004, 02:10 PM
Not really anything exciting. It just drifted right into a small mesquite tree by the sandy trail. It was better than the cactus patch right past it though. Those thorns came out pretty easy compared to the cactus thorns.

07-29-2004, 03:53 PM
i wasnt so lucky with my crash i was hauling trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro down a gravel drive way and turn left and the bike just kept going right and it slide and hit a tree stump the was over grown with grass and pitched me off and i broke my callor bone ! well i sat their for a littel while then got back up turned the bike back over started it and rode up to the house then home which was proll 1/2 mile home. my god that broken bone hurt so bad!

84honda 200X
07-29-2004, 04:19 PM
My first wipe was on a 185 it didnt have brakes and my brother and i were flying down a gravel road and he puleld in front of me and it flipped and flew over me and i hit my head on a tree and nocked my self out for a bit. I broke my colar bone 3 days ago on a RM 125 so i know what your pain feels like Xowner

07-29-2004, 04:23 PM
Worst crash, i was about 8 i think..going down this dirt road..it went straight down then striaght back up practically..(on the 200m) i thought i could make..got about half way up the other side...then it wheelied and fell back down on top of me...ouch that hurt...i got up, rolled the trike over and drove back home:D

07-29-2004, 05:33 PM
Haven't wrecked anything YET.... :D I did hit a fence on my go-kart, no padding on the back support, broke the skin. :(

ATC crazy
07-29-2004, 08:09 PM
My first was on my '87 SX the first year I got it. I was riding over at a friends house and there was a little stump it the trail that you had to strattle with your tires. Well...I forgot to do this and up on the side I went. I didnt roll it....I was going slow enough that it just layed on its side. That was my first and ONLY mishap that I have ever had on a trike...

07-29-2004, 08:28 PM
welll i was riding my 84 200s on a gravel road and at the end there was pavement. i went to speen the back end around because there was some gravel on the pavement well it did a 180 grabed the pavement the front end came up and i ran right into a chainlink fence and layed it on its side. i think i burned my leg i cant remember. i picked it up it had turned off took about 2 or 3 pulls and it started back up and i was on my way.

07-29-2004, 08:38 PM
My first flip was very early on. It was about 1985 and I was 4 years old. I always went on the big red with my dad so I saw him drive backwards lots of times. One day he took me out on the ytm 200 and let me drive it. Well I got too close to a tree and i didn't know how to switch gears (father put it in first for me) so i stopped before i hit the tree and gassed it thinking I was going to go backwards, lol, well I hit the tree with the right tire and rolled the bike over. My father darted to me but he said I was lying in the mud laughing.
My next real crash was when I was 13 and driving my fathers xl 250R and I hit a jump that was right by a ditch. I thought I would do a small jump and land well before the ditch ended, I was wrong I hit the jump and it was like slow motion looking down and seeing the ground and then the bottom of the ditch and then boooom, she rolled and flipped, not with me on it, I bailed at the last second. That 2 seconds seemed like 2 minutes though, lol. Barely did any damage and just hoped on and went home. None since then though, just keep on wearing my helmet waiting for the next. hahha

07-29-2004, 09:53 PM
My first wreck on a trike was last year on my 110. I was looking at a hillclimb none of my friends would go up on their quads and it didn't look that bad at all. So kinda as a joke I said "Get out of my way, and I'll show ya how its done" Well as I held it wide open going towards the bottom I gotta different thought about it..."OH Sh#t!!!" I guess everything looks different when you're riding something. Well it was too late to back out and I just kept it hammered. Soon as I got about half way up, I knew it was gonna happen, the front tire started lifting off and I stood up & leaned forward even more but I think that slowed down my reaction time because the next thing I know I see the trike in the air, land on the back rack (I'm on the ground at this time) then tip over sideways and the footpeg landed right square in my ankle and the gear lever went about an 1/8" in my skin and tore about a 3" strip of meat off. The footpeg did permanent nerve damage and I still can't feel the right side of my left foot.

My first quad wreck was a long time ago on a '88? Yamaha 350 Moto-4. I was pretty much wide open 5th gear on a good trail, saw a skidder rut, tried to miss the skidder rut (lol), but it was too late. Went up on a bank and flipped the 4-wheeler 3 times. I came off on the first flip but my leg kinda got caught between the fenders and frame. Hurt like a trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro.

07-29-2004, 10:31 PM
ive been lucky enough to never have a mishap but ive been close, one time me and my dad just went for a quick ride (no helmets :( ) and we where coming back home from the woods and there is a curve on the road we were on and he (on his bayou) punched it and me (on my 200X) knew he couldnt beat me so i punched it too, well when we came up on the corner dad had enough sense to slow down while i stayed in the gas way too long. i came up on the curve in the middle of 5th gear and my X just wouldnt turn no matter what i did and if i went straight i wouldve hit a tree line so i panicked and grabbed the front brake and cranked on the bars and i ended going around the whole curve on 2 wheels, needless to say i was grounded from the X for a few weekends

07-29-2004, 11:08 PM
First wreck was on my old Yamahauler 200 when I was 10. I was learning to ride and getting confident driving back and forth my dirt driveway, at the bottom I would do doughnuts pop wheelies on the way back up the driveway. While i was doing a doughnut my foot slipped off the peg and I got pulled under it while the throttle was open, ouch. A passer by helped lift the bike off me and I spent the rest of the day picking the rocks out of my leg.

07-29-2004, 11:15 PM
Me and my cousin were riding on the lake during the winter(not an ice track)it was mostly pure ice with little snow on top exept for a few places. I would go into fourth gear(top in a 125 yama)Top speed, and then drift sideways. Very simple, until you hit a patch of snow. The trike rolled and sent me tumbling across the ice. I think the shifter arm got bent and it wouldn't go into gear after that, oh well no pain no gain.

07-29-2004, 11:26 PM
pry around 8-10 riding my grandpas 250 b.r. there was a old well and i cut wuick corners around it and then hammered back to the drivaway that was my track. took the turn aroung the well to hard flipped the b and r on top of me handlebar rolled across the pelvis nice line goin across it for a week. When i look back now onlly time im happy im a box (even now im 6'1 or so still get called a stump) ha ha. Even at 10 rolled the trike over and drove er home

07-30-2004, 12:53 AM
..... you know, its funny, if you look at the majority of these "wrecks", they mostly have occured on hardtail or even non-suspended trikes. Something to think about maybe?. ..... My first real major wreck happened on my 200S as well. I was going way too fast over some whoops and I started swaping ends. The last one did me in and I ended up carrening into a chainlink fence. The right rear wheel caught one of the posts ...... the next thing I remember is the trike flipping end over end at what seemed like 10 ft up in the air while I skidded along the chainlink like cheese on a grater. My helmet struck another post and I spun around with the wind knocked out of me. I ended up with a faily well bent left fork and the brand new set of Pep Boys special fog lamps I had literally 30 minutes before installed, smashed to oblivion. I have had a few since then .... but .... only on quads. I will say this - having a 500lb Polaris pogo at the top of a very long and steep hillclimb and then fall back onto you, smashing your chest protector in half ..... is not a very fun thing. I still to this day wonder if I would have lived through that If I wasn't wearing one.

07-30-2004, 02:20 AM
it was like 4 years ago,i was like 9 or 10 i just moved into my house and i was riding my old 85 110 and i had it in high topped out going off this big jump even though i didnt get to high due to the slowness factor,and i hit some sorta rut or somethin at the top and it turned sideways in the air and when i landed i got thrown in front of it and it rolled over me and the footpeg jabbed me in my back,and i couldnt move for 10 minutes and no one was around, finally i pulled myself up against a tree, and then my brother pulled up right when i could finally kinda stand up, i coughed and spit and it was all blood, i coughed up blood like this for the next 2 weeks and had no taste because it all tasted like that nasty blood taste when its in your mouth.I never told my parents about it due to the fear of losing my 110 for even a week my brother finally told them a month later, the littl tadlle taler he is,that was almost my worst wreck, but i rode every day after i crashed and rode for a good hour after it that day but i could onlyy go slow do to tremendous back pain and my legs were bruised and scratched

07-31-2004, 11:07 PM
Well with an ice pack on my hand i'm typing this.. hurts like a sonavabitch...

Can't wait for it to heal, i want to go riding asap..... ugh.

some good stories tho.. this is some goos stuff !!.


:TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn

08-01-2004, 01:14 AM
my little cousin broke his leg on my 200s running it 2 fast across a old garden. it started boucing fell over the the foot peg wne in his leg.

08-10-2004, 11:37 AM
my cousin just got 50 stitches on her arm!it was on a moto4(dang quads do it to ya every time)her arm got cut open from her elbow up on the bottom side, amazingly, not one drop of blood!?!, it was all fat tissue and stuff

atc krazy
08-10-2004, 11:51 AM
i have to say i have never crashed a 3 wheler only layed down a dirt bike

3 weelin geezer
08-18-2004, 06:49 PM
it was all fat tissue and stuff

Dude! Hope she doesn't see this part. Women and 'fat tissue' are not to be said in the same sentece.

08-18-2004, 07:06 PM
My first mishap was 4 years ago on a 85 250R I had. I was riding next to a 12 foot drop off into a dried out pond and I wasn't paying attention to how close I was to the edge and the right tire went off the edge and the 250R and I went off the drop off and landed down in the pond. The 250R rolled on top of me but I used both my feet while upside down to kick the 250R away from me. I landed on my back in mud and the 250R landed on its side. I was a little bruised and shaken but I was fine and the 250R only suffered some small scratches but nothing major.

08-18-2004, 09:45 PM
I cant remember the first time I wrecked, theres been so many LOL

08-18-2004, 10:12 PM
well ive had 3 "crashes" in my short life so far and im 16 ...... my first was on a dirtbike , i was on ice i had been riding for about 2 weeks or 4 rides how ever u wanna look at it and i was 12, i was riding in upstate new york and it was all ice and i was riding for bout 2 hours n got cocky and dumped the clutch into third full throttle n the tire spun and i fell nuttin happened to me but both hand levers broke so i couldnt ride for 2 weeks cuz my dad was a cheapo lol. my next crash was on the first trike i ever rode. a 250r ..... i was pretty good , it wasnt mine it was a friends i was 15 he was 28 i think , but he was encouraging me 2 wheely n i was doing good but then i MISSED the break n never let go of the gas and rolled it i was still holding on whne it came baq around i wasnt hurt but the front fender was cracked n he had to stitch it up. ok the last n most recent crash was last summer on my 200s , i MASTERED wheeling in 1st n 2nd so i got daring n tried to switch into third DURING the wheely .... no problems there thne it came time for forth thats when screwed up i never let go of the throtle and its a auto clutch so wehn i pushed down the gear shifter it was in nutral for a quick second but that was long enuff to rev it out the bike went far baq hit the grab bar n i just pushed away scared it would fall on me... so my tail bone hit a small rock but it was enuff to give me a limp for 2 weeks lol. well thats my story lol

08-18-2004, 10:41 PM
mine was on my 110 and was haul down my hill / drive way and realize i cant turn so i slamed on the brakes and just kept on going because you cant really stop going fast down a hill and flew into a 15ft ditch but it was filled with leaves where i landed i was lucky and turned the 110 over and started first pull .110 are the most reliable trikes out there.

Tri-Z Pilot
08-18-2004, 11:06 PM
My only serious wreck was on a quad, (go figure!), well anyways it was 01, I must have been 17. I was jumping that day,(It was a jump onto flat ground), I was jumping about 20 feet out, I went to do it again,hit it in fith, and I didnt snap the throttle enough off of the lip, followed by a nose dive, (I was scared s#@tless, so I held on very tight), hit the nose which threw the blaster up side which collapsed the bars on my thighs, and I rolled around with the bike,(I ended up breaking my leg and disslocating my shoulder, besides rock rash). The only thing done to the blaster was I bent the stock front bumper, and broke my thumb throttle and levers.

08-20-2004, 12:10 AM
my first 3 wheeler accident wasn't that bad I was on a 110 pullin sum buddies on a gutted golf cart went down a hill and the golf cart beat me and I had to bail the cart flipped over the trike.
My most recent and worst was on my father in laws TRX 250r was flying down a trail lookin 4 a buddy and before I new it there was a speed bump that a tractor had left behind and I hit it probably doing 50+ front end popped up but when the back end hit it came popped up endoing the quad and catipulting me onto my shoulder. I jumped back up but I had seperated my shoulder had to ride back to the main road while my buddy went to get the trailer (15 miles up the trail). The worst part was when I had to try and kick start it. This happened about two months ago shoulder is much better but will never be the same, and they say quads are safer!

08-20-2004, 12:12 AM
quad ended up with a dent in the front bumper and a broken grab bar!

08-20-2004, 06:57 AM
Well, my only real bail with a trike is when i was racing my friend on his 250ES with my SX...it was a pretty small street (that street is right beside the forest, and the people who live there don't even care.) and we were going in the forest direction...well i was in 4th gear, 1 trike length in front of him....we had to brake if we didn't want to hit that big bump that ends 3 feet lower beside it. Well, I tried to brake, it didn't...(My cable just locked up, I don't know why) so i flied about 15 feet long and 5 feet high....and my friend saw me...in the air, my feet slid away and they got behind the trike, just like i was doing a superman...so when i landed, i knocked my both knees on the rack, and i rolled at the right of my 250. I was really surprised, the front wheel of my SX, after i had rolled down of it, hit a little rock so the wheel turned left....if it didn't do that, i would have probably been rolled over by my trike! So everything was fine, my handlebars were a little bent, but i was alright!!! (Just some pain and scratches on my knees and a little bit everywhere :) )

08-21-2004, 01:59 PM
This isn't my first wreck, but its the only one that i can remember. I had 10 minutes to kill before i had to leave to to pick up my g/f so i decided to take my tecate for a quick spin around my house. i had to slow down to go around my grape vines and make a sharp turn, and not being used to the power of the trike, i didn't lean forward enough when i took off after the turn. The next thing i knew i was on my back and the tecate was 20 feet in front of me. i guess i knocked myself out when my head hit the ground. the helmet probably saved me from some brain cell genocide that day. i haven't tried to do a wheelie on the tecate since then.

09-09-2004, 02:49 PM
:TrikesOwn :Bounce Well i guess i have been lucky so far as 3-wheeling goes, but i just bought a new 2004 susuki Z400 quad. Man it is fast great lil 4-wheeler. my friends took out on a a gravel road. i was doing a cookie, my friend who just did one beofre me circled about 3 times and called it quits. Natually i had to show him up. well i sure did. I held that damn cookie for almost 10 times around. one problem, this old road used to have concret under it. they stoped maintaing it and tossed a crap load of gravel over it. i had know idea at the time. just as i created the 10th circle the rear wheels grab that road and shot me straight in the air, i fell flat on my fat ass. the quad twiasted and went over side ways. bent the handle bars and scratched the rear grab bar. crasy i think i broke my tail bone, but did stop me from getting up and trying to get back on, the thing flooded out. I :eek: t was a good tlearning time though

09-09-2004, 08:56 PM
my 1st and only crash was a few weeks ago, i was on my ATC 90 and my friend was on his 200m...so im like"WANA RACE?!?" so we raced..he ate my 90 alive of course then he starts to slow down..so i pin it in 4th then the idiot turns right into my path befor he lookd to turn...so i slamed the brakes..and of course we where on wet grass...i slid into him doin 35mph or sumtin my front tire hit bounced of his tire/fender and i was launched 4ft in the air and flew for 10ft the trike flipd on top of its handel bars...and i landed on my right knee...all i got was a bruised knee..lol..but damn it was fuuuuun:D

09-09-2004, 09:35 PM
9 years old. 1982 (I think) ATC 110. My friend was driving, I was riding on the back (I know I know, we were young and lacked supervision). He hit a big, big bump, the bike bounced up in the air, my foot came off the peg and hit the back tire which grabbed me and pulled me under the bike which then proceeded to land on me. My friend hit the back brake and skidded on my knee a bit. Thanks to those big cushy tires (that actually caused the wild bounce to begin with) I didn't even get hurt too bad. Got right back up, walked it off, hopped back on and away we went.

09-09-2004, 11:34 PM
I have never crashed in my life. Cept when me and one of my girl friends were jumping one day, well anyways, we were on my 250, and we hit this double i made, it launches you a good 7-8 feet and it runs about 23 or so feet. We landed it haha, and then we were screwing around in the tundra and we decided to tip it over for fun. So we did and landed in the soft tundra.
the end... exciting huh??

09-10-2004, 02:53 PM
I' haven't crashed yet...but...I had some governor problems on my scattracker and it was making the throttle stick wide open...my dad started it up after I told him about that (d'oh) and it took off (with no one on it), pulling a wheelstand the whole way until it hit some hedges, and one of the wheels was partially out of contact with the ground and making a pretty large rut...It bent the forks up though. Still haven't found out if they'ree bend-backable.

Oh yes and quite a few years ago he was doing some donuts on a scattracker on snow-covered dirt...wore through the snow and flipped it. *shrug* I didnt exactly see it.