View Full Version : adjusting float on carb.

07-23-2004, 03:06 PM
Got an 82, atc 200 in the garage that i'm stealing bolts from for my big red at the present time... but i want to restore the old beast for friends to ride this winter.

I've had the motor running, but it ran like crap...

An inspection of the gas tank revealed a mountain of rust, and orange gas, flushed it out like 10 times with methyl hydrate and a handfull of washers before it started to come out clear...

Then ended up with pinholes in the mofo that were sealed up with silver solder.. still chasing more holes now.. but that's another story.

The carb was opened by a " friend " ... and cleaned, it had orange rust pile at the bottom, and really dirty... got it clean as a whistle but i know he played with the float level....

how do you adjust the float on these carbs.. any thicks to this ? :rolleyes:

07-23-2004, 10:16 PM
they are not adjustable.

07-23-2004, 11:14 PM

The float mounts on a pin to the top part of the carb.. it's attached by a thin metal arm , and slightly bending this will make the float sink or float at a different level affecting the overflow if i undersood correctly :confused:

Not meant to be an adjustment.. i know.. :(

However.. it's happened already.....

coyote killer
07-24-2004, 03:12 PM
You need to call trailprotrailpro dealer and ask how high to set the float....then get a ruler and measure from the gasket surface to the top of the float....bend the little tang that presses on the needle only ....do not bend the arms of the float....And make sure that the float is just touching the needle,,,,not pressing it down when u take trailprotrailpro measurement.....If you have any questions you can email me at Matthew161320@aol.com for the fastest answer....