View Full Version : It Is Aliiiiiiiiiiiiive!!!

12-30-2002, 09:15 PM
After 5 weeks of tearing apart and rebuilding my 84 200X, it now has a heartbeat! You'll have to excuse my excitement, I didn't think anyone else would understand my excitement as much as you trikenuts. My wife told me it sounded "loud", and I said it is now breathing FIRE. She smiled and said that's nice honey and shut the garage door. I had to tell someone that could share in my excitement. Thanks for listening. Once I finish the gas tank I will post pics.

12-30-2002, 09:30 PM
they just dont get it! Yesterday, when project LT230 fired up, I was so proud of myself, I ran inside, "Honey, can you hear it?? It runs!!!" She looked up from a magazine and said "yea, thats great" then buried her head in the pages of (insert stupid magazine name here).

12-30-2002, 09:41 PM
Hey Jeswinehart,

I am over in the Kalamazoo area, on the west side of the state, how bout you? Thanks for the stories, now I don't feel like it's just me.

12-30-2002, 10:50 PM
Hey that's pretty funny. I just bought 10acres in Paw Paw. I agree it is a pain in the butt to say and everyone questions you whether you only meant to say it once. I live about 10 minutes East of Paw Paw.
I'll have to get hold of kimmer250r.

12-31-2002, 12:10 AM
This is pretty funny. I just got my cylinder ported today so I can get my Tri Z back together tomorrw. Its gonna be real nice to hear that thing fire again. Also I am in Michigan. I in swartz creek/fenton area.

12-31-2002, 12:53 AM
8) :D :D 8) :Beerchug

01-01-2003, 11:20 AM
After 5 weeks of tearing apart and rebuilding my 84 200X, it now has a heartbeat! You'll have to excuse my excitement, I didn't think anyone else would understand my excitement as much as you trikenuts. My wife told me it sounded "loud", and I said it is now breathing FIRE. She smiled and said that's nice honey and shut the garage door. I had to tell someone that could share in my excitement. Thanks for listening. Once I finish the gas tank I will post pics.
I'm the same way about any project. I call her away from whatever she's doing just to share my excitement. I can tell she's just humoring me but it's nice anyway. She even walks way out back when I want to show her a new section I put in the track with the backhoe :-D ! I guess I look at dirt differently than her?

01-02-2003, 02:21 AM
Haha same thing here man. I got my 200x back together after about two weeks of cosmetic work and adjusted the carb a bit and mine is breathing fire too. I just can't wait to get my exhaust to make it even louder :twisted: muahahahaha

01-02-2003, 02:46 AM
Definitely have to hook up waterfowler. I'm in Paw Paw too.