View Full Version : 87 Tecate KXT Ques.

07-15-2004, 06:02 PM
Hey guys. Im new to the board so i thought i would say whats up. I also have a couple of questions about my KXT......

Well in my area there use to be a load of places to ride but recently they went on a building houses everywhere, so now i gotta kind of go on the roads to get to the trails. Anyways.... i start getting chased by a cop, now keep in mind i look forward to this. Im always getting chased by the cops and they never catch me. I'll slow down wait for them to catch up then wave common as i gun it again. BUUUUUT....this time was diffrent, as i waited for the cop to catch up @ a stop sign i noticed he wasnt slowing down so i gave a quick twist of the throttle and i was off. He scared me that time, and i soon noticed there was two cops now so i decided to dip into the woods and call it quits. As i slowed down the damn cop did one of those moves that they do to stop cars in chases as i was going like 40mph. To make a long story short i got a trike with no rear end and misc. broken parts everywhere.

To bad the cops are paying for it b/c im in the process of going to court. But now i am stuck with trying to find parts. I've been lookinf for about a month now and i came across a couple things i need, but cant seem to find things like..... rear axle carrier, rear axle(new), brake caliper, chain guide. Im sure you tecate owners know what i cant find, so if any1 would happen to know any places where i could find these could ya let me know.

Thanks guys for the time and space :TrikesOwn

07-15-2004, 06:08 PM
What do you mean by that move? Did he ram into your rear end? That would suck. I'm sure that a few Tecate riders here might have a few parts. I'm betting that you already looked on ebay? Well, anyways, good luck finding parts, and stay away from cops!

07-15-2004, 07:06 PM
LoL, I haven't heard that one yet. In my area its illegal for the cop to give chase to aa fleeing ATV as the rider may get hurt trying to escape. So they rubbed your rear corner until you crashed? Ouch.

Take a look in the ATV classifieds on this board and keep an eye on eBay too.

07-15-2004, 08:02 PM
LoL, I haven't heard that one yet. In my area its illegal for the cop to give chase to aa fleeing ATV as the rider may get hurt trying to escape. So they rubbed your rear corner until you crashed? Ouch.

Take a look in the ATV classifieds on this board and keep an eye on eBay too.

Ya it is illegal in Connecticut too, thats why im now sueing, and by move ya they clipped my rear tire, but anyhow ya i've looked on ebay and only found a shifter and a rear sprocket. Its just hard to find the aftermarket stuff that was on trailprotrailpro.

Thanks again guys keep up the info, links would be great

nate b
07-15-2004, 08:13 PM
hope you get a damn good lawsuit for that and i hope the cop looses his job, that was a real smart move on his part.
cops he,he

07-15-2004, 08:22 PM
you could be rich...and then you could buy me a tecate lol. hope you win and get the parts your lookin for

07-15-2004, 09:13 PM
what kind of aftermarket parts did you have? that sucks, but keep in mind you were running from them and althought what the did was illegal, you were doing something far more illegal and the judge is gonna ream you a new one and not to meantion they are keep a real close eye on you and pull you over for petty things. myself I wouldn't go riding in that town for awhiile.

07-15-2004, 09:37 PM
the cops did the same thing to my brother (here in Nova Scotia)

He was driving in the median (between the highways) and the cop drove right into it to run him off the road. Good news is after it is all said and done they only gave him a warning.....probably so they didn't get in trouble!

07-15-2004, 10:12 PM
I think you deserve what you got, I mean, when I was younger I used to run from the cops too, but as you get older you learn that its not worth it, and learn to accept what you get for your stupidity, as far as the parts...good luck, for rear fenders try your dealer, as well as other parts

07-15-2004, 10:21 PM
well u were stupid doing that if i ride on the road i wait intill night and i dont do stupid things like let the cops get close. if i see a cop i get off the road cant be that hard. as for the cop he could have killed u both of yall were very stupid.

07-16-2004, 12:14 AM
Welcome to the board and nice avatar ;)

07-16-2004, 12:31 AM
guess trailprotrailpro tecate wasnt fast enough mr 1fasttecate

200x Basket
07-16-2004, 08:25 AM
i have a carrier for a 86 tecate and a +4" extended finishline race axle that i will sell. PM me if interested.

07-16-2004, 02:36 PM
i have a carrier for a 86 tecate and a +4" extended finishline race axle that i will sell. PM me if interested.

PM sent.

Thanks every1 for you .02 cents. Some of you didnt seem to remember what you just read 30 sec. trailprotrailpro you posted though. Like i said previously i HAD to go on the road in order to get to the trails. So please keep your opinions to yourself unless you were there.

To the ppl that offered thier help, thanks its appreciated. At least you knew what the point of this thread was.

And to ThreeWheelinFeelin...ROFLMAO Ya mayby i should ride on the road only at night. I must be stupid,damn what was i thinking ??

07-16-2004, 04:31 PM
so how long will it be tbefore they close down all the areas YOU ride in? Buddy you make me sick....I hope you lose the suit and get some quality time with a nice man in the county lock up. guys like you are the reason I have no place to ride.......and same goes to all you people responding that they hope you get a lot of $ or the cop loses his job. My brother is a cop in west virginia, he does his job, if that means busting guys like you...well he does. imagine how your parents would have felt if the cops had to go tell them their kid just got killed running from them to have fun. I know my brother has had to do it several times and he does not like it much. I personally will make a stand and say I wish you would not find yor parts

07-19-2004, 12:24 AM
so how long will it be tbefore they close down all the areas YOU ride in? Buddy you make me sick....I hope you lose the suit and get some quality time with a nice man in the county lock up. guys like you are the reason I have no place to ride.......and same goes to all you people responding that they hope you get a lot of $ or the cop loses his job. My brother is a cop in west virginia, he does his job, if that means busting guys like you...well he does. imagine how your parents would have felt if the cops had to go tell them their kid just got killed running from them to have fun. I know my brother has had to do it several times and he does not like it much. I personally will make a stand and say I wish you would not find yor parts

Its my fault you have no place to ride ?? Okay if you say so. Buddy you dont know me or where i live, or how the cops are over here, nothing.

Does your local P.D have 6 Raptors ?? Most dont. Mine do however. Thats what i meant by running from the cops. i am unable to ride anywhere i live b/c of the water reseviours(sp?) all around here. Most of the bottled water comes from my area. What happend was two cops in the cars were looking for another rider that messed up the baseball field, and i ended up by running into them.

I woulda explained into further detail in my origional post, but i thought i would get to the point rather than waste every1's time.

Some1 please hand me a tissue NickG actually made my eyes tear up. LOL

07-19-2004, 10:11 AM
Yo, Mr Fast Tecate.
Here is your main screw up with this post in general. You stated that "Keep in mind that I look forward to this." when referring to getting chased by the cops. I am sure that some or most of us have at one time or another eluded the police in or near our favorite ride area. I am guilty as well although my experiences were 15+ years ago. My problem is that it sounds like you are seeking out a police chase which is just plain stupid regardless of where you live, how old you are, what the police are like in your area and how many Raptors they own etc.etc.etc. You were just looking for trouble and now you found it...


07-19-2004, 10:31 AM
Its my fault you have no place to ride ?? Okay if you say so. Buddy you dont know me or where i live, or how the cops are over here, nothing.

Does your local P.D have 6 Raptors ?? Most dont. Mine do however. Thats what i meant by running from the cops. i am unable to ride anywhere i live b/c of the water reseviours(sp?) all around here. Most of the bottled water comes from my area. What happend was two cops in the cars were looking for another rider that messed up the baseball field, and i ended up by running into them.

I woulda explained into further detail in my origional post, but i thought i would get to the point rather than waste every1's time.

Some1 please hand me a tissue NickG actually made my eyes tear up. LOL i am sorry to make you cry
well doing things like you did does not help the situation, and if you and your buddies have loud pipes, yes it is probably your fault
well maybe the guy who wrecked the field should be proud, again, if your buddies are doing things like that, you are gonna get burned, I live in a watershed too, infact it is a lot larger than where you are in shelton area, I live where the NYC/newark and other city resivoirs are, I have NO places to ride, so I do it leagal.They enfoirce the law very vigorously and have all kinds of atv's, trucks and even the darn National Gaurd!(imagine runnin into a guy with an m16! I ain't no terrorist!) I go to ny state, pa or private land with permission, i respect the owners and never have loud pipes(not to say i was not a kid with one, but i now realize the pipes are why most places are shut down...and dummies wrecking things or riding on the roads at 100 mph) have you been on ct riders ? there are lots of legal places to ride in ct, a lot near you! Riding is a lot of fun, but nowadays it also requires a little tact and a lot of responsibility, the things you do today will affect everyone tomorrow, i feel bad for your situation...infact i sold you the shifter on ebay, i completely empathise with you and your problem, but think about the situation you created.You have to understand that the police are ther to protect the public, when you ran from him, he was doing his job. are you registered and insured? if so it is legal to ride short distances on the side of the road to a trail, but like any other situation involving flight, when you run the cop thinks there is a reason, know that it will come back to bite you in the long run big time. I don't mean to be harsh with you, but learn from this, the police are not out to bust you and all atv'ers. they have better things to do, I bet the guy who chased you just wanted to talk to you and see what you knew about the fields being ripped up. it takes a bigger set of balls to own up to one's mistakes than to blame everyone else... as far as the parts to fix your tecate, pm me, i can help you out

07-19-2004, 10:38 AM
oh, if you think they don't know who you are already cause they never caught you, think about this...how many bright green trikes are in your town? i bet no t many. i suspect they knew where you lived and if they really wanted to bust you they would just knock on your door and have a nice visit. I suspect you will have a lot of problems when you get a drivers liscense(the cops remember things big time).

07-19-2004, 10:58 AM
also, what if one of the cops sees your post? your suit is history

07-19-2004, 11:34 AM
Yo, Mr Fast Tecate.
Here is your main screw up with this post in general. You stated that "Keep in mind that I look forward to this." when referring to getting chased by the cops. I am sure that some or most of us have at one time or another eluded the police in or near our favorite ride area. I am guilty as well although my experiences were 15+ years ago. My problem is that it sounds like you are seeking out a police chase which is just plain stupid regardless of where you live, how old you are, what the police are like in your area and how many Raptors they own etc.etc.etc. You were just looking for trouble and now you found it...


I couldnt have said it better. I cant think of anything to add to this.

07-19-2004, 11:55 AM
Well being that I have worked in law enforcement for 5 years I have delt with all kinds of issues. We have pulled over a few quads riding in bad areas(school grounds or golf courses). Most of them time I just tell them to find a place where we cant get to to warn them! HAHAHA I also gave them a warning, that you dont want me riding your high dollar quad around for under 500$ do you(at the police auction block). But those that ran, I would make down the make and model and color and what the person looked like. Then one day down the road we would end up finding them and taking their quad away. So give the police respect and pay your dues if you are being illegal. YOu would be suprised if you stop when they come, you might just get off without issues. But dont be a punk or smart to them during the conversation.............peace

07-19-2004, 07:30 PM
I respect every1's opinion, and took everything every1 has said into consideration. However the local cops know who i am, where i live, just like what was stated. I actually have a picture with a local cop doing a wheelie on my trike. They are cool, but there is one cop who has always busted my chops, even through high school. This cop is the one who happened to do it. I have made 3 complaints about him prior to this incident, and then this happened.

I just recently got my trike on the road again. It sat for about 8 years at my mothers house, so thats why i said i usually look forward to this. B/c the last time i ran from them i was about 17. I never had to deal with issues trailprotrailpro such as going on the road to get to a trail,, b/c my backyard(then) was Indian Wells State Park wich has acres and acres of trails, but since then a bunch of houses were built and i was forced to go about a mile to catch another entrance into the trails.

As for the baseball field i did not know of that situation until after i got outta the hospital. And to the guy who use to be a cop, i can relate to that considering my mother is a state trooper, my uncle is a homicide detective, and another uncle is a sherriff in VA.

07-19-2004, 07:44 PM
[QUOTE=NICKG]oh, if you think they don't know who you are already cause they never caught you, think about this...how many bright green trikes are in your town? i bet not many.[QUOTE]

LOL your def. right havent seen any, but Nick thanks for the info on CTRiders. I was unaware of that site, and cant wait to check it out. As for the shifter, it better have good thread buddy lol. I was happy as hell when i found that shifter b/c i went to get a new DG silencer at R.E.R and i asked about the shifter and they wanted $120 for it. And i wasnt gonna pay that much. So i really appreciate the sale. I almost have everything. Only things i need now is a DG exhaust(mine now has a dent) airbox cover(on there now is a piece of a recycling bin), rear brake caliper, clutch lever, front brake lever and rear axle.

07-19-2004, 08:59 PM
that is the same reason I only ride my ac330r at legal places, there aren't too many 250r trikes around here, infact last year I was riding in a local pit(in monroe) and I was hitting a few of the jumps and such and I see a white suv just as if I was gonna go up the hill that was near it, I sped off, back to my truck, loaded it up and was gone. Went to a friends house, then stopped at one of my friends shop, bs withhim a bit, go home and the next day I hear from a co-worker(who is the cousin of the guy who has the shop) and he tells me a monroe cop was there asking about a atc250r and that they are looking for one(not wanting to buy), the guy said, I don't know what you are talking about a 250r trike being here, the cop told him that he is full of it and "I know you know the guy with that bike, becasue we have a witness that placed him here". Well, my bike didn't appear in monroe for a few months and never heard about it again. One thing that sucks about owning and riding a trike, you are remembered, a typical warrior, 400ex, 300ex are a dime a dozen and a cop won't be able to point out a specific one. I already met a cop out by helmetta/e. brunswick, he saw me pushing my bike where most people ride them down the street and said that he would tell the rangers and such not a hassle me, so I guess its not all a bad thing. he did bust my balls about the bike running(my kicker flew off that day and couldn't find it, the cop understood me not killing the bike)

07-19-2004, 09:40 PM
worse case, just go to ny state, there are plenty of good places there, pm me and I will help you out

07-19-2004, 09:44 PM
also you might consider this to, if you are related to all these police officers(especially your mom, being a state trooper) think about how your actions reflect on them......especially your mom. i am sure she hears all about it at work