View Full Version : 185s won't 185start

07-13-2004, 09:39 PM
my 81 185s won't start. i just put on slightly used coil, cdi box, pick-up sensor, fuel lines(new), spark plug and then i cleaned the carb, and i now have spark. i don't have a compression tester with a small enough plug but i can put my finger over the hole and it feels pretty good. i'm getting gas to the carb but it doesn't even try to start, sputter or fart. i have retarded the timing and still nothing. it doesn't even start with starting fluid. i got it flooded a few times and each time i took out the plug, cleaned it and let the cyclinder air out. it's a pretty good spark at the plug but it acts as if it doesn't fire once i put the plug in. the compresion releases when i used it, but i ussually don't use it at all. i'm sure somebody else has had this problem as getting help on this site is easy.


07-13-2004, 10:16 PM
my atc200 did that so i hooked it to my 4-wheeler and pulled it about 100 feet and it started.

07-13-2004, 10:57 PM
the timing might be off

07-13-2004, 11:11 PM
I also had a friend who had a 185, it wouldn't start, so he towed it with a truck, and by jove, it never started again, timing was off, valve dropped, shattered the piston, and cleaning metal shards out of a bottom end is not worth anyone's time. Towing to bumpstart a bike when it stalls and won't start again? good idea. towing to bumpstart a bike that just doesn't run for an unknown reason? bad idea.
There are things called voltmeters, that can be used to test for electrical probs, clymer manuals show how to do the tests.
have you checked the timing, and actually know how to check it?
are you sure you gapped the plug?
have you ever checked your carb or cleaned it?
also, a big thing i usually find with my 185, is the plug, try a new one. mine used to foul the plug, i'd clean it really good, stick it in, nothing, try again, nothing, new plug, schwing!, fires right up
good luck bud, keep at 'er

84honda 200X
07-14-2004, 01:03 AM
Sounds like your timeing is off 180 degrees. Redo the timeing i but thats your problem

07-14-2004, 05:04 AM
sure all those are valuable suggestions but when you know that you have compression, spark, timing, and fuel yet it won't start; i'll bet you anything your valves are too tight. It's happened to me twice. And the valves/ rockers in the 185s/200s engines are crap too say the least. So loosen em up a bit and see if that helps.

07-14-2004, 05:06 AM
sure all those are valuable suggestions but when you know that you have compression, spark, timing, and fuel yet it won't start; i'll bet you anything your valves are too tight. It's happened to me twice. And the valves/ rockers in the 185s/200s engines are crap too say the least. So loosen em up a bit and see if that helps.

BUt on another note; if you're not using the compression lever to start it, it could be that you need new rings. and you're plugs will foul easy with bad rings

07-19-2004, 02:41 PM
If the keyway on the end of the camshaft has been apart, it may be 180 degrees out. So you would think it was firing on the combustion stroke, when it was actually firing during intake (not good). Everything will look correct timing wise. This is tricky. On the end of the camshaft in the cdi cover,Try taking the magnetic pickup apart from the advance weights, and turn it 180 and put it back in. This one baffled me for almost an hour once. maybe this will help I wish you luck.