View Full Version : 86 atc 350x questions

07-13-2004, 07:47 PM
Hi Guys
I am rebuilding a 86 atc350x motor and I was wondering if I should buy an aftermarket D.I.D. cam (timing)chain or go with an O.E.M. honda cam chain? Has anyone out there have any expierence with D.I.D. or any other aftermarket cam chain and if so, how did the cam chain work, did it fit properly? I was told by one of the honda mechanics that one company basiclly makes all the cam chains for all the different companies selling them.

My second question is should you use your old cam chain if it's in good condition because I NEED to replace my crank bearing because it went on me or should I just get a new cam chain because I heard that once you main crank bearing goes you should replace your cam chain, is this true? Also, has anyone ever bought replacement white maier fenders from Ebay and the fenders are factory blems, and if so how did they fit? Did you have to do alot of cutting or trimming.

350XMAN :beer

07-13-2004, 07:54 PM
I put a D.I.D cam chain in the 86 350x motor that I rebuilt and it worked fine. In my opinion I would replace the original one as it gave 18 years of service. Just consider it cheap insurance since you are in there anyway.

07-13-2004, 08:49 PM
you might as well just put a new DID on it so you dont have to worry about the old one going out and having to take it apart again. just do it now and have no worries

07-13-2004, 09:48 PM
Where do you find DID cam chains? How much are they?

07-14-2004, 12:01 AM
I put a DID timing chain on my atc200 and it runs like a charm :TrikesOwn

07-14-2004, 06:15 AM
Where do you find DID cam chains? How much are they?

I got mine from Dennis Kirk. I think somewhere around $40.