View Full Version : 200X Carb Help!

12-29-2002, 10:47 PM
Ok I will try to keep this brief. I just rebuilt the my entire '84 200X. I got everything together and tried to start it. It started and seemed to run OK, however I can't get it to idle. It will idle (fast) with the choke lever in the middle position and sounds smooth. As soon as I turn off the choke it runs only when throttle is applied. The timing looks good to me, the T is at 12:00 on the rotor, and the CDI is in the fire position dead on. I set the pilot screw at 2 1/4 turns out as stated by the tech manual. It says the idle screw is set at the dealer and gives no reference point to start at. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

12-29-2002, 11:58 PM
Does it run ok with the choke off and giving it a little gas? If so, maybe you just need to idle it up a little. While it's running fast idle with the choke halfway, run the idle screw in until it idles up even faster. Then take the choke off and see if it will idle. If you can't get it to idle up any, you might want to take the carb off and check the pilot jet. It may be stopped up. While you got it off, might as well give the whole thing a good cleaning. Let us know what you find out.

01-02-2003, 03:14 AM
Make sure to closely check the timing advance assembly that is under the CDI cover on the left side of the cylinder. I have seen those springs break and bushings wear out on the fly weights and cause the problem that you describe...good luck