View Full Version : Rad Valve

coyote killer
07-11-2004, 05:29 PM
Would the stock carb on an 81 R work on the rad valve???or is the inlet diameter on the valve to big for the small carb???

07-11-2004, 07:56 PM
it would be pointless to put on with the stock carb on a 81,, its tiny,, it wouldnt work anyways, you MIGHT be able to tighten down the boot enough around the carb, but i sure wouldnt do it.

coyote killer
07-11-2004, 08:04 PM
the only reason why i'm considering one is because my stock boot is cracking....I really doubt if it improves performance enough to notice anyway....I really dont want to go to a larger carb but if I have to I might go to the 30mm carb off of the 83/84 R's.....Any technical help/ideas/advice will be greatly appreciated....thanx!!!!!